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Spartacus: War of the Damned


Oh, Agron. We had our time together. Me thinking you were a bit of a bitch, then seeing you in real life on The Soup, I fell in lust. You're just adorable AND YOU DESERVED A BETTER DEATH

I wished Naevia would have been allowed to die with Crixus. From the previews, it looks like they're letting her go. As a warning?? Who knows.

And yes, the rape scene...WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE??? And that those two guys would just stand there and let it happen and not think it's a bit weird? Caesar shouldn't have gone to Tiberius with what he knew. Maybe we're seeing how Caesar turns into such an untrustyworthy person, because he got ass raped by a Vulcan.
I made a similar comment about the rape scene over on and now I'm having Roman attitudes about gay sex mansplained to me, even when I try to explain to them that rape isn't "gay sex". People are idiots.
Maybe we should get a group together and do some 'splainin' of our own at Otherwise, it sounds like Whoopie Goldberg on "The Voice" 'splanin' "there's rape and then there's rape-rape." I dunno, I thought there was ony one.

Gratuitous rape scene that did not advance the plot. But, like most of the battle scenes, the excessive blood bags were over the top.
I agree with you all. It was a really bittersweet episode. The going away scenes were some of the best acted of the whole show (except for scenes with John Hannah and some of the other actors who were hired on acting abilities more than looks). Everyone really brought their A game, and Crixus and Agron stood out for me. Really emotional scenes and Crixus's speech was perfectly written.

The final battle was very well done, as we've come to expect, but I have to say I'm ticked off that Tiberius (who didn't even exist in real life!) played such a large role in events. I didn't need Agron's death to be spectacular or drawn out, but I think he kind of deserved to be felled by an equal. Not some character from a discarded Desperate Housewives script. If they'd had Caesar kill Agron and Crixus I would've been ok with that, because while I'm not crazy about Caesar being in the show, he is at least fighting for a cause, as they are. It would be more fitting than dying at the hands of a daddy complex.

And the rape was ridiculous. I suppose this as dumb a thing to say as the crap those people on are coming out with... but Caesar doesn't get raped. He just doesn't!

And the horse joke... *facepalm* It was funny, but it was beneath this show. It's fine to have your characters make fun of rape because that's the world they live in and they can be good or bad people, with no reflection on the writers, but to almost break the fourth wall and have the show as a whole laugh at rape... that just doesn't sit well (NOT meant to be a pun there).

Anyway, the Romans couldn't take anything away from the awesomeness of the rest of the episode. Fantastic writing, acting, visuals. I would trade another season of Spartacus for all the Game of Thrones to come.
I love this episode, I'm so glad they let us have one final gladiator experience before THEY ALL DIE.

They really know how to give the audience what it wants. Seeing Tiberius' face every time one of his men got his ass kicked was so GOOD. AND even though I haven't really enjoyed Caesar much, I really liked his craftiness and how they showed the smirk on his face while he was tricking Crassus and Tiberius.

Naevia is another character I haven't enjoyed much this season, but I have to say that she really improved the last two episodes. I haven't ever really felt that her being a warrior was very believable, for various reasons, but having her go against Tiberius and have a difficult time, yet still win all felt right somehow. Also, the actress did a good job with her grief and anger. I was afraid for a minute that she would carry Crixus head around forever. lol I was glad she had it in her to choose saving 500 people over taking revenge.

The games to honor the rebel dead were so good. I like how they cut away to Sparty and Gannicus when they explained the way of the gladiators. I liked how Laeta explained that she only turned away from the gore, not the meaning.

There were rumors that it was Agron being crucified in the previews, so those were right. I'm glad he survived, even if he's pretty much ruined as a fighter. Maybe he will escape and find freedom with Nasir across the mountains. WHO KNOWS.
This episode seemed to go on for hours... which with Spartacus is a good thing!

If it was most other shows this could've been a filler episode, but instead they made it totally worthwhile. The staging of the games was great and I liked the way they showed how Naevia and Nasir in particular had developed their skills. I couldn't quite bring myself to feel sorry for Tiberius, but I must say his reactions were very credible as his fellow Romans were whittled down. It was also really good to have an opportunity to see New Sparty's way of acting out arena scenes. The frequent smirks and playfulness were quite different from how Andy Whitfield tended to act in the arena, but I liked it as it was reminiscent of how sportsmen today tend to look when they're winning.

I was initially pleasantly surprised to see Agron back, but it seems kind of pointless if he can't fight. *shrug* Maybe he'll have the sole happy ending.

I think I joined Team Caesar about the same time Tiberius's cock entered him. I'm glad their bickering is finally over for the rest of the seaso... what? There's only one episode left?!

Sparty's kill where his swords came out of the guy's eyes may be in my top ten Sparty deaths. I shouted an "OMG" at the screen!

The ending was just about perfect. It's really impressive how they can have something as poetic as Crixus's name being cheered one last time in a gladiatorial arena without it seeming at all forced. It was completely fitting and it made me go all wobbly.

I almost don't want the last episode to come...
Kore was also really great. I loved it when she taunted Tiberius. I was really sad for her when Crassus told her to call him dominus.

People keep talking about a spin off based on Caesar, but Steven DeKnight has said a few times on Twitter that he won't be involved in any spin offs. I don't know if the show would have been so good without him.
To echo Cassie, I fucking loved this episode. The scene at the end where they all start calling out the fallen names, I expected Gannicus to say Animeous (I can't remember how to spell his name).

I've sorta been on the Caesar bandwagon, but tonight cemented it. The facial expressions, especially with the fake envoy, were great. And I think the "You mad bitch" scream at Kore was just for show. He was planning on killing Tiberius in their journey, you could tell.

I too was surprised to see Agron. I thought his throat had been split.

And yes, I too felt bad for Kore when Crassus said "From now on, you will call me Dominus." Awwwwwwwwwwww!! After he started crying and then kissed her so lovingly. Will he still fuck her? Or is she now just a slave in his eyes, and not a trusted friend and lover.
I think Caesar was genuinely incensed at Kore killing Tiberius, but only because he thought it meant the rebels had no need to keep him alive anymore.

You've got me wondering about those envoys now. I forget, but did they actually speak face to face with Crassus? And if so, why didn't they attempt to kill him right there? As far as they were concerned they had the element of surprise.
There was only a couple guys from the fake envoy who got close to Crassus. That really nervous acting guy, and maybe there was another with him, but I can't remember. There was probably not a very good chance they'd get to Crassus before being cut down.

End of the best show ever. Give up, television! You can't make anything better!

I was on the edge of my seat biting my nails and having to blink away tears towards the end. The battle scenes were incredible... better than most movies... I guess having four years of emotional investment helps, but even so the effects were almost flawless.

The only letdown anywhere was Luda's (or something... the big German guy) death, which was an ok idea, but just got a bit too camp with the "fuck your mothers!" subtitle.

Sad to see Ganny go, but he got his wish of protecting thingybob. His capture was really well done. He was like a wild animal beating against its cage.

Not so bothered by Naevia's death as she's never been on of my faves, but I did like how easily Caesar took her down, which was precisely what you would expect in real life.

I was really pleased that Kore got a chance to explain everything to Crassus, as it looked as though he might kill her without the truth ever coming out. Putting her to death at the end was a big shock, but I guess it goes to show how committed he was to the cause.

Letting Andy Whitfield have the last word was fantastic and the perfect ending to the perfect ending.
It was so emotional. I tortured myself and watched it again, and it's epicness didn't dim.

The credits; I can't get over how brilliant they were. I can't stop watching them. Joseph LoDuca is a GOD and has managed to make me cry since the Xena days.

The only death that sorta surprised me was Kor. But as soon as I saw that look in Crassus's eyes when he was hugging her, I got a bad feeling. Even though she had left out of fear of Tiberius and what he would do to her, not to aid the rebellion, she had still technically betrayed him by going off with Spartacus, so as a Roman, he did what he must.

And is it just me, or was Cibil holding her stomach in a maternal way in the final scene before they all walk off into the sunset? BABY GANNICUS?!?!?

Liam McIntyre's acting has always been outstanding, but this time it was so raw and powerful. The scene of him fighting his way towards Crassus, and the looks he gives him each time he mows another Roman down were so great.

I knew Gannicus would die, and I couldn't have been happier with his death. A warrior until the end, and I loved how both times Caesar tried to fight him, he got bitch slapped. He never could have taken him down in single combat. NEVER

Hate that the show is over, but know I'll eventually own the entire series on DVD.