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Understanding Anti-Semitism: Why Do People Dislike Jews?


TAFKA Chadarnook
Why do people dislike Jews? This is a question that is seldom asked; and, if any answer is given, the typical explanation is simply "hatred." Yet, even in such cases where that explanation is acceptable, we must address that the hatred is indeed based on something--even if that "something" is nonsense. In perhaps the first time ever, this documentary traces anti-Semitism to its earliest claimed manifestations and follows it through time to the present. In a novel approach to this topic, this documentary attempts to be objective. Still, it does not seek to condone Jewish antipathy; the video merely documents the many reasons why it exists, showing nearly every conceivable justification for its continued existence by non-Jews. And it does this in an even-handed approach that refutes such hatred based on stereotypes, with examples of Jews who do not toe-the-line to fracture such ideas.

For those of you that are bored enough to spam, a short 'lil film.

The above is a very large file, roughly 180MB. It is in Windows Media Video format, a compressed format for Internet viewing. If you do not have a fast connection - LAN/Broadband/Cable - it is recommended that you don't try to download it, as it would take too much time.

The video has a bit of a dramatic flair to it. However, it nicely condenses some of the arguments of us "evil neo-nazis" (a.k.a anyone critical of Israel and/or Jews or anyone questioning the Holohoax) to bite-size proportions.

My thought at this moment is that you're probably going to end up cast into the same bullshit ad hominems I've been taking from a few sundry loonie lefty angles I've been.

Welcome to the club.
Holohoax? You mean all that Xyclon B was for fumigation? You should see the notes, some of those bunkers, they could kill 4600 people in 24 hours.

Then there's that nasty little paper trail, otherwise known as the IBM Hollerith Punchcard System.

There's no reason to get ugly, just because you refuse to see what's before your eyes.
I won't call names about the destruction occuring in WWII because you're entitled to whatever belief system you need, but if you'd like a real discussion on the slaughter that took place, you'll have to refute the evidence point by point, unfortunately.

Because a shitload of people were murdered by somebody in WWII.
I know you didn't miss the points I've brought up about that in the past, Jack, so I can only conclude that you didn't really read and understand them.

Now, back on topic... even I didn't know about the Kosher racket. That's pretty fuckin' slick, I must admit, although I'm understandably pissed off about it. Of course, I already knew that the seperation of church and state doesn't apply to Judaism.
Wait, I never read anything about your points....and what do you mean "kosher racket"?
I've only seen people refer to you in that way, I've never read your opinions about it.

Link me to a couple of threads?
That's in reference to the Kosher Excise Tax.

Look in your fridge, right now. Look at the milk, mustard, whatever. A little K or U in a circle on the label means it's Kosher certified, and you paid extra for that.

As the for Holocaust issue, well, that's a very complex subject. The burden of proof is not on the Holocaust "deniers." The above video has attempts to address some issues related to the Holocaust.
Well that depends on the product, and how much the company has to pay Rabbis in order to get it certified (including specialized methods of production, apparently).

I can't give any kind of figure. Let's say 5 cents on the $. For everything.

And as this video claims, certain people are making a handsome sum of money, like in those computer flicks where a person steals 1 cent from every bank account and winds up with millions. The figures (which are accurate, ~2% of the population in the US is Jewish) show that 98% of the people paying for this tax are NOT Jewish.

The video is an hour long or so. But if you do download it, I believe the part on the Kosher Tax starts at about 12 minutes into the film.

What's amazing is how few people know about this.
Ok, I read about half of the first page in the thread, and I'm getting your gist. I'm not sure if you've read IBM and the Holocaust or not, but there's really a lot of stored available data which suggest that they were killing close to 100,000 people a year each in Dachau, and Bergen Belsen.

If you say that the "compelling" evidence isn't satisfactory, I'm not going to get into the "PR" of it, I certainly support that idea. Would it be less horrific if only 3.5 million were killed and only 50,000 of those were experimented on?

But the Germans were pretty deliberate about simmering the hatred in the populace, Warsaw was no anomaly. Neither was Kristallnacht. Mein Kampf, unfortunately forces one to come to grips with what was really up with Hitler, whether you choose to believe it or not.

The Final Solution was real, TQ.
Chadarnook said:
Well that depends on the product, and how much the company has to pay Rabbis in order to get it certified (including specialized methods of production, apparently).

I can't give any kind of figure. Let's say 5 cents on the $. For everything.

And as this video claims, certain people are making a handsome sum of money, like in those computer flicks where a person steals 1 cent from every bank account and winds up with millions. The figures (which are accurate, ~2% of the population in the US is Jewish) show that 98% of the people paying for this tax are NOT Jewish.

The video is an hour long or so. But if you do download it, I believe the part on the Kosher Tax starts at about 12 minutes into the film.

What's amazing is how few people know about this.

You may not be aware of this, but I don't believe the "rabbis" get paid. It's just a "blessing" once the inspection is made, I'm pretty sure there's no "rabbi on staff" that inspects each item that's labelled.

It used to be that way, but hasn't been for quite some time.
The video link I posted goes into WWII and (what has been dubbed by even some Jews) as the Holocaust Industry. I really recommend you watch it, at least to get a glimpse of how many holes the entire story has in it. I always point people towards it because it can express the POV of Holocaust Revionists better than I can, at times.

But the Germans were pretty deliberate about simmering the hatred in the populace, Warsaw was no anomaly.

Practically everywhere the Wehrmacht went, they found psuedo-civil wars between nationalist and Communist partisans. The Communists were very often supported by the local Jewish populations, which helped to foment a very deep bitterness between Jews and said populations. For instance, in the Ukraine, where 5 million people were deliberately starved to death by a largely Jewish dominated Soviet Union before the war.

Also ironic is the fact that many photos produced that provide proof of Nazi slaughter are actually pictures of NKVD victims.
I'd like to mention right now that I never intended this to be full-blown discussion WWII, at least not until the clip was viewed by others.
jack said:
Ok, I read about half of the first page in the thread, and I'm getting your gist. I'm not sure if you've read IBM and the Holocaust or not, but there's really a lot of stored available data which suggest that they were killing close to 100,000 people a year each in Dachau, and Bergen Belsen.

I'll have a look at that book, if I can find it, but I won't expect to see anything I haven't already seen and dissected already. It's been suggested that the most compelling evidence to support the claim isn't to be found online, but that's simply nonsense, for the following reason:

If holocaust denial can be found online, then the arguments against it would naturally be found in the same medium -- and they are. If holocaust denial, then, is as egregious an offense to humanity is its detractors make it out to be, one would expect its detractors not to keep the most damning evidences against holocaust denial out of every medium in which they encounter it.

If you say that the "compelling" evidence isn't satisfactory, I'm not going to get into the "PR" of it, I certainly support that idea. Would it be less horrific if only 3.5 million were killed and only 50,000 of those were experimented on?

No, it wouldn't be -- but I'm not interested in hypotheticals, or in emotional appeals, as you should certainly have gathered already. If you say that 3.5 million were killed, you must convince me that 3.5 million were killed, and I do not find circumstantial evidence the least bit convincing.

But the Germans were pretty deliberate about simmering the hatred in the populace, Warsaw was no anomaly. Neither was Kristallnacht.

No, they weren't -- but they aren't direct evidence that 6 million, 3.5 million or even 1 million Jews were murdered, and certainly not in a premeditated programme at the national level.

Mein Kampf, unfortunately forces one to come to grips with what was really up with Hitler, whether you choose to believe it or not.

But "what was up with Hitler" -- again -- doesn't prove that his personal opinion of what ought to be done with the Jewish population of europe actually manifested itself anywhere outside his own fantasies.

Mein Kampf does raise an interesting question, though -- Hitler was indeed shockingly blunt with regard to his intentions for the Jewish population of Germany -- not only that, but also as regards his motivations for reaching the conclusion he did.

Why would he publish his intentions so openly, yet attempt later to hide the actual practice he'd preached about, especially at a time when his government had every reason to believe that they were 1. Doing the right thing for their own nation and for Europe, and 2. thought that no one could oppose them in it?

The Final Solution was real, TQ.

The Final Solution was indeed real -- but the Final Solution was not genocide, but expulsion.
Hitler was extremely charismatic, to the point of being soporifically hypnotic in a crowd situation. His own personal rhetoric would most certainly influence the way he spoke, and the way it was received.

Certainly his speeches give you that impression, no?
jack said:
Hitler was extremely charismatic, to the point of being soporifically hypnotic in a crowd situation. His own personal rhetoric would most certainly influence the way he spoke, and the way it was received.

Without a doubt.

Certainly his speeches give you that impression, no?

Sure they do -- but I don't recall, in any of his public speeches, where he explicitly told anyone that German Jews or european Jewry were going to be murdered.

And the fact that he was explicit about that previously in the public record (via Mein Kampf) and the fact that during the heyday of his speechmaking, Germany was not yet on the losing side of a three-front war, means that if such were in planning OR in progress, and the German people would have stood behind such a thing (as we're led to believe by such racist tripe as Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's book Hitler's Willing Executioners) then Hitler should certainly have used the Holocaust as a talking point and rallying cry during at least one of his speeches, and almost certainly more than one.

Can you find such an example?
I just find the speeches rather chilling in their manipulativeness and their intent. The whole thing seems to be done with a wink and a nod. Like on the outside, to the outside world it was one thing. But the interior propagand is remarkable.

But jeez, the body evidence alone. How do you account for that. The crematoria, the showers? The medical rooms? The mass graves?

The log books?