I want to smell dark matter
I like how this one is all "THIS TIME IT'S PERSONAL" when the previous movie villain killed Kirk's dad and Spock's mum.
Back when TNG had an open writing policy I was tempted to write an episode where Trois mum married Riker's dad.
Got as far as getting the writers guide sent to me, but then there was a massive list of things you couldn't write an episode about, specifically mentioning both those characters.
This is the plot of four of the six seasons of Gossip Girl.But your story (idea) would've made Troi & Riker "siblings". What would happen later were THEY to get married? Troi'd already have Riker as her last name. Reminds me, briefly ODO was Troi's (step)father. Remember that?
Did you participate in the SNW Contests back when PB was having them? They were somewhat similar &/or analogous to what you describe here & your experience back when TNG had their open writing policy.
But your story (idea) would've made Troi & Riker "siblings". What would happen later were THEY to get married? Troi'd already have Riker as her last name. Reminds me, briefly ODO was Troi's (step)father. Remember that?