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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Without giving SPOILERS: I liked the first two episodes fine, but the "at least it's better than Picard and Discovery!" feeling definintely helped them. Third episode was okay but the weakest so far. But the fourth episode was a really good and definitely had me thinking "wow, this is actually good Star Trek!" and the fifth episode continued that feeling in a more comedic way! First episodes are always a bit wonky so yeah definitely watch more and you MIGHT WELL feel the same way as me and others.

I might be being overly harsh because I feel very burned by nu-Trek and I'm really not over how badly disappointed I've been. I lived and breathed everything Star Trek for my entire childhood and early adulthood so my expectations are sky-high and it results in me being hyper critical and probably a bit of an elitist as well. I know that's something I'm sure all of us have to a degree in common here.

I liked Uhura as well in the small screen time she had and whilst the story itself wasn't the strongest I did get a certain feeling when they beamed down in disguise to the planet, it definitely invoked a sense of Trek of old that I appreciated. It's true that this is the first episode of the show and so expecting a complete banger right out of the gate is a bit unfair. I'm more than willing to give them some room to get past initial teething problems.

There is probably an element of the whole prequel thing coming into play as well. There is a certain sense that this is shackled a bit to the existing canon and has to fit neatly into a pocket of time just before the original series continues onwards.

Yeah, I'm not really what you would call a fanboy even though I've been watching various iterations of Star Trek since the 70s. I kind of fell out of it around the time DS9 was ending, didn't really care about Voyager too much, and most everything after that has just been background noise. Something about this show has grabbed my attention for the first time in over 20 years, so I'm not sure what's up with that but I kind of look forward to the next episodes.

I still remember throwing my toys out of the pram during season 6 of Voyager because of how angry I was that the show was getting weaker and weaker and not fulfilling its massive potential and Enterprise just pissed me off (and then just as it was actually getting good got canceled) so I'm one of those that sees the end of DS9 as being the last time truly brilliant Star Trek was on the screen. As for Discovery and Picard.. enough said already.

This has a lot more potential than anything I've seen for a long time, I'll give it that.

I'll definitely be watching more though. I'm sufficiently intrigued.
I might be being overly harsh because I feel very burned by nu-Trek and I'm really not over how badly disappointed I've been. I lived and breathed everything Star Trek for my entire childhood and early adulthood so my expectations are sky-high and it results in me being hyper critical and probably a bit of an elitist as well. I know that's something I'm sure all of us have to a degree in common here.

I liked Uhura as well in the small screen time she had and whilst the story itself wasn't the strongest I did get a certain feeling when they beamed down in disguise to the planet, it definitely invoked a sense of Trek of old that I appreciated. It's true that this is the first episode of the show and so expecting a complete banger right out of the gate is a bit unfair. I'm more than willing to give them some room to get past initial teething problems.

There is probably an element of the whole prequel thing coming into play as well. There is a certain sense that this is shackled a bit to the existing canon and has to fit neatly into a pocket of time just before the original series continues onwards.

I still remember throwing my toys out of the pram during season 6 of Voyager because of how angry I was that the show was getting weaker and weaker and not fulfilling its massive potential and Enterprise just pissed me off (and then just as it was actually getting good got canceled) so I'm one of those that sees the end of DS9 as being the last time truly brilliant Star Trek was on the screen. As for Discovery and Picard.. enough said already.

This has a lot more potential than anything I've seen for a long time, I'll give it that.

I'll definitely be watching more though. I'm sufficiently intrigued.
Yeah, totally feel that. Hope you enjoy, I've really liked the first 5 episodes so far.
Episode 6 (SPOILERS) - Okay, I think this is the new weakest episode of the season. They tried to do a TOS style plot, but it took so long to get to the "SURPRISE, THEY KILL KIDS" part that there wasn't enough time left to actually do a big moral argument about it. Alora just says "Can you honestly say no child suffers in the Federation?" and Pike is completely stumped? It made him look kind of dumb that he couldn't come up with a reply.

Uhura and La'an were fun together and M'Benga's actor is good so the ship stuff was good at least.
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Bit of a downer episode, plus I spent the whole episode thinking the sister from Ellen had aged well, only for it to turn out it wasn't her.
Just watched episode 2. This one I really liked. Again, it looked fantastic and I thought the story was actually pretty original and well done! I don't know what it was about the first episodes A story that irked me so much, it just felt forced and a bit syrupy by the end. This episode was much better executed. Uhura is great, and I really am warming to Ethen Pecks, Spock as well. On both counts, they don't really remind me of Nimoy or Nichol's versions of the characters but they're clearly not going for imitations as much as different interpretations so, yeah, not bad.

I liked how Pike dealt with the alien negotiations, it felt sufficiently different from how any of the other captains would have approached it which is good because I was worried that Pike might just fall into a bit of a Kirk substitute role so it's important that he has his own distinct style.

A few niggles here and there like Spock discovering the value of laughing when things go wrong which felt a bit forced but for the most part this was a solid and enjoyable episode of STAR TREK.
Six didn't grab me much. The ep kept the show's strength at characterisation, and the Drummer/Uhura stuff was fun, but the main plot I wasn't grabbed by.
My suspension of disbelief went out the window when Pike was sitting up in bed post-coitus without a *single* hair out of place. You're telling me that alien chick was able to resist those gravity-defying, luscious locks? She didn't run her fingers through his quiff and make a mess as she ravaged him?

Not the strongest episode - like one of those average TNG/VOY entries you're so-so on encountering during a re-watch. Overall, I'm enjoying the series. The great thing is we're past the halfway point and I'm not complaining the grotesquely overweight plot train is starting to careen off the tracks. Yeah, this episode wasn't phenomenal, but there's next week.
Not great. Not bad. But, here's the thing... at least this series, we can compare to genuine Star Trek. It kicks the living shit out of Discovery and Picard. I'd grant it It even standing with Enterprise-once-Enterprise-had-hit-its-stride. And if it follows the TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT tradition of having a shaky first season or two, after which it comes into its own and gets really solid?

I'd say even a comparatively ho-hum outing like this week's presages good things to come.

And, hey, Pike got him some alien poon. He's gonna (retroactively) be a great role model for young Jim Kirk.
I liked how Pike dealt with the alien negotiations, it felt sufficiently different from how any of the other captains would have approached it which is good because I was worried that Pike might just fall into a bit of a Kirk substitute role so it's important that he has his own distinct style.
This version of Pike strikes me as a kind of fusion of Archer and Kirk. Maybe it's just me engaging in a bit of wishful thinking, but I can believe the idea that the writers on this show actually reviewed The Cage, TOS, and Enterprise to get a sense of how those "early days" Starfleet Captains should/would/did act, and incorporated Jeffrey Hunter's portrayal of Pike along with the characters of Archer and TOS Kirk, then rolled all three of those characterizations into their version of Pike.
Episode 3.

This was more of a middling affair. It wasn't bad but not as good as episode 2. Had some nice ideas going for it and progressed some character work but I did find the ending with the doctor's daughter being in the transporter buffer kind of weak. The little girl seemed completely unphased for essentially being stuck in suspended animation on a starship for God knows how long as well. You'd think she would be at least a bit disorientated when she was materialized instead of jumping straight to "OK FINISH THE STORY" but whatever.

Now I know the season is only 10 episodes I think it's right to be more critical as well since there is no room for filler. In a 20+ episode season, it's easier to forgive. Still, I did enjoy this episode despite a few flaws.

Maybe I will actually catch up to you guys before the end.