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Understanding Anti-Semitism: Why Do People Dislike Jews?

The deportation theory is interesting. Since everything is so meticulously documented, you know...not one of those trains was ever late, where did the deportation take place? Who took them?

Those were interior trains, coming into the country, not out.
What body evidence? A human body, if it could be made to burn like paper, would still leave behind a shoe-box of ash. Where's the ash? Seismic tests done near Auschwitz have already revealed that the lower layers of ground have remained untouched for a very long time now (as in, even before the war).

The entire Holocaust issue suffers from what I call the "thousand needle" effect - there is not single piece of evidence, only a thousand little claims that have all been refuted.

The Jewish population remained around the same time after the war (it was higher, in fact).

Anne Franks' Diary? Long proven to be a fake.

Every single claim has been refuted. The more extravagant myths of Jewish lampshades and Jewish soap, and of "mass electrocution machines" "discovered" by the invading Red Army have been quietly swept under the rug.
I don't know or care about "lampshade theory" but there's a large empirical body of medical evidence, like for example, how we learned about human cold and heat tolerances. Most doctors swore off the medical advances the nazi's professed in their seven years of human experimentation, but some didn't.
jack said:
I just find the speeches rather chilling in their manipulativeness and their intent. The whole thing seems to be done with a wink and a nod. Like on the outside, to the outside world it was one thing. But the interior propagand is remarkable.

What's the interior propaganda say explicitly about murdering anyone?

But jeez, the body evidence alone. How do you account for that.

Did you really read the other thread? Hundreds of thousands did, in fact, die as a result of contagion and starvation resulting from Allied bombing runs disrupting and destroying supply lines to the camps.

The crematoria, the showers?

During a contagion, infectious materials are incinerated. This is true even today. And no one has claimed for a very long time that people were gassed using the showers, because Zyklon-B simply doesn't work that way.

The medical rooms? The mass graves?

First, why have medical facilities if the inmates are supposed to all die? Second, mass graves (as I've pointed out many times before) do not indicate either premeditation to commit mass murder or mass murder itself.

The log books?

The log books are interesting in an of themselves. Where have you read them? Or have you only read that they existed?
jack said:
The deportation theory is interesting. Since everything is so meticulously documented, you know...not one of those trains was ever late, where did the deportation take place? Who took them?

Those were interior trains, coming into the country, not out.

This is where I started to question the story:

The most efficient and powerful army on earth, in desperate need of fuel, manpower, etc, decided, instead of simply putting up a sign in Eastern Europe that wrote "Open season on Jews" or simply shooting them, decided, on it's very own, with no written orders (only Wannsee documents which were poorly forged by the Allies and are still displayed as being authentic), to most inefficiently round up all the Jews came across, send them on trains back to camps, feed them, clothe them, tag them, and then kill them in an unnecessary complex way and dispose of them in magic nuclear furnaces that somehow reduced the time and heat needed to burn a human body for hours and at thousands of degrees F to a few moments.

I've been at Auschwitz, and have seen the stuff for myself. There are more holes in the story than swiss cheese and people who have been pointing them out for decades, except that they are totally drowned out.

It's illegal to say that 6 million Jews didn't die in France, Germany, Poland, etc. Not even debate is allowed there. The truth needs no special protection, except when it comes to the Holocaust (inc.)

I don't know or care about "lampshade theory" but there's a large empirical body of medical evidence, like for example, how we learned about human cold and heat tolerances. Most doctors swore off the medical advances the nazi's professed in their seven years of human experimentation, but some didn't.

The Japanese discovered most of that stuff, in particularly gruesome ways.

Anne Frank didn't exist? Or disavowed her writing in public?

She died in the camps of Typhus. Her father is the champion behind her diary, and it has been totally debunked.

Is The Diary of Anne Frank genuine?

You should check out, The Gray Zone cute little film.

I saw it a few times. It wasn't the worst prison camp movie I've seen. It's hard for me to be unbiased towards films like that when the camps are portrayed as being hellish, when that was not the case.
Is The Diary of Anne Frank genuine?

The first step in the investigation is to determine if the text is consistent within itself. The Diary contains an extraordinary number of inconsistencies.

Let us take the example of the noises. Those in hiding, we are told, must not make the least sound. This is so much so that, if they cough, they quickly take codeine. The "enemies" could hear them. The walls are that "thin" (25 March 1943). Those "enemies" are very numerous: Lewin, who "knows the whole building well" (1 October 1942), the men from the store, the customers, the deliverymen, the agent, the cleaning woman, the night watchman Slagter, the plumbers, the "health service," the accountant, the police who conduct their searches of the premises, the neighbors both near and far, the owner, etc. It is therefore unlikely and inconceivable that Mrs. Van Daan had the habit of using the vacuum cleaner each day at 12:30 pm (5 August 1943). The vacuum cleaners of that era were, moreover, particularly noisy. I ask: "How is that conceivable?" My question is not purely formal. It is not rhetorical. Its purpose is not to show astonishment. My question is a question. It is necessary to respond to it. That question could be followed with forty other questions concerning noises. It is necessary to explain, for example, the use of an alarm clock (4 August 1943). It is necessary to explain the noisy carpentry work: the removal of a wooden step, the transformation of a door into a swinging cupboard (21 August 1942), the making of a wooden candlestick (7 December 1942). Peter splits wood in the attic in front of the open window (23 February 1944). [...]
I know there are a lot of folks out there who would rather do anything but admit this, but it's a fact:

The majority of the American public, as well as most of the public in Europe, have been the victims of a good old-fashioned hoodwink. And the worst part is, the victims of the scam will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid seeing it for themselves, and are only too happy to see those who have gotten wise to it be made to shut up.
I think it goes far beyond that. I've been reading about so many things that aren't in the history books, I've forgotten more than I've remembered. I often discover that people around me (friends, family, whatever) can only be told half the true facts about anything, be it Pearl Harbor, WWII, 9/11, or at least in little baby-steps.

The Holocaust has become so ingrained in modern thinking that all other crimes against humanity, even those exceeding in barbarity and sheer numbers, are simply not mentioned. I have yet to see a film about the +60 million lives communism has claimed. Why? Because the persecution of Jews and the movement or ideology which foments it, whether or not "justified," must always be presented in the most misanthropic of lights; because it dislikes Jews for any reason whatsoever, it hates all of humanity, and must be smashed. The Soviet Union was the Jewish "Promised Land;" Anti-semitism was punishable by death. But when the Communists actually decided to aid Arabs and judge Jews/Zionists by the same yardstick as colonial capitalist oppressors, it suddenly became the enemy :roll:

BTW, if anyone here is in Canada, you might not want to post. Criticism of the Holocaust is usually considered a thought crime of the "inciting racial hatred" type.

I didn't actually mean for my using the term holohoax to be inflammatory, but it's a term I use probably more often than holocaust, because it's just so difficult for me to take it seriously. [/rant]

So . . . how 'bout the film, folks?

"Too long, didn't d/l" :?:
Actually, that was misleading of me.

Distributing pamphlets which question the Holocaust, however, is a serious no-no.

Then there's the infamous David Duke and his book, Jewish Supremacism. The Russian government took a good look at it to see if it was something meant to incite racial hatred. They didn't agree with that assertion.

But if you try to cross the Canadian border with it, it'll be confiscated.
Peter Octavian said:
You're kidding, right?

No, he's not.

A few of the names of those who have been persecuted and/or prosecuted for questioning the Holocaust propaganda:

Ernst Zundel (tried in Canada as a terrorist for questioning the Holocaust; subjected to multiple death threats as well as two asassination attempts while being monitored by the Canadian government.)
David Irving (Subjected to libel by Deborah Lipstadt, who accused him in print of being an antisemite and a Neo-Nazi for daring to question the Holocaust propaganda; the courts actually upheld her libel by affirming it under the precept of taking "judicial notice" of the Holocaust as an "accepted" fact; naturally, without even making the thinnest attempt to prove the charge beyond noting Irving's scholarly and not at all inflammatory dispute of the officially "accepted" record.)
Other names of those hunted, defamed, physically assaulted, threatened with death or imprisonment, all for doing nothing more than questioning this "accepted fact":

David Cole
Wilhelm Staglich
Paul Rassinier
Germar Rudolph
Arthur Butz

There are more, but these are the most famous (or, if you prefer, infamous) among them.
I've got the little K or U on practically all my food, too, but most of them are in little triangles on my stuff. I wonder what the difference is?
^Not all are circled on mine, like on my Tropicana Orange Juice. And I get that the K stands for Kosher but what does the U stand for?
IIRC, it's "Union" of something or other. I've got a "D" on my ice cream next to the U -- that might be "Deli Kosher" or something.
Well, wait -- how does "U" translate to "pareve"? I don't doubt you, I'm just wondering what damn alphabet is it where U = P.