Torchwood: Miracle Gay... er, Day


Boobie inspector
We get slightly less sex and violence, but longer trailers for next weeks episodes.

Woopy doo.


I want to smell dark matter
They should have pixelated out John Barrowman's nipples.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Were they rubbery looking too?


moral imperfection
Wait, do I read that correctly: the Britons get to see less sex than the Americans? That goes against every single prejudice I have ever been taught. I am appalled.


Boobie inspector
Its all because Jack started in Doctor Who, and it dosnt matter if they show it at midnight, BBC execs would say "better tone down the sex, there might be kids watching"

They dont show it at midnight bTW, they show it at 9, our supposed watershed, after which anything goes.


moral imperfection
^thanks for the explanation!

I am really curious now to see which version of Torchwood (if any at all) we will get to see over here. German TV seems to be pretty cool with showing sex in comparison to the British, I must say.


Boobie inspector
I'll be interested to see what version if any you get of "lets kill hitler"


moral imperfection
^rofl my guess is - none at all.
For some reason I can not really grasp, German TV is a bit hesitant to broadcast shows that make fun and/or use Hitler as a plot element.
Someone once told me it is due to severe butthurt, and that's the best explanation I ever got. :shrug:

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
You'd think I'd be in here commenting on the gay sex, wouldn't you?

I haven't watched any of it yet. But I have a few eps DLd. WILL WATCH SOMETIME.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I've seen stills on some of my GAY news sites. I'm prepared. (I'm wearing a condom)


Boobie inspector
Well that was rather dull, still at least Jack has the handy morphic field nullifier in his pocket, and if it can make an immortal man die, it should put him back to his usual self.

Next week looks pretty dull too, if the trailer has all the best bits god help the rest of it.


Is this real life?
An anticlimax. They built all that stuff up about Angelo as if he was immortal and he was just an old man who couldn't speak and then Nana Visitor got blown up for no reason.

John DeLancie wasn't very well used either, since he played a character that I think was supposed to be comical but just seemed really unprofessional and out of place in a drama. It seems like RTD's seen what Moffat does in Dr Who with the seamless switches between moments of emotion and comedy and he's trying to do the same, but failing miserably.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, that episode started well, then slowed down and turned to shit. I liked DeLancie and I was on his side when he was arguing with Gwen (who was being even more shouty and annoying than usual...which was annoying since she looked hot) but his character existed only to add more pointless conflicts and drag the story out.

And that's what this episode was all about. The CIA and Torchwood are finally working together...but then twenty minutes later Torchwood's on the run again for a really stupid reason. Gwen's sent back to Wales after a two minute argument just because the characters need to be split up yet again to drag it out. Nana Visitor's character exists for some exposition then gets blown up because the idiot CIA agents didn't handcuff Newman's hands behind his back like they should have.

The scene with Jack and Alonso was kind of sweet until the unfunny comedy with him pulling the plug.

OH NO JACK'S DEAD. No he isn't.

Two episodes to go and they still haven't developed "The Family" beyond being three guys. Oh, the hot CIA blond who I can't remember seeing before works for them. We're screwed now!

Why did that prostitute get so arsey and start laughing at the paedophile murderer? Seems like a bad idea to me. What's the point of Oswald again?

NEXT WEEK: More shit in Wales! Who cares if Gwen's dad is found? He should be dead anyway.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
You mean Space Bar Alonzo?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
At first I thought you were being sarcastic, but that must be the guy I saw when I flipped over once and he was trying to pass himself off as Jack, and Jack chased him down and they had a moment staring into each other's eyes.


Is this real life?
Angelo. I'm not sure who Ellis Island Alonzo is.


I want to smell dark matter
I got confused with RTD's annoying catchphrase.