Torchwood: Miracle Gay... er, Day


Is this real life?
It was an entertaining enough episode with some really nicely shot scenes here and there (mostly the montage type bits where Gwen's looking actually hot), but I didn't even understand the explanation for it all. I'm not sure it's worth even trying to, either, because it's not as if there's going to be a valid answer.

Annoying because I liked the stuff early on about what happens if no one dies, and how an organisation could control the world by changing lots of little things all over the place without any accountability. They really should've planned the story better so it made proper sense and also cut the number of episodes to five, as with Children of Earth, so it could be a tight story without any filler.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Did they kill Ester because they thought it would be EDGY or something?


Is this real life?
Probably. I just thought it was pointless, but at least they didn't kill off Rex too. I mean I thought Rex was a pretty lame Angry Black Man character but it'd be annoying if they killed off everyone but Jack and Gwen again.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Rex's personality changed after the first few episodes, we should have figured he'd live.


I want to smell dark matter
It's really stupid that this Earth is the same Earth as in Doctor Who. What happens the next time Amy and Rory go home?

Amy: Hi mum, where's that old woman played by Victor Meldrew's wife who Wacky reasonably assumed as my aunt but apparently she wasn't?
Mum: We burned her in an oven!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Oh gods, am I gonna be even more confused by Doctor Who now???

Both shows are giving me migraines.


Is this real life?
Like I said a couple of weeks ago, I think we just have to decide for ourselves that Torchwood takes place in an alternate universe to Doctor Who where really stupid things happen and everyone dies and nothing ever gets explained properly and Jack can be "omnisexual" but only have sex with human men. A bit like Trek fans having to decide whether they count the animated series as canon or not.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Yeah Torchwood really doesn't want to fit anywhere in the Doctor Who world. But really a lot of the other stuff that's in the Doctor Who world doesn't really make any sense so fine. I mean there's so much stuff that humanity should've remembered by now (And not just in the new series) that if you actually try and put it together you have to make bizarre bits of fanon and retcons. So you just have to put it all together and not look too much into it.

But really, Torchwood is the worst at it. All the other spin offs work better then Torchwood.

Even this one.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Could Rex be the Face of Bo then?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I want to smell dark matter
I love how K-9 doesn't even move in the opening titles of his show. Did they not have wheels in the eighties?


Is this real life?
Anyone would think Sarah Jane was the robot based on that. And don't any other people exist in that universe? It looks like it's just her and the dog in a post apocalyptic landscape where everyone else has vanished.


Boobie inspector
I love how K-9 doesn't even move in the opening titles of his show. Did they not have wheels in the eighties?

I think they used his batteries for SJS's curling tongs.

Anyone else get an ashes to ashes vibe of that?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
^LMAO. I was just about to say that. It was like she was morphing into K-9, or vice versa. So glad I'm not the only one thinking that.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Dammit, I was responding to Fuddle's post. RAWR