Let's see, I'll throw 'em out as they occur to me:
Laker Girl (well, naturally.
Miss Manners ('cause who wouldn't wanna meet mm?)
Gotta meet up with Peter O. again, with more time to spare than just a between-flight HiNicetameetchaSeeyalater
Sardonica (he's gotta be a genuine weird-magnet IRL, always interesting)
Bid Dick McGee (he's one c00l d00d, and man, that basement bar setup would make for one
hell of a TK HQ! heh heh heh!)
Caitriona, just 'cause
Mentalist, 'cause who wouldn't wanna meet Mentalist
Gagh, undoubtedly a master of drunken thuggery
And although they're not here anymore:
Tamar_Garish and Storm Rucker, to form the Ultimate Triumvirate Of Eeeeeeevil. Swear the three of us would organize a hostile takeover of Hell and ransom it to Heaven.