Zara: She was a good Project Manager, handled her team well, thought things through, stayed calm, didn't make any stupid mistakes. Contender to win. Good looking for her age too!
Harry H: He did a good job on the presentation. Still one of the strongest.
Haya: Seems pretty good.
Hayley: Bit whiney, isn't she? She was complaining that Zara didn't listen to her, but really it looked like Zara considered the things she said and just didn't agree with them. Will be out soon.
Harry M: Yeah, he was bad. No one likes him, he's been on the losing team every week...there really wasn't any reason not to fire him other than him making good tv.
Gbemi: Overall she hasn't been as good as Harry M, but she wasn't any worse than him this week and he really did give crap vague instructions about designing the bottle. Probably shouldn't have gone. But she was always a bit miserable looking.
James: He does seem to be able to feel the way the wind is blowing and switch blame in a way that he thinks will please Lord Sugar. But he's one of the most intelligent canidates.
Lizzie: She did well on the presentation.