The Jedward Sexuality Thread


I want to smell dark matter
Since it's going to be talked about sometime!



Is this real life?
Wow, John actually turned into a real human at the end of that when he told the guy he was a weirdo.

Weird to obsess over Britney's six pack, but maybe she really did look hot and hadn't taken any drugs or been bald or had three fucking kids in that picture.


I want to smell dark matter
I read somewhere that Edward is the camper one and John has to tell him to tone it down sometimes. Or maybe it was the other way around.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I wonder if they even know what they are yet. They're still in an earlier Freudian stage (probably anal), where they think it's their duty to do weird things in order to provoke people, as opposed to expressing anything honest about who/what they are. The decided attachment to Britney is a telltale sign, sort of like Rosie O'Donnell always professeing her love for Tom Cruise before sahe came out: it's a dated, archetypical choice that never gets updated based on who the object really is.

Maybe John's growing out of it quicker than Edward.

Ultimately though, they are total mo's. Oh yeah. Bank.


I want to smell dark matter
I don't know what this video reveals.


Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I would have told the loudmouthed cow to shove it up her ass and if she doesn't want to get hit in the head then go the fuck inside where no one has to listen to her annoying voice.


I want to smell dark matter
I thought she was joking a bit becasue she looked like she was laughing at the end, but who knows. Nice to see Bobby almost do something!


I want to smell dark matter
So, scrubbing each other's backs and washing each other's hair = gay.

But John seemed to enjoy being in bed with Amy and was making innuendos. Whereas Edward looked uncomfortable and bored. Interesting!


Is this real life?
Spraying allover the other one's face as he was bent over the bath was rather suggestive, but I wonder how much of this gay stuff is spontaneous. For all we know they could be getting stage directions when they go in the diary room. I mean, their youtube and twitter accounts respectively post selfconsciously unselfconscious videos where they're in their wet underwear and refer to being in their wet underwear. I wouldn't be surprised if they're now being urged to go and make sand castles with no trousers on or dress in front of everyone.

Also, it's odd how one of them didn't know what "vag" meant, but later they made a reference to spunked underpants.


I want to smell dark matter
Notice how Edward kept trying to cuddle after the task but John was pulling away. "No, Edward, don't make the incest so obvious!"


Is this real life?
... I had to deactivate my gaydar chip. Too much.

And you know someone's going to be analysing that episode frame by frame for shots of their dicks in those skintight suits. Gosh.

On another note, why does everyone hate Pam so much? She's a little bit kooky and she has slaves at home, but there are far weirder people and she seems friendly. Unlike Darren who as Bobby Sable pointed out, is both weird looking and a dickhead.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, the Pamela hate seems over the top considering all she did was cook some meat in a slightly unconvential way...but (and yes I'm bringing it up!) we only see a little every day so who knows what other crazy things she's been doing.


Is this real life?
True. We'll never really know. I like her accent, though. And how she told Sally she was being rude. "Naaaaooooo I'm not! All I said was was your food looked DISGUUUUSTING! ... ... but if you like disgusting food then good for you. IM NOT MAKING A BIG DEAL OUT OF IT. But it looked DISGUUUUUSSSSTTTING."

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Line of the night after Jedward were reunited: "Now let's get out of these silly outfits!"


I want to smell dark matter
I hope Pamela doesn't have to cook a chicken and makes a mess of it. "Maybe that's how they cook them where SHE comes from." "They eat WITH THEIR HANDS in America." "Pamela Fucking HOTDOG!"

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I barely noticed Ben and Pete Burns. Harry Whatshisqueen held me captivated, though.


I want to smell dark matter
I did not enjoy his contributions.


I want to smell dark matter
They ordered condoms on the shopping list.

But probably to make water balloons.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts