Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Lucy Van Pelt, yeah.


New Member
A fussbudget? Impressive!

as to you, coyote, fuck you does not really have any stinging zing, any wit, any...well, anything.

running out of things to say so soon honey? i thought you were a real troll. guess I was wrong.
Virginia said:
A fussbudget? Impressive!

as to you, coyote, fuck you does not really have any stinging zing, any wit, any...well, anything.

running out of things to say so soon honey? i thought you were a real troll. guess I was wrong.

Giggle. Snort! :lol:


beer, I want beer


HA! I love that. :D


GFHH Moderator
Blade : That's some weak ass shit. Sickle has better comebacks.

Wow, still thinking about me??


TK addict
Indeed. I gave you a compliment. Aren't I such a nice guy?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Blade: Are you already on adding that smiley, or should I post for you to? :D


TK addict
Heh. You go ahead. It will make a nice addition. :D


New Member
CoyoteUgly: If it makes you feel better changing my title to your poorly contrived epithets, then have at it. I have a lot of points to spare, and a cadre of people willing to donate them to me to keep this up.

You've really turned out to be a dissapointment.


beer, I want beer
Why isn't BlazerBoy called BlazerBoy anymore?

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Devon said:
CoyoteUgly: If it makes you feel better changing my title to your poorly contrived epithets, then have at it. I have a lot of points to spare, and a cadre of people willing to donate them to me to keep this up.

Ok. Thanks.

You've really turned out to be a dissapointment.

Sorry. You do understand that doesn't matter, don't you?


New Member
While digging around trying to change my usertitle back after CU decided it was teh cool to keep changing it, I discoverd I could change my own username as well in the shop. Devon is my real name, which I use occasionally at other boards.


Grand Wizard of TK
Devon said:
While digging around trying to change my usertitle back after CU decided it was teh cool to keep changing it, I discoverd I could change my own username as well in the shop. Devon is my real name, which I use occasionally at other boards.

I don't like it.


New Member
CoyoteUgly said:
Ok. Thanks.

Sorry. You do understand that doesn't matter, don't you?

You do understand that there is a difference between being a Troll and being childish, right?

Either way, let's get to work. I have several factors more points then you, and I have almost as much in the bank, so its just a matter of time and effort. GO CHANGE THAT TITLE AND SHOW US WHAT KIND OF MAN YOU ARE!