TOP 25 SCI-FI SHOWS (according to Wizard)

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
25. Dark Shadows (1966-71)-AWFUL soap opera, it ran 5 days a week and had the budget of a local television commercial. I'm pretty sure that in all the years it ran, you never ONCE saw Barnabas Collins bite anyone.

24. Smallville (2001-now)-Good first 3-4 season, haven't watched since then 'cause it got awful, and was on opposite some other better show.

23. Red Dwarf (1988-99, 2009)-Never seen it, but heard good things.

22. Incredible Hulk (1978-82)-This must be a purely nostalgia pick. Awful SFX, bad writing, meidocre acting.

21. Night Gallery (1970-73)-Scared the ever-lovin' piss out of me when I was a kid, watching re-runs. Not as good as Twilight Zone, but it's the much scarier of Rod Serling's creations.

20. Supernatural (2005-now)-Never seen it, been meaning to.

19. Highlander: The Series (1992-98)-Watched it in syndication during the summers when nothing better was on. Probably seen every episode in order, but can't tell you a damned thing about any one of them. I remeber it being very formulaic, every episode had basically the same arc.

18. Babylon 5 (1994-99)-Never seen it, but I agree the fans are way too rabid.

17. The Outer Limits (1963-65)-Scary, groundbreaking, deserves a higher spot IMHO. The remake in the late 90's was very underrated.

16. Quantum Leap (1989-93)-Very good show, seen every episode when USA was running them in order. Deserves to be on the list.

15. The Dead Zone (2002-07)-Never seen one episode.

14. Angel (1999-04)-A top-10 show, easily. Maybe top-5. Don't need to comment past that.

13. The Prisoner (1967-68) was groundbreaking, and weird, but a little too weird. Picture Lost but weirder X10 and with no resolution.

12. The 4400 (2004-07)-Never seen it, but this seems WAY too high for a show that wasn't all that successful.

11. Firefly (2002-03)-Overrated, IMHO. NO WAY should this be higher than Angel!

10. V (miniseries-1983)-Annnnnd this list officially becomes a joke. I remember watching this when I was kid and thinking, "Jeez, what a lame Star-Wars ripoff". Awful.

9. Jeckyll (2007)-Never even heard of this one.

8. The X-Files (1993-02)-Definite Top-10 show.

7. Star Trek (1966-69)-Not a huge fan of TOS, but deserves to be top-10 simply because this broke the mold, and set the standard for all subsequent Sci-Fi series.

6. Lost (2004-now)-Agree with the placement, not too high.

5. Battlestar Galactica (2004-09)-Need to catch up on this one. Might be too high.

4. Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-03)-Number 1 in my book. Season 3 is, IMHO, the best single season of television I've ever seen. Quality from start to finish, and unlike many shows (X-Files, BSG, Highlander) I can remember dozens and dozens of episodes. That's what it's all about in my book.

3. Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94)-Excellent, would be #2 in my book behind Buffy.

2. The Twighlight Zone (1959-64)-Groundbreaking at the time, it now seems dated. Far too many similar plots, and the whole "every episode has a twist" gets a bit boring and repetative.

1. Doctor Who (1963-89, 2005-now)-Only seen a handful of Baker episodes, and all of the new Series. New Series is excellent, but would still be behind Buffy, Angel, Lost, TNG in my book.
