The Tisiphone Adventures: Fucking Zombies


Why am I not featured at all? Nor Loktar? I CALL SHENANIGANS!

Otherwise fine work.


I want to smell dark matter
Of course if Loktar's dead that doesn't mean ZOMBIE LOKTAR won't appear!

(This is the kind of wild speculation by fans which ends up ruining hit tv shows when the writers go in a different direction.)

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Table Talk Pies called. They said they might sponsor this story in exchange for some product placement.


I want to smell dark matter
I never give neg karma to anything.


Be patient till the last.

Dr Dave

Episode 7- Death and Sex.

"Zombies have been seen entering the county we're in. What is the status of our defences" asked Group Leader Tomtrek

"We're nearly ready. We got guns, bombs, AND MY AXE" replied CaptainWacky

Suddenly a cry came from THE BARN

The MF crew rushed to the scene.

"Hambil is dead!" said Love Child

"Did you know he was even here" asked CaptainWacky

People shook their heads no.

"And worse yet, the MEGA DEATH KNIFE CANNON is broke" said Tomtrek

"This can only be the work of The Chinaman..."said Doctor Dave wisely

"The Chinaman here...?" asked Tisiphone

"No, more likely one of his sinister agents" replied Tomtrek

"But who?" asked Love Child

"It could be any one of us" said CaptainWacky

"Come love child, we better go have hot lesbian sex before things go to hell" said Tisiphone

"YES!" replied Love Child

To be continued...


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Our love is legal now.

Dr Dave

Episode 8- Spies and Doctor Dave in the bathroom.

Tomtrek put on his Inspector Hat.

It was time for Tomtrek to Inspect. There was a spy.

"We need a clue!" said Tomtrek

"Yes we do" said Cassie.

Tomtrek looked about.

"Nothing..." he said

"BRB" said Cassie

Meanwhile... in THE BARN!

Tisiphone and Love child were busy with LESBIAN SEX. They did not see somebody sneek into the bathroom.

"I will destory this barn...and take out Tisiphone and Love Child, MY RIVALS" said the spy as she snuck into the bathroom to plant A BOMB

As the spy planted a bomb she did not notice somebody was asleep in the tub.

He woke up...

"What the..." he said jumping up and hitting the spy with a brick that was also in the tub.

"OMG!" he said.

Suddenly Tisiphone and Love Child burst into the room.

"Doctor Dave, how do you always end up waking up in the bathroom when I have sex?" asked Tisiphone.

"POWER OF THE DAVE" replied Doctor Dave.

"That's a bomb" said Love Child.

"I woke up and saw her there" said Doctor Dave

"The spy... it's Curiousa2z" said Tisiphone

"Is she dead?" asked Tomtrek suddenly walking into the room.

"Yes, I hit her good." said Doctor Dave.

Suddenly the alarm sounded...

"ZOMBIES!!!" somebody shouted.

"It's on now bitches" said Tisiphone rushing from the room

To be continued...


Touching the monolith
Staff member
OMG! I thought I might be the spy!


I want to smell dark matter
I hope we find out Curiousa's dark backstory.

Dr Dave

Episode 9: The Battle-Part 1

"Zombies approaching sir" said Gul

"Ready forward batteries" said Tomtrek

"Forward batteries firing" said Gul

The Forward batteries fired, killing the front line of zombies.

"Theyre coming in!" shouted Cassie

"KILL KILL" shouted Tisiphone running around with a sword killing zombies.

The lead zombie wondered to the grill and started making eggs mayonnaise.

Turning around and shooting a zombie in the head Tomtrek said "My god it's eggs..."

"Sir, were being over run" shouted Gul as he got eaten by a zombie.

As Cassie stabbed a zombie in the face, she saw something just plain odd.

"That man, that man is having sex with a zombie, IN THE ASS" she said.

Love Child who was near by said "It's Sausageman, and he's not even a zombie"

"KILL HIM YOU FOOL!" shouted Tisiphone at Sasuageman

When Sausageman was done, he stabbed the zombie in the back of the neck and cut his head off.

"We're gunna need some help" said Doctor Dave, as he shot a cross bow bolt into a zombies eye.

"We're gunna need my zeppelin..." said Tomtrek, rushing to the communications terminal.

"Brains..." said Eggs finishing his eggs mayo and biting into the head of a MFer in a red shirt.

To be continued...

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts

Dr Dave

Episode 10: The Battle Part 2

The Chinaman was near by. He was in fact at Good Eats, the local down diner.

He had just learned from Wong Fuck, one of his assistants that the spy had been killed.


Curiousa2z had a dark back story. Raised in the wilderness of Toronto by angry moose. She had a deep seeded hatred of the MF. Never in any of their stories, she knew one day she would seek revenge. She came to meet THE CHINAMAN in an opium den she ran. Many men were killed there by Curiousa2z, many beavers too. The Chinaman liked her and knew she could be an agent, an agent to topple the minefield and kill Doctor Dave.

All this had failed.

The Chinaman would have to personally go to the battle field. the barn.

"YOUR DEADER MOFO!" shouted Cassie as she chopped a zombies head off.

"This shit is real, BIGTIME!" shouted Bigtime poster 22.

To be continued...


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Oh could she?



I want to smell dark matter
Bigtime Poster 22 doesn't post enough.