Troll Kingdom

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The most paranoid person I've ever encountered...

Deni said:
This just keeps getting more and more interesting...
You post extremely sporadically, I was threatened by Lilith that something would happen or I would get my dues or some shit (For what, I have no fucking idea), someone claiming to be her husband (Oh look, he's on right now) starts harassing people, and all this happens by coincidence.
Dor_Jan said:
You post extremely sporadically, I was threatened by Lilith that something would happen or I would get my dues or some shit (For what, I have no fucking idea), someone claiming to be her husband (Oh look, he's on right now) starts harassing people, and all this happens by coincidence.

What the heck? How did this get turned around on me? Dude, I'm not Lilith...I'm not her hubby...check up with any old timers on SW if you think I'm not shooting straight with you. The only reason I might know anything more than any of you is because I came from SW.
RWC said:
Yes. This thread is beyond the limits of good taste.

Sort of like the fucker who decided to post my picture on TK?

It's not like we're gathering personal info. (address, phone numbers, real name, etc) and posting it for all to see. Hell, this is pretty harmless compared to some of the shit that goes on here.
Deni said:
What the heck? How did this get turned around on me?
The moment you started with this cheap baiting scheme. Either spill it, or stop getting involved, which is exactly what you are doing, as this person is doing nothing less then harrassing my friends right now.
S. SaDiablo said:
Sort of like the fucker who decided to post my picture on TK?

It's not like we're gathering personal info. (address, phone numbers, real name, etc) and posting it for all to see. Hell, this is pretty harmless compared to some of the shit that goes on here.

Its not about that-its about dragging possible "stalker" outside issues here.
Dor_Jan said:
The moment you started with this cheap baiting scheme. Either spill it, or stop getting involved, which is exactly what you are doing, as this person is doing nothing less then harrassing my friends right now.
Deni is cool, dude!

She's quite possibly the coolest person I've met on an internet forum. She's the Switzerland of message board drama. I've seen every other person succomb to conformist band-wagon bashing, except for Deni. That's just not her style. I can confirm with 100% alacrity and accuracy that Deni has nothing to do with Lilith or that rwcurrent person.
Mirah said:
Its not about that-its about dragging possible "stalker" outside issues here.

Today was the first time I IMed him. Ever. And suddenly I'm a stalker? Never even said I was from TK. And yet...he knew me. Sorry, sugar, but I think he knows exactly what he's doing.
M says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I don't know you, if I'm wrong, explain, otherwise please leave me alone.
M says:
Sure, as soon as you leave my friends alone.
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I haven't started a single conversation tonight, I've been messaged by several people on Troll Kingdom, trying to troll... I've asked them to stop, and warned after the vulgar comments they made, and the way they treated my friend, they need to leave us alone. I'm politely asking you, Please leave us alone.
M says:
I'm not trying to troll you. You have been starting conversations with certain people who do not wish to hear from you. Don't you remember stating that you buried Lilith in a box or something, posted a map, told us to visit Tuscon?
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I have not STARTED a conversation with ANYONE. LEAVE ME ALONE.

He claims everyone here has been initiating contact with him. He is now on my block list, and deleted.

Problem solved.
Deni said:
Dor_Jan...check your PM. Hopefully that will clarify a bit.
It has, thank you for being frank.

Despite what this person has claimed, no one has treated Lilith here like that. No one has been posting her private info.

Ask anyone.
Dor_Jan said:
He claims everyone here has been initiating contact with him. He is now on my block list, and deleted.

Problem solved.

Sure I have. I'm curious. I want to know who he is and why HE added ME. Never said anything vulgar. Never said I was from TK.

He wouldn't survive 2 minutes on TK.
Here's my theory: This person IS Lilith's husband and he IS telling the truth when he says he did not add us. That's because I think Lilith did. ;) Who knows? Maybe the whole situation pissed her off, too.