Troll Kingdom

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USUC (Username at Mock) is searching the forums


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
while lurking E's Donovan thread. Yet not posting at all.

Wonder what the soccer moms and drunks/prosletyzers/sociopaths have planned?
Maybe they're concerned about Mannix and are looking for any current news. Rumor has it, someone spent a lot of time and energy grooming him for attack dog duty.
Nah, this whole "letter arriving today" stuff has definitely piqued my curiosity but that's it. I don't really have anything to add to it but it's gotdamn good reading!!

Carry on!

Oh and I was reading the E thread because nothing had changed in the threads that I have been [trying] to follow.
Nah, this whole "letter arriving today" stuff has definitely piqued my curiosity but that's it. I don't really have anything to add to it but it's gotdamn good reading!!

Carry on!

Remember when I quit Mock for three days and you put up a few posts pointing the same thing out?

Just returning the favor kissyface.
Remember when I quit Mock for three days and you put up a few posts pointing the same thing out?

Just returning the favor kissyface.

Ha ha! Not even close. You said you were leaving to contemplate your hairy navel or something and I busted you logging in time and time again during your supposed 3 day hiatus.

I've never done a "farewell cruel TK post", dummy. No comparison.

Now just shut up and return to entertaining me with Mr. Looney Tunes. Thanks!
Why, you two faced...!!! No, really. I just noticed your avatar has two faces. Is that a hat or a deformity? Or a deformed hat? Have you ever seen "Freaks"?
jack is lonely.

its of his own doing.

he's alienated his family, wife, friends (eg steve B, Rick V) and children

most of his family no longer talk to him, some have cut off all ties. his children are embarrased and avoid him, his wife is long suffereing. His real life friends think he is crazy

all he has is Troll Korner and TKR and his online 'friendships'
"Why, you two faced...!!! No, really. I just noticed your avatar has two faces. Is that a hat or a deformity? Or a deformed hat? Have you ever seen 'Freaks'"?

And here I thought it was a cocky Johnny Reb hat.
"Why, you two faced...!!! No, really. I just noticed your avatar has two faces. Is that a hat or a deformity? Or a deformed hat? Have you ever seen 'Freaks'"?

And here I thought it was a cocky Johnny Reb hat.

Did you follow his link? That first story and photo were truly horrifying.
How's it going, Joel? Manning the boats at Mock effectively?

Lots of little dinghys there so it should be effortless, especially for a big strong alpha male such as yourself.