Spartacus: War of the Damned


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Wow, that was a really dark episode of Sparty. I suppose they're preparing us for the end, which will be terrible and sad, probably. I just want Sparty to go off and live forever, WITH ME.

Tiberius has a cute butt. I hated his scenes though, that was hard to watch. Crassus continues to be awesome, the actor is awesome, ALSO DONGS.

Still not feeling Caesar. All the unshorn stuff makes sense now, but doesn't really make sense that they'd keep that from the audience. When he showed up in the city, I didn't feel particularly surprised by it. Maybe because the feeling of DOOM is too strong.

Crixus is doing some great crazy face acting. In the story of Spartacus Crixus and Sparty have differences and part ways, so I guess they're going to stick with the real story on that.


Is this real life?
I suppose I'm glad they're following the history books, but I find all the tension between Sparty, Crixus and occasionally Angron* a bit wearisome. It just feels like they would've had a proper sit down and figured out their differences long ago, rather than constantly being on the brink of killing eachother in a roid rage.

*I'm calling him Angron now because he ALWAYS looks angry.

If Roman soldiers are so great, how did it take them so long to kill those defenseless guys? I was expecting Tiberius to immediately smash his friend's head in out of mercy, but they were all doing body blows that were prolonging the guy's torment. It was really sad, though.

Crassus's cock was unexpected.

Speaking of which... "unleash cock... and see it severed!"

Anyway, good episode over all, because Sparty is always good. It's about the only show I can watch nowadays without looking at my phone at some point.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Saw the last 30 minutes of it. NIVEA NEEDS TO GO WHEN SHE HIT GANNICUS WITH THAT ROCK I WAS SCREAMING YOU BETTER NOT HAVE BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was rough with Crassus' son and the friend. Poor dude.

Watching Caesar and what he's doing, I keep hearing Xena talk about his divide and conquer mindset. WHEN IN DOUBT ALWAYS USES XENA AS CAESAR REFERENCES


Touching the monolith
Staff member
OMG guys, there are only 5 episodes left! :(

I loved this one, lots of slo mo fight scenes.

I did not see that coming, Tiberius! You are a jerk. You have no one to blame for your friend's death but yourself, MOFO.

Manu Bennett's acting really has improved a lot since the first season of Sparty. I remember laughing at his hilarious face acting back then, but his face acting is much better now. I think Crixus has gone past the point of no return, mentally, which is understandable. At least there wasn't a lot of Naevia in this episode. Loved it when Crixus jumped down into the battle. FUCKING PIRATES ARGGGGGG :rwmad: I guess they're not going to stick to the historical accounts, which were always iffy anyway. I hope Crixus and Sparty do fight together until the end. In the real stories, Crixus and some Germans separate from Sparty, and then Crixus is killed in a battle. I thought this was where the story was heading, since they were pretty much setting it up that way throughout the last few episodes.

Fucking Crassus is hot, imo! I bet Kore never tells him Tiberius raped her.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
The last 15 minutes of the show I'm screaming NO GANNICUS NOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT TONIGHT because I felt they were setting it up for his death a little TOO MUCH in this episode. I don't know if I'll be able to handle that moment. :(

Poor Kore! And in the preview for next week you see Tiberius smirking at her. YOU LITTLE SHIT

Cassie. I agree with you that Crassus is HOT, LoL. I don't know what is it about him, but...yeah.

It's funny watching the fight scenes with Caesar since you know he doesn't die here so I gotta wonder when he's fighting AN IMPORTANT CHARACTER will they die? Like when he and Gannicus started fighting I was like THIS IS IT


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Crassus has a super hot body, but he has such a stern face, but then he really seems to love Kore, so I think that is why we find him super hot. I DON'T KNOW.

Yeah, every time Caesar fights one of the main characters I think it's going to be their time to die. I was worried about Gannicus and Argon there at the gate. There are some people on the internet who think Gannicus will survive, but his German gf won't, and that he will go off and have a lovely life with the girl who thinks he's a superstar. Probably won't happen! PREPARE FOR HEARTACHE!

I thought for sure Sparty and the Roman woman would make sexy time, but I guess not. I just wanted to see him naked again :rwmad:


Is this real life?
If it was any other show I'd bet money that the girl would somehow die protecting Gannicus, or in same way due to her attraction to him. But Sparty doesn't tend to take the most obvious route, so who knows. She could equally be the last survivor at the end, survey the bodies of our heroes.

I felt the same way everytime Caesar fought someone. It makes it feel like more of a mistake that they brought him in. If they really wanted Caesar in the show they could've done it some other way. He feels out of place in every way.

I'd been wondering why they kept showing Crassus and Kore sexing it up... it was like "ok, we get it. They have sex a lot!" Shouldn't have asked!

The shot of the bead of sweat dropping from Crassus onto her face was rather artistic.

Also that shot of a sword twirling through the air into Caesar's hand.

I'm not too clear on where all the non-main characters have fled to? Wherever it is Crassus's lookouts should have seen the huge trail of people so hopefully they're on the move.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I think since in the past we loved the Roman shenanigans so much that the writers have tried to squeeze as much into this last season as they could, but really it all just kind of seems out of place. I'm not really interested in the rivalry between Tiberius and Caesar, so this episode wasn't one of my favorites. NOT ENOUGH SPARTY, MOFOS :rwmad: It was still good, because there was lots of Gannicus, but I feel like they're drawing the story out sometimes with uninteresting Roman stuff.

If Tisiphone spoils herself by reading this before watching SHE CAN BREATHE A SIGH OF RELIEF. But you know they're all going to die soon, anyway. THEY'RE DOOMED. But maybe Sparty and the Roman woman (can't remember her name right now) will have their chance to get naked now that she's been sold into slavery. Crassus is a hard ass! I wonder if he'll find out about Tiberius and Kore before the show's over, I wouldn't be surprised if he kills Tiberius.


Is this real life?
I enjoyed it because it's Sparty and every episode is better than any other show. I think I'll actually miss this a lot more than I would if GoT had been cancelled. It's just so damned entertaining and it always looks incredible.

Having said that... I defo agree about Caesar and The Boy. I mean, I'm marginally more on Caesar's side since The Boy's a rapist, but we know Caesar's in no danger and he hasn't been developed enough for us to care even if he was.

Anyway, nice to have some time with Gannicus. The horse ride had me grinning and the music was perfect during that scene! It was like it'd suddenly turned into Zorro. Didn't make any sense that he was able to take on ALL of those guards at the gate, but hey ho.

The bit where they were stretching that guy was the first time I've actually almost had to look away. Normally I just think "ooh, how creative!" as with the pirate's silly poker death. But this was made worse because you know it would've really happened to people. And they really drew it out!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
YES! I watched the drawn and quartering (whatever it's called) scene through my fingers. That was awful.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Yeah, that's why I fast-forward thru parts of the show, I skip the extreme, lurid, explicit violence and go straight to the nudity.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Caesar looks like he's about 16 now that he's clean-shaven again.

Touching girl bushes!!!! Wonder how much they have to glue onto these ladies.

Oh Gannicus, I thought for sure you'd be killed BUT I'M HAPPY TO SEE YOU SURVIVE ANOTHER EPISODE

I think Tiberius underestimates Crassus's feelings for him. Kore and he love each other so much, I think Crassus would see through Tiberius telling him that she "comforted" him. Especially since she was bawling in his arms about how happy she was to be back with him.



Touching the monolith
Staff member
They did such a great job making the rebels look miserable and cold. I can't imagine running around in a codpiece and a cape in a blizzard, lol.

FUCK, I am glad Agron cut Castus free, I was getting sick of him being pissed all the time. Crixus is a maniac, but he's a sexy maniac. Gannicus and Sybil finally DID IT. It's hard to feel bad for Saxa, because the show never really paid much attention to her. I feel like we know Sybil better than Saxa already.

I was completely taken by surprise when Kore joined the rebels. I thought for sure she was going to tell on Tiberius, or kill him, SOMETHING. I have a feeling that Tiberius is going to die before it's all over with. I don't think the real Marcus Crassus actually had a son named Tiberius, but it's hard to tell.


Is this real life?
Kore joining the rebels made me wonder what she'd told Caesar. Presumably, she's joined them so she can destroy them from the inside, but why not share that with Caesar?

Tiberius is SUCH a little shit.

Sparty and Crassus's schemes within schemes remind me of a book I'm reading at the moment... :p

It's really hard to tell how many people each side actually has now. I take it Crassus's main force is in the city, but Sparty went from having a pretty large encampment to really just the main characters at the end. I'm not sure how much Sparty's small force is due to people being killed, and how much is to do people being off screen due to the budget.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I saw an interview with the actor who plays Tiberius. I became aroused.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
^He looks like Young Spock from "The Search for Spock".

All I know is that I came in late Friday night, turned it on and first scene is Spartacus searching the blizzard for Gannicus, then the cut scene is someone coughing up blood and I was like 'NOOOO NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR HIM TO DIE WHEN I JUST TURN THE DAMNED TV ON

But it was just that silly woman obsessed with him.


Is this real life?
A lot of people are disappointed in him for shagging her, but they were shagging for warmth. That doesn't count as cheating!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
She did have some nice breastses.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
OOOOOOOHHHH, HEARTBREAK! We all knew these things were going to happen, but STILL it was one of the few times this show has caused me to tear up. They gave Crixus a proper sendoff. I have really come to enjoy him as a character even more this season, than when he was an asshole to Sparty in the first season. They kinda shortchanged Agron, though. I would have rather him have more screen time than the terrible scenes with the Romans.

I loved the over the top fight scenes in this one, they gave Crixus and his followers a proper grandness... and BOWLING FOR ROMANS! lol that was great and a bit camp, but we love the camp stuff. Even Naevia was good, good face acting at the end.

Speaking of the terrible scenes... I just don't get the Caesar stuff. Having Tiberius rape him seemed so out of place. Like I can't imagine that happening to Caesar at all, especially by that jumped up little shit. This is my biggest complaint for the entire series, they really dropped the ball with the Romans this season. Crassus has been great, but the rest of the Romans have been disappointing. I guess we'll get a satisfyingly brutal death for Tiberius before the show's over, but I don't know if I will even care that much. In past seasons there has been a layer of humor over the brutality, but I didn't think it was funny that Caesar couldn't sit on a horse, it just fell flat.

Sparty and Laeta finally got jiggy with it, but it didn't last long enough :rwmad: I loved the going away party scenes, and all the goodbyes between Sparty and Crixus. It was all really heartfelt and the foreshadowing of doom for Crixus made it all sweeter.

I really have no idea if Spartacus will survive. In the histories his body was never found, so it's possible they could give us that little bit of hope at the end, instead of totally ripping our hearts out. I am anxious to see how it all ends, but at the same time I hate that the show will be over forever.

“We built their mighty republic, with our hands and our blood and our lives. And we can see it fall, at equal cost. You opened my eyes to this, Spartacus, do not ask me now to close them.”