Star Trek: Picard


Boobie inspector
I am curious why he was dressed as the man from delmonty when he was still in starfleet?


I want to smell dark matter
The stuff on the cube isn’t so interesting though. It feels like a CW young adult spy show on repeat.

"On repeat" because it's basically the same two scenes (Narek talks to Soji, Narek's sister tries to fuck him) every time? Then yeah. They need more Hugh.


Boobie inspector
Given by the leisurely pace of this rescue mission Soji will be dead long before they get there anyway, they still have to squeeze in the Riker and Troi cameo yet, and we're already half way through the series.


I want to smell dark matter
Four out of ten isn't quite half.


Boobie inspector
I get the impression Picard will die at the end of the season and the rest of the series things will just be done in his name.


Boobie inspector
They can use the robot Patrick Stewart head from the wild boys video.


I want to smell dark matter
Tom Hardy's waitng by the phone for his agent to call...

(Not really, he's a very busy actor.)


I want to smell dark matter
When Icheb dies in the first few minutes you know you're in for a wild episode! Too bad for his crazy actor (who didn't even get to play him.) Good continuity with Voyager when it was mentioned that he has no cortical node. He donated it to Seven at the start of season 7.

Jeri Ryan was great as Seven. She had some lines which sounded kind of "wrong" for Seven at first, except it's been over twenty years in the timeline since we last saw her so of course she's going to have changed. She still did subtle Seven face mannerisms. That last scene with Picard was really good. And leaving her as a killer sets up an arc for future appearances (I'm sure she'll be in the finale at least since she gave Picard her space phone number.)

So Seven and Vajazzle were pretty obviously lovers, right? Sorry Chakotay!

Quark being mentioned was CLEARLY to foreshadow the Ezri Dax appearance coming later.

Picard's fake French accent was really silly but kind of brilliant.

Raffi was better because she got to be competent and do stuff other than drink and moan about JL.

No pointless Cube scenes = good.

I was thinking Agnes was being mind controlled by Oh, but it really seemed like she killed Maddox (another recasting! I guess the original just teaches rathern than acts now) by choice.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
I felt it a bit weird to have Jeri Ryan come back as Seven of Nine and then have her play a character that's basically nothing like Seven of Nine.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
That was INSANE. I can't believe they killed Icheb! I like Seven of Nine as a space vigilante.

She was clearly hooking up with Vajazzle.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
I'm not squeemish about violence, but starting an episode with vivisection shouldn't be a part of any star trek series.

I agree.

Vajazzzle looked like a young Mirina Sirtis.

I also agree. She looked like Sirtis a lot. I wonder if the casting was on purpose...


I want to smell dark matter
I don't really think they'd give Riker and Troi an evil daughter (who's dead before they even appear.)

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I agree about the gory violence in the first couple of minutes. And then to find out we were watching Icheb being butchered? And he dies instantly? I started out being very pissed at this episode.

But then it got much better.
I felt it a bit weird to have Jeri Ryan come back as Seven of Nine and then have her play a character that's basically nothing like Seven of Nine.
I thought that way at first, but as the episode progressed and we heard more backstory, her performance made more sense to me. She h ad reclaimed a lot of her humanity and called herself Annika before things went wrong. She reclaimed her Borg name as a Ranger. The last scene with fellow ex-Borg Jean Luc was perfect.

Hopefully they won't ever bring up Janeway and the others becoming Borg for an episode and treating it like it was Picard putting on the eyepatch.