eloisel Forever Empress E Aug 17, 2010 #3,683 and people were shouting avast, ahoy, astern, port this ...
eloisel Forever Empress E Aug 17, 2010 #3,692 Which explained the two guys that barely got off their ships in time because they had to get their inflatables from under their beds.
Which explained the two guys that barely got off their ships in time because they had to get their inflatables from under their beds.
eloisel Forever Empress E Aug 17, 2010 #3,693 Couldn't let the plastic of their dreams sink to the depths where they'd be left to darkness and fish poo.
Couldn't let the plastic of their dreams sink to the depths where they'd be left to darkness and fish poo.
eloisel Forever Empress E Aug 17, 2010 #3,694 That's why I left instructions not to be buried at sea.
eloisel Forever Empress E Aug 17, 2010 #3,697 Can you imagine what they would do to my corpse before they ate me?