TOP 25 SCI-FI SHOWS (according to Wizard)

25. Dark Shadows (1966-71)

24. Smallville (2001-now)

23. Red Dwarf (1988-99, 2009)

22. Incredible Hulk (1978-82)

21. Night Gallery (1970-73)

20. Supernatural (2005-now)

19. Highlander: The Series (1992-98)

18. Babylon 5 (1994-99)

17. The Outer Limits (1963-65)

16. Quantum Leap (1989-93)

15. The Dead Zone (2002-07)

14. Angel (1999-04)

13. The Prisoner (1967-68)

12. The 4400 (2004-07)

11. Firefly (2002-03)

10. V (miniseries-1983)

9. Jeckyll (2007)

8. The X-Files (1993-02)

7. Star Trek (1966-69)

6. Lost (2004-now)

5. Battlestar Galactica (2004-09)

4. Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-03)

3. Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94)

2. The Twighlight Zone (1959-64)

1. Doctor Who (1963-89, 2005-now)


I never watched most of these, and never even heard of Jekll; but I really loved: Smallville, Supernatural, Outer Limits, Quantum Leap, V, Trek (Mostly NextGen, but also the original), Buffy, and Twighlight Zone (which should've been #1, IMO)
10 WORST SHOWS (again, according to Wizard Magazine)

10. Small Wonder (1985-89)

9. Black Scorpion (2001)

8. Mann and Machine (1992)

7. Space Precinct (1994-95)

6. V: The Series (1984-85)

5. Voyagers (1982-83)

4. Manimal (1983)

3. Night Man (1997-99)

2. The Starlost (1973-74)

1. Baywatch Nights (1995-97)

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know


Pinata Whacker
Voyagers had the 2 time travellers. That was a cool show:)

Small Wonder had the blond hottie mother:)


[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
OMG! I seriously haven't thought about "Small Wonder" in like 20 years! I'm sorry, though. Voyagers was horrible.
There was no mention of Eureaka, Dollhouse, or Sarah Conner at all.

Heroes, The Greatest American Hero, Stargate SG-1, Farscape, and Xena were all listed as "not making the cut".

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
That's a sexy jumpsuit Marla Pennigton is wearing in that Small Wonder video!!


I want to smell dark matter

25. Dark Shadows (1966-71) - Never heard of it or watched it.

24. Smallville (2001-now) - First three seasons were good or at least showed a lot of potential, then it got progessively worse until it became actively bad. That fact that it's had eight seasons and still has no end in sight whereas BSG only got four seasons and Firefly and Terminator were cancelled is a crime against life.

23. Red Dwarf (1988-99, 2009) - Yeah, was good (first six anyway lol).

22. Incredible Hulk (1978-82) - Never watched it. Was it actually good or is this just childhood nostalgia?

21. Night Gallery (1970-73) - Never heard of it or seen it.

20. Supernatural (2005-now) - Bullshit. Okay, I don't watch it, but there's more deserving shows not on the list at all...

19. Highlander: The Series (1992-98) - Never watched.

18. Babylon 5 (1994-99) - Never watched and its fans (the ones on message boards) tend to be pricks so I don't want to watch and find it's good or anything.

17. The Outer Limits (1963-65) - NEVEr...oh fuck.

16. Quantum Leap (1989-93) - YES. Final season got dumb but it was a classic show.

15. The Dead Zone (2002-07) - Mm, Nicole DeBoer. BUT HANG ON, isn't there another show missing...

14. Angel (1999-04) - Should be above firely. Was better than Buffy at its best.

13. The Prisoner (1967-68) - Never watched it all, but I'm sure it's good.

12. The 4400 (2004-07) - Meh, was this even good? I don't remember anyone ever praising it.

11. Firefly (2002-03) - Firefly was good, but it was only 14 episodes. I mean there were CERTAIN SHOWS which got seven seasons and deserve to be on the list more.

10. V (miniseries-1983) - Meh.

9. Jeckyll (2007) - Hold on a fucking minute, is this the BBC thing from a couple of years ago with James Nesbitt? IN THE TOP FUCKING TEN SHOWS OF ALL TIME? What utter shit. I think I watched it once and it was okay, but come the fuck on. TOP TEN. Is this just some "let's suck Stephen Moffat's cock" agenda? I mean, he deserves it sucked, but this is stupid.

8. The X-Files (1993-02) - Yes. Went off the boil towards the end bu there was enough classic stuff to deserve top ten.

7. Star Trek (1966-69) - Duh.

6. Lost (2004-now) - Assuming the last season isn't a total letdown then it deserves to be high, yeah.

5. Battlestar Galactica (2004-09) - Might be my number one. Best acting, caste, atmosphere in any sci-fi show. Wasn't entirely happy with the ending but Caprica could answer some of the questions and the character's were still served well. I know about farming.

4. Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-03) - Don't know if it should be above the previous four but Buffy was a great show obviously and very influential.

3. Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94) - One of my all time favourite shows. Would be a deserving number one.

2. The Twighlight Zone (1959-64) Only seen odd episodes but seemed good.

1. Doctor Who (1963-89, 2005-now) - Well I can't comment too much as Tomtrek would hit me with a frying pan and I haven't seen much of the old stuff besides some Tom Baker serials anyway, but judging ONLY by the 2005+ stuff it does not deserve to be number one.

Right, I'd have Sarah Connor Chronicles on too (not Dollhouse, not yet anyway) but the biggest ommission is obviously DS9. And they can't have had a "just one Trek allowed" rule as there's two on the list. So this is just utter bullshit.



Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Space Precinct rocked! But I do remember here in the states, it ended abruptly on a two-parter, and I never got to see the second part. Fuckers.

You know, as much as I am a Buffy fan, it kinda started sucking the fourth season. For it to be as high as it is, it needed to be more consistent. Not have three rocking first seasons, then the rest be hit & miss.

Maybe I'm just bitter that Xena didn't make it....


I want to smell dark matter
Xena isn't sci-fi anyway! AND WHAT ABOUT DROIDS?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Supernatural, Dark Shadows, and Buffy aren't sci-fi. THEY'RE FANTASY


Boobie inspector
Really shocked at Sg1 not being on there too, whether its your cup of tea or not, there's only been three sci fi shows ever get to ten seasons, and the other two are on the list.

I mean I love V the mini series, but come on, it was 4 episodes long, that makes the list and a show that lasted ten years and over 200 episodes didn't?