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Understanding Anti-Semitism: Why Do People Dislike Jews?

pareve means "without supervision" this underscores my previous statement, that the "jew tax" would be an oxymoron, any cost per items for using the symbol would have to be infinitessimal, truly.

The U symbol is the most common symbol of kosher certification, from the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, New York, NY.
Even if it's only a fraction of a cent per item, it's still going to add up to billions of dollars per year when you take account of the amount of money spent on packaged food products every year.
jack said:
pareve means "without supervision" this underscores my previous statement, that the "jew tax" would be an oxymoron, any cost per items for using the symbol would have to be infinitessimal, truly.

Yes, but it amounts to over $6 billion. It's fascinating that 2% of the population can dictate such things to the rest of population.

If everyone suddenly watched an ABC report about the tax, would they simply say "Oh . . . that's what that symbol means. Ok." ?

It reminds me of a post I once read on a Communist forum - "If I told you a small percentage of peoples exploit the working man, you'd call me a left wing. If I told you who, you'd call me right wing, so I really don't know."

It's incredibly unfair, and the majority of the people cannot excercise any authority over this matter, because they are kept in the dark.
Chadarnook said:
If everyone suddenly watched an ABC report about the tax, would they simply say "Oh . . . that's what that symbol means. Ok." ?

Honestly, they probably would -- that's what the guilt trip is for, and if it can motivate the cover up of the truth about the USS Liberty assault, it can probably keep people intimidated enough not to say anything about this form of taxation without representation, as well.

It's incredibly unfair, and the majority of the people cannot excercise any authority over this matter, because they are kept in the dark.

Not that we necessarily could if it was common knowledge, either, though. I don't see how we'd go about divesting a major industry of what is essentially a foreign influence, when the same influence in actual fact manipulates the highest levels of our government.

Is it wrong that I find it both frightening and amusing that this thread is starting to sound like dialogue from an episode of The Lone Gunmen? Where are TK's very own Lone Gunmen, anyway?
Obviously, this is not meant to single out individuals. However, it'll be impossible for some people NOT to get offended (and that's perfectly understandable in itself), and I'd like to make it clear that this is most certainly not the "spirit" of this thread.
I don't know how much of Judaism's tenets of the manipulation and usury of non-Jews, as based on attitudes of Jewish supremacism, are subscribed to by each and every individual Jewish person -- but it is a fact that those are indeed tenets of Talmudic teaching.

The impression I get of the Jewish outlook toward Gentiles, over the course of history, is that we're animals provided by God for their use -- but that we're dangerous animals who have to be strictly controlled, lest we turn, as oft times before, and bite the hand that chokes us.
The Question said:
I don't know how much of Judaism's tenets of the manipulation and usury of non-Jews, as based on attitudes of Jewish supremacism, are subscribed to by each and every individual Jewish person -- but it is a fact that those are indeed tenets of Talmudic teaching.

The impression I get of the Jewish outlook toward Gentiles, over the course of history, is that we're animals provided by God for their use -- but that we're dangerous animals who have to be strictly controlled, lest we turn, as oft times before, and bite the hand that chokes us.

That's the problem, drawing a line between collective behavior and individual behavior.

As for the Talmud, well . . . it's not a pleasant read, of course.

One of the more "PC" theories (as PC as they get, I spose) in regards to the behavior of certain Jews is that this deep tribalism is a sort of "collective evolutionary strategy;" the Jews that did not band together as tightly as possible and those who were not opportunistic and intelligent enough to take advantage of whatever situation fell into their lap (or they created for themselves), didn't make it. The verbal dexterity and above-average intelligence of Jews is cited to support this idea.
A less charitable hypothesis is that the various evolutionary stages of Jewish religion have all had intense xenophobia as a central tenet, and that this characteristic defines not only Jewish religion, but by extension, Jewish society -- irrespective of religious observance or lack thereof. This explains not only why the Jewish people have been expelled from most of the cultures in which they have established themselves at one time or another -- Jewish xenophobia defined the behavior of Jewish political and economic bodies within the host nation, which resulted in resentment and eventual hostility among the governments and peoples with whom the insular Jewish communities had established themselves. In essence, their xenophobic behavior resulted in self-fulfilled prophecy.

It also explains why both religious extremists and atheist Jews alike have subscribed to Zionism.

It also explains the existence of Jewish anti-Zionist groups -- it is as simple as different sects of the same religion holding to differing interpretations of the religion's principles.
The Question said:
I don't know how much of Judaism's tenets of the manipulation and usury of non-Jews, as based on attitudes of Jewish supremacism, are subscribed to by each and every individual Jewish person -- but it is a fact that those are indeed tenets of Talmudic teaching.

The impression I get of the Jewish outlook toward Gentiles, over the course of history, is that we're animals provided by God for their use -- but that we're dangerous animals who have to be strictly controlled, lest we turn, as oft times before, and bite the hand that chokes us.

You're confusing Orthodox dogma for the overall semi-conservative religious teaching. Get this, I went to Maimonedes University through 8th grade, BarMitzvah at 13, the quintessential good Jeweish boy, yet I agree with most of what you are saying. The most vicious racists in the world are Jews, to Jews themselves.

I'm not quite sure how correct you are in the "biblical squatters" theory however. It can make sense when framed the way you are framing it, but some of this tribal insinuation (as you seem to put it) was actually inavasion and occupation by Syrians, Romans, you name it.

5500 years ago Moses walked the earth. His relationship with God was pretty straightforward, although the myth indicates he made some pretty fucked up judgements on the communications he supposedly translated.

I still take issue with the Jew Tax though, if you want to split hairs, I could pooint out a lot more egregious profit taking by the companies displaying those symbols than the tiff the Union may collect.

That you don't know about :)
resurrecunt actually managed to cheapen this thread with his baseless accusation.

It's very easy to throw a blanket over a certain group of people and call them this or that (especially if they're white.) It's much harder to actually debate people.

All of you, who have watched the video and who might disagree with me and The Question silently admit defeat by not voicing your concerns.

The Holocaust did not happen. Got anything to say about it? Speak now, or forever hold your peace.
Laker_Girl said:
I'll be damned if there isn't a circled K or U on everything but my pork sausage! Jew tax, nice.
A survey of 66 distinct commercially packaged items in my kitchen turns up 7 Us and 7 Ks, including a number that aren't in circles at all or might be a logo of some other kind. This included most notably olives and mead. This does not include a variety of foods that I have that aren't "commercially packaged," all of which have (of course) absolutely no label, such as produce. Taking into account the higher duplication rates of nonkosher items, roughly 10% of the edible objects passing through my kitchen appear to be kosher.

Having things certified kosher is entirely voluntary on the part of the manufacturer. Reading up on the circled U logo, the most common, brings up their website, where they outline what getting it on your product entails. References to billing include a "processing fee" and "travel expenses," but states nothing about continued inspections or billing on a per-product basis.

If you want to avoid such "additional costs" as are incurred by the manufacturer getting a letter on his/her label, you can simply start avoiding it at the supermarket, so far as I can tell. Doesn't seem very noticable.
Chadarnook said:
The Holocaust did not happen. Got anything to say about it? Speak now, or forever hold your peace.

I've been over this ground frequently enough, on this board and others, to tell you this from experience:

There have been a few here who have had plenty to say about it -- These have been:

Falconfire (actually tried to trot out some evidence, quickly had it dissected and its remains stomped into the dust, then proceeded directly to the "NAZI! NAZI! NAZI!" stage), Hambil (whose piece de resistance was literally to stuff his fingers into his proverbial ears and shout, "LALALALALALALALALALA!!!") Sardonica, who every now and then will fling the "NAZI!" dart hoping for a bullseye that he never quite manages to hit, and last but by no means least Imperium, who either has the flimsiest grasp on formal logic I've ever seen, or who was deliberately employing logical fallacies in arguments designed to sway the spectators rather than actually debate any of the points I raised directly.

So at this point -- although you may or may not have encountered this yourself already -- I can tell you with some justifiable confidence that you're not going to find an objective, well-reasoned opposition to our shared conclusion -- here, or anywhere else. Which is probably why anyone who manifests the audacity to propose such a debate in most public venues is shouted down, or worse.

***Alleging that Mossad was behind the 9/11 attack is anti-Semitic.***


However, in its “Report on Global Anti-Semitism†and “Global Anti-Semitism Report,†the U.S. State Department ignores the above perspectives. Here is a list of beliefs or activities the U.S. government now considers anti-Semitic:
1. Any assertion “that the Jewish community controls government, the media, international business and the financial world†is anti-Semitic.

2. “Strong anti-Israel sentiment†is anti-Semitic.

3. “Virulent criticism†of Israel’s leaders, past or present, is anti-Semitic. According to the State Department, anti-Semitism occurs when a swastika is portrayed in a cartoon decrying the behavior of a past or present Zionist leader. Thus, a cartoon that includes a swastika to criticize Ariel Sharon’s brutal 2002 invasion of the West Bank, raining “hell-fire†missiles on hapless Palestinian men, women and children, is anti-Semitic. Similarly, when the word “Zionazi†is used to describe Sharon’s saturation bombing in Lebanon in 1982 (killing 17,500 innocent refugees), it is also “anti-Semitic.â€

4. Criticism of the Jewish religion or its religious leaders or literature (especially the Talmud and Kabbalah) is anti-Semitic.

5. Criticism of the U.S. government and Congress for being under undue influence by the Jewish-Zionist community (including AIPAC) is anti-Semitic.

6. Criticism of the Jewish-Zionist community for promoting globalism (the “New World Orderâ€) is anti-Semitic.

7. Blaming Jewish leaders and their followers for inciting the Roman crucifixion of Christ is anti-Semitic.

8. Diminishing the “six million†figure of Holocaust victims is anti-Semitic.

9. Calling Israel a “racist†state is anti-Semitic.

10. Asserting that there exists a “Zionist Conspiracy†is anti-Semitic.

11. Claiming that Jews and their leaders created the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia is anti-Semitic.

12. Making “derogatory statements about Jewish persons†is anti-Semitic.

13. Denying spiritually disobedient Jews the biblical right to re-occupy Palestine is anti-Semitic.

14. Alleging that Mossad was behind the 9/11 attack is anti-Semitic.

Funny, you sure look like Adam.:bwahaha:

Unfortunatley, I'm beginning to think that old Uncle Adolph had a point.:twisted:
TJHairball said:
Having things certified kosher is entirely voluntary on the part of the manufacturer.

But not up to me?

If you want to avoid such "additional costs" as are incurred by the manufacturer getting a letter on his/her label, you can simply start avoiding it at the supermarket, so far as I can tell.
Show me ketchup which I can purchase within 50 miles which isn't Kosher.
Chadarnook said:
But not up to me?
Not unless you're making it.
Chardarnook said:
Show me ketchup which I can purchase within 50 miles which isn't Kosher.
Given that I don't know where you live, I have no idea what to recommend. If it genuinely disturbs you that your ketchup is kosher, you can start making it yourself.

Have you even been looking around at off-brands, or are you just complaining that Hunt and Heinz both have that little (U) on their bottles?