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The *Genuine* TK post your pic 2006 edition

This is the latest pic of me:

It's the shortest my hair has been in years. I'ts just over a month old, my hair is growing back now. I look extremely different with short hair. I'll have to take a comparison picture to show what I mean when I can be bothered.

This is my evil sociopath look:

It's about 4-5 months old.


I don't photograph very well, I never look quite right in pictures.
He lives in a small village on a Greek island. It's not like he can just have really big furniture delivered to his door. Give the man a break.
one picture is all that is needed - look at it again and this time make sure you "observe" - the wall behind his computer what do you see?
wow, a wall...

Now you're going to tell me that since he doesn't have countless priceless paintings hanging on the wall that he's got no furniture whatsoever? Get real.
Both those pictures are in different houses. As it happens I had been in the new place for about four days when the top picture was taken. Even so this house is four bedrooms and three storeys high. There is a lot of storage space, and when you live in a climate this hot you don't want a lot of stuff cluttering you up.

Jeez, you could still smell the paint on the walls when that top pic was taken. Getting the room to how it is now was not on the agenda at that point.

Maybe Grammour Boy would like to post a picture of himself?
Look, nothing on my walls in any of these pics! UNDENIABLE PROOF that I don't own furniture. Indubitably my dear Grammour Boy. Indubitably.

Now, everyone else can post their pics now so I can see what real chairs and tables look like.



I have three packets and a mini cooler full of beer next to my bed. If I could figure out how to E-Mail some supplies to you I would.