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Star Trek 12 news/countdown thread

That's certainly feasible, supposing they could perform surgery on him without his skin constantly restoring itself..

Also the restoration thing could be something they did to him to make sure his body could never return to its original look, as its not something we ever saw originally.

Khan had "six times your strength" but Kirk still batter the shit out of him with a cooling rod.
The problem isn't really a continuity issue, as the reboot has shown many times that things just plain look different in these new films. The problem with Cumberbatch as Khan is they took a role that could have been played by a non-white actor, and made it a while role, which is a problem that exists all throughout Hollywood at the moment.
The only actor I can think of that would've borne any similarity to Montalban and been good in the role is Javier Bardem, and he was presumably busy with Bond at the time. Admittedly, there must be many more actors I simply haven't heard of, but I struggle to imagine anyone doing a better job than Cumberbatch. Once they saw his audition they would've been crazy to hire anyone else.

Might IMF's
Paris have been Shanghaied onto the Botany Bay back in 1996? By Khan &/or some other Augment? Because HE made too realistic masks for a living. Or maybe Paris made Khan that Cucumberbatch mask as a Halloween present one year, & Khan kept it for laughs, & brought it on the BB as a carry-on?

As for the name John Harrison? A name Khan made up out of fat air back in 1994/1995 as his username on/for the now ancient usenet boards. Came in handy again in Abrams' 23rd Century didn't it?

Paris & Spock Prime would get along just Jim Dandy!

"That reviewer in CaptainWacky's link is a nerdfooter!:no:

I am a GENIUS! I am the GREATEST Writing Mind of our age."
This is my take on it. Copied from the thread at ASVS.

OK. First, let me say that the cinematography and CGI was truly amazing. I saw it in 3D at the IMAX. The sound was fantastic, and the 3D was great without being overpowering. That being said, I'm going to have to watch it several more times to get all the details and nuances due to the pure sensory overload.

The actors have certainly matured since the previous film. They seemed to have their roles a bit better in mind. Many people objected to the love story between Spock and Uhura as being very un-Spocklike. I disagree. Spock has always had to struggle with his Human side vs. his Vulcan side. It was part and parcel of his character. It always has been. In the last film, the incursion of Nero caused enough disruption, that his life took different priorities. He never was able to develop in the peaceful atmosphere that his counterpart in the Prime Universe did. Thus, he had less chance to master his struggle. The complete loss of control after Kirk's "death" was quite interesting. I could actually see him doing this in the Prime Universe, had the circumstances been right.

Kirk was spot on, and when you really think about it, his unrestrained side had been tempered in the Prime Universe because of the influence of his father. He was deprived of this influence in the Alternate Universe, so his chaotic side was given more free reign, but he was still the same Kirk at the core.

Checkov was still comic relief, but then he always was. Be honest.

Sulu really got to shine a bit more, and I could see many of his qualities from the Prime Universe show up in his character. Especially the scene where he threatened John Harrison. He became a bit of a badass.

Bones was Bones. Spot on, just as he was in the last film.

I was slightly disappointed with the treatment they game Mr. Scott's character. I felt they didn't take him as seriously as they did in TOS. That being said, he was still the genius we all know and love.

Khan. Why Abrams felt he needed to bring Khan into this one, I don't know. I so wanted this film to not have Khan in it. However, the treatment he gave him was very good. In fact, I felt that he mirrored the character in the Greg Cox novels "The Eugenics Wars" very well. If any books should be made canon, it's those. We got to see a lot more of his motivations. He was less of a two dimensional cardboard character than we saw in TOS and TWoK. I really think it would have been a more interesting twist had they make Khan a good guy, and had him work together with the Enterprise then become part of Starfleet later on. Having two sets of villains was interesting, but too predictable. Plus the reactor scene with Spock and Kirk reversed, and Spock yelling KHHHHAAAANNNNNN!!!! was really unnecessary and made me cringe. They should have left that out. Srsly, Abrams. What the hell were you thinking? However, I must say they explained rather well why he was where he was and why. Nero's incursion into this universe really did cause a great deal of upset. Starfleet became much more militaristic, their ships were far bigger and more powerful. Their weapons much more advanced, and their drive systems were wicked fast. They took Mr. Scott's Transwarp beaming technology and created Transwarp drives which rivaled anything we saw in TNG. Because of this, Section 31 became bolder and explored further into the galaxy where they happened upon Khan and his fellow supermen. Interestingly enough, in the conversation with Admiral Marcus, we see models of Starfleet ships on a shelf, and the NX-01 was among them.

Speaking of technology, the accuracy of warp drives was amazing. The Vengeance came out of warp probably 100 meters from the Enterprise to a dead stop. Impressive. The toughness of the ships was also amazing. The Vengeance survived a re-entry after having taken a lot of damage, looking roughly the same as it did in space.

Many people say of the Alternate Universe that there is too much emphasis on action. That this isn't what Star Trek was all about. We have to remember, that just like in the Mirror Universe, the reality and priorities of this universe are very different. In the Mirror Universe, the Terran Empire was reacting to threats from aggressive powers in the area. This affected their mindset much more than we saw in the Prime Universe. The same with the Alternate Universe, but to a lesser degree. Starfleet still had the same focus, but they had different realities to deal with. It makes sense when you stop and think about it.

In short, Star Trek has never stayed the same. Every series had a different theme and feel to it. TOS was frontier exploration. Cowboy diplomacy, and fly by the seat of your pants. TNG was exploration of the human spirit, diplomacy, and a real fleshing out of the Federation. DS9 was a war series, plain and simple showing life on the front lines. VOY was a Star Trek version of "Lost in Space" showing a ship and crew making the best of a hopeless situation. ENT showed Starfleet in its infancy with all the struggles of standing on your own two feet in the galactic community.

I feel that this film stays with the grand tradition of Trek, adapting to the times. The Alternate Universe is a great way to explore some of the "What if" scenarios that we may have thought of.

Now, being that Abrams has apparently left the Trek franchise entirely, it will be interesting to see if the next director continues in the Alternate Universe, or returns to stories in the Prime Universe. There is no doubt that any future Trek series will be set in the Prime Universe due to licensing issues.

I LOVED the fact that Nimoy was in this film as well. It was a very pleasant surprise, and added to the connection between the Prime Universe and the Alternate Universe.

In conclusion, I think it was a great film, and one that I will watch multiple times when it comes out on Blu-Ray. Abrams certainly isn't perfect with his films, and some things he does makes me squirm in my seat, but I feel that the hate directed at him is more than he deserves. After all, Insurrection and UPN's horrible business decisions regarding cancelling ENT almost killed Trek. Abrams brought it back, and for that he should be appreciated.
I wonder what Admiral Marcus Prime was like:phpquestion: Assuming he was even in Starfleet(?). Btw, I haven't caught STiD yet. Adm Marcus IS a dead ringer for John Frederick Paxton. Perhaps Paxton's his grandather:phpquestion:

Can we all just stop using spoiler code now? It's been out long enough. SO LONG THAT NOW EVEN I'VE SEEN IT.

So yeah, I enjoyed it but also it was pretty dumb? That's probably the best way to sum it up. I mean it looks amazing. And that is important since it's a movie and you watch movies with your eyes! So I don't think it's shallow to praise the cinematography and the CGI and the action. No complaints really about any of that.

But yeah, even just the opening scene has so many dumb bits that I couldn't help trying to note them all to list them on a message board later. Why was the Enterprise actually under water? Maybe they explained it with one quick line but I missed it if they did. How did they GET under water without the aliens noticing? Why didn't they just beam Spock's "cold bomb" into the volcano? Why were Kirk and Bones on the planet hanging a scroll from a tree? Well, whatever, it was still visually exciting and the music was great and everything...

Then Pike tells Kirk off and it's a good scene because he's right. Kirk is a cadet again! Except the very next scene he's back up to Commander. Then Pike dies (and this was a good scene too and Bruce Greenwood will be missed in STAR TREK KLINGON WAR) and Kirk's a captain again! Well, that was fast. But I get that Admiral Evil put Kirk back in command becaue he's a hothead and he was hoping this would start a war with the Klingons, so I guess that's fine (though now I'm not sure what the point of him being demoted was in the first place.) Don't know why Admiral Dickface decided to put the torpedos with the frozen people inside on the Enterprise though. Kind of a big slip-up!

Carol Marcus is in the movie and her voice is nice but I don't really see the point of her being Admiral Scum's daughter (I bet Lindelof put that in.) The one scene where they talk to each other is ruined by a ridiculously distracting lensflare.

But still it's entertaining enough and there's Klingons (well we only really see one's face?) and then those poor Klingons on a routine patrol are brutally murdered by our heroes and Khan.

So, Khan. He's Khan. Cumberbatch was good with what he was given...but why we had Khan? He could have just been John Harrison (and still been an augment or whatever to explain his powers) and the movie wouldn't have been any worse. Actually it would have been better. It's like they took this standard movie villain and decided to say "HE'S KHAN" to make him feel more important. He doesn't really do anything all that Khan-like. He doesn't talk about being 300 years (they really should have made it 200) out of time. He doesn't talk about how he used to rule half the world. He doesn't talk about how he's having problems thinking three dimensionally. The whole Khan backstory isn't needed at all.

Then they start taking scenes from Wrath of Khan and they just feel silly. Simon Pegg has some amusing lines but he can't say "you better get down here" as well as James Doohan and the moment he said it brought me right out of the scene and they never got me back. then Qunto shouts "KHAAAAAAN!" and I just wanted to laugh and yeah everyone's already said this.

So San Fransisco is smashed up a bit (lucky that GIANT FUCKING STARSHIP didn't go into warp core breach when it crash landed, eh?) Kirk DIES and is brought back by magic blood (set up in a really clumsy fashion with the "OH I'M JUST INJECTING BLOOD INTO THIS TRIBBLE" scene) and...neither of these events seem to matter as the film's over. I mean if you're going to have Kirk DIE and come back at least have a scene with him talking about it. But I guess that would have slowed the movie down and if there's one thing this movie is not it's slow.

Did Kirk learn responsibility? I guess, but they could have shown this without copy and pasting a scene from TWOK. At least Spock got to learn that it's okay to be angry when a friend dies!

So yeah, there's really a lot to say and it's negative but again I did actually like watching it for the most part. It just probably won't stay with me.

The cast are good. Bones is funny but his dialogue was starting to annoy me slightly by the end (even after Kirk tells him to drop the metaphors.) Zoe Saldana is good but are Spock and Uhura still together at the end? That didn't seem resolved...Cumberbatch strong as already mentioned...Simon Pegg good at comedy scenes (I'm sure I heard some groaning when he first spoke but he got the most laughs too) and I liked when Keenser resigned to show support. But they should have had Keenser with him on the Vengeance, damn it...I'm just mentioning random things now.

The way the Enterprise's transporter NEVER works annoyed me. Sometimes shields block transporter beams, somteimes they don't (how did Marcus beam Carol off the bridge?) And there's a transporter that can instantly take Khan from Earth to "Kronos"? Really? Couldn't they just have him beam onto a ship or something? What's to stop Starfleet building thousands of these and eliminating starships entirely?

Why did Carol lead Kirk onto a shuttle, then take her clothes off and say "don't look" other than so they could put her in her underwear in the trailer? (Answer: there is no other reason.) I'd rather see her hook up with Bones now.

I wish they'd just had Kirk doing the "these are the voyages..." speech in voiceover at the end rather than him saying "HERE ARE SOME VERY SPECIAL WORDS NOW" first, but maybe they think voiceovers confuse modern movie-goers or somthing.

The Vengeance attacking the Enterprise at warp look realy cool but probably didn't make sense.

There was a guy on the Enterprise bridge who was kind of like LOBOT so that's cool.

I like flying cars.

So yeah this review's just going to fizzle out here. KIND OF LIKE THE MOVIE.
They should have got Sasha Roiz to play Khan, MAYBE?

Still haven't seen the movie, but I've opened all the SPOILERS.
I don't think you can really be spoiled anyway, the movie basically spoils itself as it goes along. It becomes quite obvious that Cumberbatch is Khan long before he actually says "My name... IS KHAN!!" in a big growly voice, and as Wacky mentioned, there's a stupid "oh gee, this blood can bring stuff back from the dead!" bit that tells you someone's going to die and come back from the dead and then 30 minutes later Kirk goes into the dilithium chamber thing, so you know who's going to die and why it won't be permanent.
It was obvious it was Khan before I saw the movie. My local theater had a TWOK/STiD double feature on opening night.