Troll Kingdom

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That awkward moment when Conchaga says "I told you so."

All these kinds of discussions that don't involve anyone's personal info, or board security, should be out in the open, imo.
I've seen conversations like this take place on other boards. TK locals don't have the solution. If they did they'd be doing it. It reads from the outside like some of the management doesn't think anything needs to be done. Of course if I'm wrong I'll stand corrected.

Bringing back old-timers actual or otherwise, fast tracking socks and banning without any real provocation are the earmarks of a dying board. I trust I don't need to explain in excruciating detail what it is exactly that I mean by 'dying'.

BTAIM I no longer have a dog in the fight really. Not at this point anyway. What I do know is that I've met people on TK that I consider friends. It'd be a shame if TK remained a place where that couldn't happen.
Bringing back old-timers actual or otherwise, fast tracking socks and banning without any real provocation are the earmarks of a dying board. I trust I don't need to explain in excruciating detail what it is exactly that I mean by 'dying'.

Exactly my point. TK was basically founded as a board where you could do, say or act however you wanted. But you also suffered the consequences for what you did or said by being trolled, ridiculed or treated like crap. Act like a moron, get treated like one. Now we have people that think that the solution to something they don't like or a personality that they don't agree with is to just ban them.

I can't believe I'm saying this stuff. I sound just like Sardy did.... :P
I just typed a longass response and the phone ate it so now I am pissed. I will be back tomorrow...
banning without any real provocation [is] the earmark of a dying board


I beg to fucking differ!

Note: These are not mine, but people who posted them to 4chan (THROUGH THEIR BANS!)

And then we have this:

So, as you can see, arbitrary bans do not a dying board make.

This is just a few examples from ONE major board.

I'm sure if you went to the top 10 on the Big Boards site, you could ask the membership the different types of bans they've been given and get hundreds of responses. Yet, they're the top 10 biggest boards on the internet. In the case of gaia, 4chan, something awful, and a few more, they aren't dying, but growing.

I rest my case.
For the record, Charles' IP is untouched. The only thing that's been messed with are his NAP accounts. I'm quite positive he's still here under a different name.
a board me, filthy whore(formerly twice), Jack(formerly), cakejob, USUC, jack swallows, gear(formerly twice), donovan, Ilyanna, Jibbles(formerly), Equal Hater(formerly 50 times) post(ed) at
For the record, Charles' IP is untouched. The only thing that's been messed with are his NAP accounts. I'm quite positive he's still here under a different name.

Ah, so it's not an IP ban, but only an admin scrambling the passwords of several perfectly legit accounts out of the blue and making their owner beg the very same admin to give them back! That is perfectly fine, of course, and no admin abuse at all! Nope, all nice and shiney!

I find CeeJay and a whole host of other posters annoying as hell. BUT, there is NO reason to go around scrambling account passwords because of it.

This is the EXACT same behavior that was going on at Trek and precipitated the creation of Troll Kingdom to begin with. Knock it off.
I'm really glad 4chan is on that top 10 list. But this isn't 4chan, if people wanted 4chan, they'd be playing around at 4chan.

This is, like it or not, Troll Kingdom with it's segregated neighborhoods. MF doesnt need fixing. Tea Room doesnt need fixing, GFHH doesnt need fixing. Speak Freely needs a name change, since technically anyone can speak freely all over the board. And we need to start sending people to daycare.

People will either join, fit in and have fun, or they will decide it's not for them and move on or they will show they arent housebroken yet and need to go to daycare.

There is no change that can be made that will force people to join, force them to post and force them to be entertaining.

I've seen conversations like this take place on other boards. TK locals don't have the solution. If they did they'd be doing it. It reads from the outside like some of the management doesn't think anything needs to be done. Of course if I'm wrong I'll stand corrected.

Bringing back old-timers actual or otherwise, fast tracking socks and banning without any real provocation are the earmarks of a dying board. I trust I don't need to explain in excruciating detail what it is exactly that I mean by 'dying'.

BTAIM I no longer have a dog in the fight really. Not at this point anyway. What I do know is that I've met people on TK that I consider friends. It'd be a shame if TK remained a place where that couldn't happen.

What it should read like is that "the management" is having a disagreement about how (or if) things should change. No one is against getting more people posting here, or tossing the occasional annoying poster into Daycare for a few days, and we are open to discussing different ideas about how to do all that. What most of us are arguing against is arbitrarily banning people, or fucking with people through the control panel. So far from what I've read in this very thread, I'd say the members of the board agree.
What it should read like is that "the management" is having a disagreement about how (or if) things should change. No one is against getting more people posting here, or tossing the occasional annoying poster into Daycare for a few days, and we are open to discussing different ideas about how to do all that. What most of us are arguing against is arbitrarily banning people, or fucking with people through the control panel. So far from what I've read in this very thread, I'd say the members of the board agree.

I understand. It's somewhat disconcerting to see it happen in public. In my experience that usually isn't a good sign. I do think TK's issues are serious and systemic.

However, I've been wrong about a great many things before and will be again. In this situation I'd be happy to be wrong.