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Romania legalizes witchcraft


Out of the closet


Witches rock der Casbah. Especially the sexy ones. (Read: sexy can be nothing more than a state of flirty freedom and frivolous frolicking.)

I don't see what the big deal is...

You wanna hear "dumb?" The UK is moving closer to recognizing the Jedi faith as a religion now. No, really.

And I think that's JUST as cool!

It's a crazy world we live in, and belief and faith are are as interesting, varied, and multi-faceted as our own intimate, scarred, fragile, and beautiful psyches.

Who cares what people believe in, as long as they believe in something?
Mostly the practicianers.
Melodramatic, egotistical, overreactive, immature.
Gothic, neopagan crap.
There are a few people that I like and that do it well, but as a whole, I find them misguided.
Well, we have a coupla snake oil salesmen in this town presenting themselves as Drs. of Holistic Medicine or some such crap, selling "ionized waters" to people dying of breast cancer (saw it with my own eyes). it's legal for them to spout their own "new age crap" - wording things carefully so they won't get sued when the patients die- so I see nothing wrong with legitamizing "witchcraft". There will always be cranks, and as I always say,"Not everybody graduated at the top of the class" - and that includes orthodox medical practioners.
As always, "Caveat Emptor".
I also want to become one with the living Force and retire to some moisture farm on Tatooine! OMG!
Well, look at it this way: is a religion based on a fictional account of a long-ago, far-away farmer with special powers any different than one based on a fictional account of a long-ago, far away carpenter with special powers? Wouldn't Jesus have kicked way more ass with a lightsaber? Those Romans would totally have been his bitches...
He could have been all, "Hey Judas, I find your lack of faith disturbing," and then did the 'I'm squishing your neck' trick. The rest of the apostles would have fallen right into line, then, and left Mary Magdalene in the picture.
ALL organized religions are ridiculous.

My personal theory is that Wicca, along with most organized religions, was created by people suffering from O.C.D. Think about it.

Legalize ALL religions, make NONE of them tax-exempt, then sit back and watch our lives improve.