Troll Kingdom

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TKer I would like to meet the most in real life is:

Hmm... this actully requires some thought.

For intelligent conversation:

For tea and cookies:
and a few other TK ladies
(and they may get a home cooked, candlelit Italian dinner out of it :devious:)
Aurian said:
Well seing as i lead a very anonymous life here on TK, i dont exactly know that many people, and these ones i have known for a while :)
Nothing personal to other people.

Aw, ya didn't see the funny I made. Here, lemme show ya.

Aurian said:
Shatna, Sadistic Bastard and Miss Manners are all high on the list.

But this is what I saw:

Aurian said:
Shatna, Sadistic Bastard and Miss Manners are all high (on the list).

The Question said:
They'll be pleased to know they're on the list, then.

CoyoteUgly said:
Either way, those are fightin' words, bitch. :lol:

I'm guessing your significant other isn't smart enough to check IPs. It's understandable. ;)

LOL. If I'd cared enough to find out, I would've asked him to check. :D

Oh, and the TKer I'd most like to meet in person? Sadistic Bastard. It's been waaaayyyy too long since I had a good flogging.
The only TKer I've met IRL is Retrotrek, 'cause ya know, we've been friends for 20 years. I'd like to meet, in alphbetical order:

Big Dick McGee (such a good friend, we should work this out somehow)
Blind Groping (since he and TQ are close)
Blondie (THP)
Captain Wacky (we all know that would never happen)
Caitrona (This could and should happen)
Coyote Ugly
Eggs Mayo (Any day, it doesn't have to be a good day)
Hambil (and his sexy brother ;))
Shatna (Please!)
The Question (my fiancee, we really should meet)
Yo. (Yo.2)

If I left anyone off, I do apologize. I'd just love to meet everyone and their duals.
Let's see, I'll throw 'em out as they occur to me:

Laker Girl (well, naturally. :) )
Miss Manners ('cause who wouldn't wanna meet mm?)
Gotta meet up with Peter O. again, with more time to spare than just a between-flight HiNicetameetchaSeeyalater
Sardonica (he's gotta be a genuine weird-magnet IRL, always interesting)
Bid Dick McGee (he's one c00l d00d, and man, that basement bar setup would make for one hell of a TK HQ! heh heh heh!)
Caitriona, just 'cause
Mentalist, 'cause who wouldn't wanna meet Mentalist
Gagh, undoubtedly a master of drunken thuggery

And although they're not here anymore:

Tamar_Garish and Storm Rucker, to form the Ultimate Triumvirate Of Eeeeeeevil. Swear the three of us would organize a hostile takeover of Hell and ransom it to Heaven.
Hmmm. I'd like to meet in no particular order:

Coyote Ugly
Ares, aka Chuckles
miss manners
Blowtorch, aka Numbchucks
The Question said:
Aw, ya didn't see the funny I made. Here, lemme show ya.

But this is what I saw:


D'Oh!!! Im swedish (LANGUAGE BARRIER not genetic blondness) and a wee bit sickly this week, so that went riiiight over my head.
Aurian said:
D'Oh!!! Im swedish (LANGUAGE BARRIER not genetic blondness) and a wee bit sickly this week, so that went riiiight over my head.

You're Swedish? ME TOO! Well, I come from Swedes, I'm an American. My grandmother was straight off the boat and she looks like a big Jew, what's up with that?

Oh and I forgot IceAngel, Peter O, and Sadistic Bastard.
CoyoteUgly said:
Either way, those are fightin' words, bitch. :lol:

I'm guessing your significant other isn't smart enough to check IPs. It's understandable. ;)

TKer I want to meet...hmmm.... I can beat the shit out of him.

Wow! Someone other than myself who actually knows how duals can be discovered. I am most impressed. Well done CU bitch.
Doh, knew I forgot to add someone on there.

Definetly have to have Peter Octavian and Rommie on there for intelligent conversation
I'd like to meet Mentalist, Curiousa2z, Miss Manners, Dark Sickle, Peter Octavian, and anyone else I fail to mention.
I would like to meet nearly everyone, to be perfectly honest.

You are, by and large, very interesting personas -- it's probably the case that interesting people lie behind them.
SilentBtViolent said:
He Enke can that frog wink or what?

Yes, but TK won't allow me to post it animated. CWAP!! I post it on another forum I belong to and it is animated. There is a droplet of water that cascades down the leaves and plonks the frong between the eyes as it flinches.