The TK Admin Schemes


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
If my bitch posted the stuff you are posting, I'd be sent into a frenzy. There's nothing more disrespectful than talking about him in this manner. But since he's definitely not a pussy, he probably doesn't care about it.

I just found it ironic that you're talking about being disrespectful, and yet you referred to your woman as a "bitch."

At any rate, I'm just kidding around. He's more than welcome to spread some slander about me, and he knows it :D


Originally Posted by Cacophony
I pick Cow.

It's kind of kinky to think about Sarek shoving things up his ass

Originally Posted by GTC

I'm going to give you the ass drilling of a lifetime next time I see you for that.

OMG!!! Are you two having sex or something? You're so flirty, and not even afraid to do it in public view. Is this new? Should you be telling us something? Come on guys - don't be shy!