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Star Trek Picard season 3

Well, they'll call it a DeLorean. It'll actually be a Mazda Miata. And if anybody points out that it's not a DeLorean, Kelsey Grammer will get on Twitter and sneer about "toxic fans."
I don't know about the rest of you, but I've certainly been able to hold a grudge over a betrayal 30 years ago, especially after being ghosted after the fact. So Jean-Luc's grudge against Ro rings true to me somehow.

Or maybe I'm just an asshole. I dunno.

I don't mind him still being personally hurt by Ro's betrayal, it was his specific "you betrayed us to the TERRORIST ENEMY" language which didn't ring true at all to me.
I thought they might've mentioned the destruction of The Maquis, at least. Picard certainly didn't show any sympathy in that regard.

Also - she left The Maquis and turned herself in, if I correctly recall. I wonder when? Was she still with them when Eddington was one the rise? Did she tap out when Cardassia joined The Dominion? When she flipped in Preemptive Strike, it was early days, with the events of the episode closely aligned with DS9's S2 Maquis two-parter. That leaves The Maquis an approx. 3-year window of activity before The Dominion wiped them out. I wonder what changed for her?
I thought they might've mentioned the destruction of The Maquis, at least. Picard certainly didn't show any sympathy in that regard.

Also - she left The Maquis and turned herself in, if I correctly recall. I wonder when? Was she still with them when Eddington was one the rise? Did she tap out when Cardassia joined The Dominion? When she flipped in Preemptive Strike, it was early days, with the events of the episode closely aligned with DS9's S2 Maquis two-parter. That leaves The Maquis an approx. 3-year window of activity before The Dominion wiped them out. I wonder what changed for her?

Yeah I would have thought she'd have stayed with the Maquis until the end then been arrested. Unless there was still some scarpes of Maquis around after Cardassia joined the Dominion and still fighting and she thought "okay this is dumb now."
And now, a moment of silence for Trek fans who tragically OD'ed after tonight's episode of Picard.


Season 1 was swing and miss, but the final scene between Data and Picard was one of the highlights. Data made a choice to die. Everyone respected that choice - everyone, except his flesh bro Alton who fucking resurrected him, apparently.
The "looking at all the franchise's hero ships" bit did feel a little... ham-fisted... I get what they were going for; an attempt to tie KurtzmanTrek into genuine Star Trek. But it felt pretty 'fan-film-ish' just the same.
Yeah, they are really laying on the nostalgia thick. I'm mostly okay with that but it does get a little cringey sometimes. I've never really been one to dissect the minutiae of this shit anyway as long as they tell an interesting story. I'm hoping this season doesn't fall apart like the previous two did, but who knows.

I will say it's been kind of a kick seeing the regulars back together again and they all seem to be bringing their A-Game acting-wise. Levar Burton in this last ep was pretty amazing.
I'm perfectly fine with the fanservice. At this point, hanging that shingle means that you're supposed to be engaging in a certain level of fanservice; if a studio isn't willing to do that, the only other honorable alternative is to take down the marquee and make a Whole New Thing.

But this went beyond that Certain Level. In retrospect, it felt kinda... cheap. Almost spiteful, looked at in the darkest and most cynical light. As if, had there been a meta-narration to it, it would have been an angry guy snarling, "Fine. Here. Here's your fucking Star Trek."
I'm perfectly fine with the fanservice. At this point, hanging that shingle means that you're supposed to be engaging in a certain level of fanservice; if a studio isn't willing to do that, the only other honorable alternative is to take down the marquee and make a Whole New Thing.

But this went beyond that Certain Level. In retrospect, it felt kinda... cheap. Almost spiteful, looked at in the darkest and most cynical light. As if, had there been a meta-narration to it, it would have been an angry guy snarling, "Fine. Here. Here's your fucking Star Trek."
I'd say that's a perfectly valid interpretation. I do like the callbacks and easter eggs and stuff, but this one just felt like they were beating us over the head with it all.
I'm not a complete curmudgeon when it comes to fan service either, but I'm definitely in the "less is more" camp - and preferably when it's attached to a decent story. So far, the story has kept me interested, but while this season has been better at paying us off as we go, we're still beholden to the overarching mystery box, so I suspect we've got another week or two before we have a firm grasp on what the hell is going on.

Any theories on what they want with Picard's corpse?

There's more going on with Jack than the Irumodic Syndrome; it doesn't explain his Jason Bourne moment last week. The Changelings are desperate to get their hands on Jack. The voice in Jack's head spoke of "bringing us together". Vadic spoke of having unity again. And this week, the big reveal the real heist was that of Picard's mortal remains. I haven't got a clue.
The obvious answer is, 'to create a Picard doppelganger'. But the obvious follow-up question to that is... what the hell for? Hijacking Picard's carcass... er... Picarcass... doesn't serve any sensible purpose I can think of.

For that matter, though, why the fuck is a Section 31 facility monkeying around with the corpses of famous Starfleet personnel?! I mean, forget what the Changelings want with highly decorated wormfood, what was Section 31 doing with 'em?! Putting on Ferengi puppet shows?!
Well, considering the attributes of normal tribbles, an 'attack tribble' could only be reasonably defined as a bioweapon. And considering the effect of the original Genesis device, in keeping with everything else in that vault, seems clear that would be a doomsday weapon, at least on a planetary (possibly a star system) scale.

So, by inference, it's reasonable to assume that everything we saw in there was as-seen, or was intended to be developed into, a weapon. Including the corpses. And now... now... something begins to click. A conjecture as to why the Changelings were tied in with transporter technicians. Transporters have created an interspecies fusion being at least once, canonically -- Tuvix.

What if Changelings figured out how to repeat that, on purpose, and fuse a Changeling with a "solid"? What if that's what's going on with Jack Crusher? That voice in his head isn't Irumodic syndrome -- he's got a changeling stowaway.
It also strikes me that that may be how changelings have gotten so widely embedded in Starfleet. Transporter technicians wouldn't be as heavily protected as Command-division officers, and they'd have access to the storage systems for the raw matter the transporters use. Replace inert raw matter with Changeling goo, and presto-...gloop-o. A few dozen strategic transporter fusions later, Starfleet is compromised.
They threw everything but the kitchen sink into this one. Still didn't see the saucer section of the D, I guess they are saving that for the last episode.