Tile Grout


This is easily the most interesting topic we've had in this forum for months. By several clear country miles.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Well, he's referring to the threat he sent me by mail in a librara obscura way, I'm pretty sure.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You know Paulie, you could have walked up here quicker.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Who's a cool guy?


I remember that letter. Was the thread deleted?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Probably. Gonad still uses the smiley face from it in her av though :D


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
No, it's spelling, actually. If you're going to try to "frighten" someone with Latin, make sure you spell it correctly.
No, it's spelling, actually. If you're going to try to "frighten" someone with Latin, make sure you spell it correctly.
Claiming I did something illegal is no less libelous than saying someone has molested a child. What are you talking about?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
And Paulie, although "Obscene Cancer" is rather creative, it's quite different than wishing a metastasizing stomach tumor on someone, n'est ce pas?

Too bad you don't have the courage to actually post with the dual.

Of course, we all know about your courage.
And Paulie, although "Obscene Cancer" is rather creative, it's quite different than wishing a metastasizing stomach tumor on someone, n'est ce pas?

Too bad you don't have the courage to actually post with the dual.
I don't speak French, and I have no such dual.

Of course, we all know about your courage.
I don't. What about it?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Claiming I did something illegal is no less libelous than saying someone has molested a child. What are you talking about?

Um, you do realize that you've filled in a few blanks to arrive at this conclusion?