Colonel Kira's Left Tit
Bearded Belly of Bajor
I just rewatched one of my favorite TNG episodes. "The Drumhead", which I think was s04e21.
I also felt like this.I think this is mostly how I feel about it. It's not terrible. It doesn't want to make me pull my hair out, generally. It's just comfortable. Kick back in your favorite chair with a snack and a beverage sort of comfortable.
IT'S ARDRA!!!Whoever Giant Floaty Head is - I hope like hell it's epic. We're all in on the memberberries so I hope to be wowed once we learn their true identity and not have some dumb subvert expectations curveball in the vein of Burnham is the Red Angel / Crying Kelpian Kid.
Thier loyalty towards each other and almost sacred consideration towards the well-being of even changelings that have turned their back on the collective is one of the main defining characteristics of the entire species, and here it's just thrown out the window because "pew pew" cool.Remember "no changeling has ever harmed another"? Remember how Odo and the Female Chageling stuck to this even when they were fighting on opposing sides in an intergalactic war? Oops, Vadic just pointlessly murdered another changeling to show how EVIL she is! Why are these things even Founder Changelings? They might as well just be a totally different species; they're completely different. Oh it's because Matalas is incapable of going ten seconds without saying "THIS THING RELATES TO THAT OTHER THING even though the details are all wrong."
Because Starfleet uses their phasers on the default setting of stun even though should know by now that does nothing to most of the alien species they encounter.How come when Jack phasers a changeling it dies instantly but with everyone else the phasers so nothing?
If you put all the other myriad problems with the show PICARD to one side and just critically look at the characters it's a mess. Can anyone really say that they feel the character Patrick Stewart is playing would be anywhere near what an older version of Picard from TNG would actually be like because I can't. They have glimmers where you feel its the sama character and then something dumb inevitably happens and it blows the illusion again. They are writing the characters with no care at all. TNG as a show never relied on constant inter-personal conflict between the crew as any sort of driving force either. It happened occasionally but not like this. Sure, they're older and lives and experiences have changed but just like the scene with Riker chewing out Picard because he as acting captain took his advice?! it makes ZERO sense. Riker would never act like that. Picard would never act like this. They are writing the characters as reactive pieces to their convoluted plot and think adding yet another throwback reference between them is enough to make it seem like the same characters.Jean-Luc: SHOULD WE EXECUTE THIS PRISONER?
Fuck this stupid show fuck Terry Matalas fuck TrekBBS fuck Lord Garth fuck Star Trek: Legacy.
See you next week!