Tile Grout


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
So, is the lecture on how specious it is for me to be posting PWNED online and trolling and such due up soon? My family is in danger still after all (1 year and counting). This was your last attempt at gaining my trust IIRC.

How in danger is my family, really? You think I live in Vermont, after all. Everyone does.

I'm pretty sure the dinner I had with Neil was in Santa Fe though. Now THERE'S a clue.

Something you don't have, I'm afraid.
So, is the lecture on how specious it is for me to be posting PWNED online and trolling and such due up soon? My family is in danger still after all (1 year and counting).
I don't know. Maybe they are - you've taken the proper precautions and notified the authorities, right?

How in danger is my family, really? You think I live in Vermont, after all. Everyone does.
Yes. You've stated that repeatedly. Why think differently?

I'm pretty sure the dinner I had with Neil was in Santa Fe though. Now THERE'S a clue.

Something you don't have, I'm afraid.
Correct. I have no clue what any of this means.

This was your last attempt at gaining my trust IIRC.
I don't think you need to trust someone to believe them when they didn't send you such an awful letter.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Paulie, understand the only thing that's in danger is your credibility. I don't live in Vermont, and all the info you think you know about me is from what I've shared with you in PM or on MSN. Have you verified any of it? Have we ever met IRL? :D

Seeing what you did with Mirah and Gonad, and then Raffles, why would you think there's any other reason for me stating the obvious repeatedly...especially in your case, Jammie man? :D

Have any more Venom YouTube clips? They go well with breakfast, especially cereal.
Paulie, understand the only thing that's in danger is your credibility. I don't live in Vermont, and all the info you think you know about me is from what I've shared with you in PM or on MSN.
I can see how this would be relevant if you maintain that I did send the letter.

Seeing what you did with Mirah and Gonad, and then Raffles, why would you think there's any other reason for me stating the obvious repeatedly...especially in your case, Jammie man? :D
What exactly are you stating?

Have any more Venom YouTube clips? They go well with cereal.
Of course. I probably won't watch them for a few years. Once in a while I like to admire the fine voice acting. FAR better than the film, IMO. Of course, I could take up reading comics, but at my age that'd be silly.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Breathe out, Paulie :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You call that living?

Anyway, I'm not too concerned about your threats and paranoia. I have a dog that would rip your fucking throat out in a second with a certain sound I make, leaving a perfect hole in your neck for me to fuck.

That said, want to be friends again? I can forgive you for your insanity. I understand I can piss both the Pope and the Good Humor man off on any given morning.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
My Horoscope for today:

Today should bring pleasant and profitable communications with women, and possibly some new friends. Social invitations may come your way, though there might be more than you can realistically handle. Be careful not to commit to too many activities - you could end up spreading yourself too thin. Travel to faraway lands may seem tempting at this time, dear Gemini, but don't make definite plans at this time. Relax and enjoy the company for now.
You call that living?
Yes. Do you live without breathing?

Anyway, I'm not too concerned about your threats and paranoia. I have a dog that would rip your fucking throat out in a second with a certain sound I make, leaving a perfect hole in your neck for me to fuck.
Very impressive.

That said, want to be friends again? I can forgive you for your insanity. I understand I can piss both the Pope and the Good Humor man off on any given morning.
Why do you ask if you would like to be friends when just a day or so ago you couldn't stop antagonizing me, and continued despite my indifference?

I don't think this query is genuine. You describe how your dog would kill me at the same time you make it!
My Horoscope for today:

Today should bring pleasant and profitable communications with women, and possibly some new friends. Social invitations may come your way, though there might be more than you can realistically handle. Be careful not to commit to too many activities - you could end up spreading yourself too thin. Travel to faraway lands may seem tempting at this time, dear Gemini, but don't make definite plans at this time. Relax and enjoy the company for now.
How is this relevant?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It's very relevant in my real life. The "new friends" part may apply to you.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Yes. Do you live without breathing?

Very impressive.

Why do you ask if you would like to be friends when just a day or so ago you couldn't stop antagonizing me, and continued despite my indifference?

I don't think this query is genuine. You describe how your dog would kill me at the same time you make it!

I love to antagonize you. You're "indifference" simply means you're "percolating" little Teapot :D

But we can be friends, just don't treat me the same shitty way you treat everyone else and we'll be fine, is all.
I love to antagonize you. You're "indifference" simply means you're "percolating" little Teapot :D
You mean I'm angry? Heaven's, no.

But we can be friends, just don't treat me the same shitty way you treat everyone else and we'll be fine, is all.
Aww. You extend such a gracious offer after saying all those things, including how your dog would rip me apart? Thank you! I will take your offer into deep consideration.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Go fuck yourself otherwise, asshat. I could care less either way. I liked you, but I loathe your bullshit.