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Sheehan Arrested

^^I am gonna hug and kiss my son tonight even more than I already do. Thank you for sharing your story, I know I speak for everyone here when I say I feel honored that you'd share something so personal with us.
I don't usually talk about it, for obvious reasons, but a few people around here know. We've all been hanging around here long enough to let me share some stuff. I do love you guys.

If I get testy come September, it's because it's the anniversary of both his death [Sept 6] and his birthday [Sept 10].
Sardonica said:
Wow, Cait. I am so sorry to hear that. :( How old was he? I couldn't even imagine...

He died 4 days before his 15th birthday.

I think I speak for the majority of TK when I say that we'd really prefer to see this in a strictly GAY way...! :bigass:

ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!! Well, sure you [and everyone else on TK] would like to see that. *winks at Laker_Girl and gives her *that* gay love look*

"We screwed up" but wouldn't give his name? My ass, more liberal media bullshit. At least they mentioned that Bill Young's wife was ejected as well for wearing a t-shirt in support of our troops, making it a non-partisan, non-Cindy Sheehan incident. But now, of course, like a good liberal, nutty Sheehan is filing a lawsuit. Gee I wonder if she can get John Edwards to represent her.
And during Clinton's Impeachment hearings, a man was ejected for wearing a shirt that read "Clinton doesn't inhale, he sucks."

There's a time and a place for these sorts of things. On the floor of the House isn't one of them, despite the shitty behavior House members engage in themselves.

And the State of the Union is generally considered a politely non-partisan affair, where even the worst of political enemies come together one night and listen to what their president has to say.

There is such a thing as decorum. Even in times as trying as these, we need to preserve a sense of decorum. Perhaps particularly in times as trying as these, we need to preserve a sense of decorum.
Cait...what can I say? Having almost been in your shoes, I know the depth of sorrow you must have felt.

I am so, so sorry.
Thanks guys. I really mean that, but the main reason I posted that info was to illustrate that a mother who has lost a child can be a loon for a while. Like I said, I was almost catatonic.

And I'll be honest, parents should question officials that use our young sons and daughters as cannon fodder. It has to be done, but the cost is real lives. Those lives are the sons and daughters of real parents.
Cait, I can't even begin to express the logjam of feelings. I will say that we share being blue on Sep. 6th every year, since that was also my late parents' wedding anniversary...I admire your strength, grace, and overall wonderfulness. ;)

Number_6 said:
There is such a thing as decorum. Even in times as trying as these, we need to preserve a sense of decorum. Perhaps particularly in times as trying as these, we need to preserve a sense of decorum.

Ah yes, that's the crux of the administration's stance: fuck the Bill of Rights, there's a war going on for some reason, the reason gets fuzzier as time goes by but TRUST US, the reason that will go into the history books will come once we clear it through the lawyers. In the meantime, sit down, shut up and don't ask questions.

Oh, and we're reading your email and tapping your phone because you have a beard, even though you're Irish. And we saw you carrying a backpack on the corner of 6th and 23rd with the traffic camera. But don't worry, once we let you out of holding in a month you'll know the system works to keep you safe from Osama...Osama...what was his name again, it's been so long...
Thankee! Although my point was really what I posted a page ago, that "decorum" has a much broader description in our current environment, to include disagreeing with anything anyone says who looks like a nice, neat, conservative, even if they are a complete loon, because the Revelation President has their back.
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Cait, I can't even begin to express the logjam of feelings. I will say that we share being blue on Sep. 6th every year, since that was also my late parents' wedding anniversary...I admire your strength, grace, and overall wonderfulness. ;)

Ah yes, that's the crux of the administration's stance: fuck the Bill of Rights, there's a war going on for some reason, the reason gets fuzzier as time goes by but TRUST US, the reason that will go into the history books will come once we clear it through the lawyers. In the meantime, sit down, shut up and don't ask questions.

Oh, and we're reading your email and tapping your phone because you have a beard, even though you're Irish. And we saw you carrying a backpack on the corner of 6th and 23rd with the traffic camera. But don't worry, once we let you out of holding in a month you'll know the system works to keep you safe from Osama...Osama...what was his name again, it's been so long...

Fuck off, Eggs. Maintaining a sense of decorum for what amounts to perhaps two hours total is not going to result in the collapse of democracy.
I know you meant just during the state of the union, I was talking about the general climate and you know it.

"Fuck off" is not necessary.
Well, okay then. Your post made it sound like you were accusing me of requiring such decorum 24/7, something I would never advocate.

Though I do think it's high time that Cindy Sheehan went home. All told, I think I'd rather listen to Michael Moore.