The Tisiphone Adventures: Fucking Zombies


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Everything good is so far away from me. Fucking fuckity fuckers.


Can I have Ops?
MF'r red shirts? There aren't that many of us to have red shirts surely?

This story has LEGS AND BRAINZ!

Dr Dave

Episode 11- The Battle, Part 3

The Zombies were all but dead, except THE KING ZOMBIE!

"He's mine" said Tisiphone

Suddenly The Chinaman appears.

"And you shall fail!" said The Chinaman

"And he's mine" said Doctor Dave

The fight began.

Tisiphone knew she had to kill it quick. She went to stab the King Zombie but was knocked back.

"Fuck" said Tisiphone

A new approach she thought...

"All right you son of a bitch, I'm way to sober for this shit, It's on now!" Said Tisiphone

"BIGTIME!" shouted Bigtime poster 22 from a distance

Tisiphone did a tumble move, and cut off the zombie's left foot. Then spun around and stabbed him in the bum and cut upwards.

The Zombie screamed, well ok it went Brainszzzzzzzzz, but it was as close to a scream as he could utter.

"And now I cut your head off" Said Tisiphone as she cut off the Zombie kings head off.


"You will fail" Said The Chinaman to Doctor Dave

"I will have your egg rolls!" said Doctor Dave

"OVER MY BURNT WOK!" said the Chinaman as he jumped and stabbed Doctor Dave

"AHHH!!!!" shouted Doctor Dave

"NOoooooooooO" shouted Love Child

Suddenly a zombie head hit The Chinaman

"WHAT!!!!" shouted The Chinaman

"Nobody stabbs Doctor Dave" said Tisiphone

The Chinaman was now surrounded by the MF crew.

"You will not escape!" said Tomtrek


Suddenly in a puff of smoke The Chinaman was gone.

"Guess I was wrong" said Tomtrek

"What now" asked Cassie

"Let's get the hell out of Kansas!" said Tisiphone.

And they did.

The End.


Touching the monolith
Staff member


I want to smell dark matter
The KING ZOMBIE was good.

The Question

This thread is so great, I have to launch an enormous turd!

Oh, okay, so it's entirely coincidental. But really, if I hadn't had to anyway, this thread would have been good enough to make me!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
That's how my last real fight went down.


I want to smell dark matter

The Question

I spent the entire story in a trailer which Tisiphone took with her, lying on my back inside it, on a mattress, with my mighty cock standing at rapt attention, ready for her vigorous and violent use.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I'd like to think the redshirt whose head I took a chunk out of was FILTHYTWINKWHORE.