Posted by Utahraptor on 16 February 1999 at 09:03
In Reply to: Last post to Uterusraptor on the whole damn thing... posted by The Imp on 16 February 1999 at 03

: Shocking development!! Wyvern is my friend. Oh yeah, so is Scratch or which ever name Azazel so chooses to go by. Hell Utah, we even had a friend post off my computer. Moral of the story: Don't assume that the IP# singles out just one person.
: On with the show.
Right. I believe you!
: "Actually, I never said theyr epleirs are Christians."
: Yes you did, here is how.
: "You cna't get past what you've been forced to believe nd balme others for saying you're wrong. REligion si nto the problem ehre, it's eediots liek you who force your religion and beliefs on toehrs. Stop ringing our belsl tyrign to get us to convert to a Jesus is saving us and no oen els eeve rwill society."
: Utah, wyvern try converting you to Jesus would mean he followed Christ, or in other words, he would have to be a christian!!!! So you made this assumption, now live with the fact you are wrong!! Let's examine your argument which is, such as wyvern put it, TRASH.
Actually, what ti prove sis he accets the Christian eboiefs thta an ark cna happena s stated,a nd is tyrign to convetr em tot hat belief. Nowhere does it say he speicifically is? I emna, I cna convetr other sto anythign Iw nat, and still be a JEw. See?
And when eveyrbody take smys tuff out fo context, I don't start the arguements, don't look the fool by my doing, and can then call epopel anems whent hey egt upset (Actaulyl I always cna.) The firts assumption wa smade by you fools. Youa lla ssume dhtta no all everyhtign God means I jsut said assme ther eis no God. Whciht hen amke smy psot seem idioitic at best,a nd ti msot certainyl sin't. IF you accept that others cna eblieve in a semiknowing, nealry all powerful God, then you see my points.
SO sorry, Imp, It's nto over Yet. The Hunt si Still on. Unitl the poeple her egrow up,a nd elanr hwo tod eal with different beliefs.
: "This is not meant to knock anyone's religion or views, but to show what morons people who believe the Bible (Fundamentalists, Creationists, whoever) are."
: How in the world could anyone be offend by being called a moron for their beliefs, you jack-ass?!?!? This is a contradicting statement and it leads you right into this whole mess!!! You screwed yourself right off in the first sentence. As for the problem you have with scientific impossibilities.... First,there is a theory that says; in theory all things are possible, not probable, but possible. Second, as Host pointed out, defying logic and science are defined as MIRACLES... They defy all logic, science, proof, dis-proof, etc., etc., etc. As far as God being all powerful, no one could prove it one way or the other. Why you ask? Because, you dolt, no one can conceive what infinite power entails. You can not try to rationalize God into human standards because God is suppose to be more than man can conceive.
: "Intelligence emostly. Read his post. It's palina s day. Just keep thinking about it. It's really ratehr obviosu."
: This was your response to Flower when she questioned your insight into how you know she hates herself. Now what could we infer from your writing?? Hmmmmm, you're illiterate because you spell badly, you are angry with God because you can't have life handed to you on a silver platter, you are not very intelligent because you lack the ability to make a coherent argument... How do I know so much? Because simpleton, it's all there in your writing. Do I really believe this? No, I do not, at least not totally....
: Primitve Eartehr Dummy BOy, eh? So if someone who responds with as much intelligence as yourself and they are Primitve Eartehr Dummy BOy, what does that make you? Now if you even dare to answer this with " I'm not an earthling cause aliens are real and blah, blah, blah, I want genetic proof that you are anything other than human.
: "Then you had to chaneg your anme onto of that. NOt much fun to make a fool of yourself while trying to look smart, eh?" (A response when it dawns on Utah that some name changing has occurred)
: Note the names used by Scratch. Examine it hard and you'll come up with why it was done. Hint: It wasn't to throw you off track either. Scratch is sorry you thought that.
: "I'm a mirror to yuor soul. You post kindly to me, I psot kindly to you. You post evilly to me, I cut you down to size. MY original psot left this baord open to some serious discussing, debating, and edumacating. Too abd you and Wyvernie could only attack thsoe more superior to you."
: You can't be a mirror to a soul... they don't exist. Why? Because you can not prove that they do. What about faith that they do? YES WHAT ABOUT FAITH? Your original post did not leave the board open to conversation because you insulted everyone from the start then made sweeping assumptions of God's thought processes, limits, and behavior. Wyvern only proved that he can get angry when someone makes a stereotyping analysis of something one doesn't understand.
: "Actually Scratch, Mephistopheles and wyvern are all one and the same."
: : :" Add Sammael t the list to. That's 4 names. ANd he ruine dhis Devil wanna
: be-ing. "
: You were so close here, then you losted it... Those damn assumptions keep cropping up. In case you are missing my point here, SCRATCH and WYVERN are 2 separate people.
: "Actually I proved that withotu an all powerful God, msot of what si suppsoedly fatc isn't."
: No, an almost totally powerful God could have still made these things happen, so you never proved a thing. Well I take that back, you did prove something all right.............
: "OK, thsi'll be fun, ciosndiering how many peopelc an;t ahndle certain "truths" being challenged"
: Again, so you can follow me, people can handle you challenging beliefs. What they won't stand for is flat out insulting the belief. You are guilty of this as I pointed out in your first sentence of your first post.
: "Besides, I also offended Jews as well, of which I am one. "
: "So, before peopel get upset that Iw rote soemhtign against ther ebeliefs, they should rememebr I attacked soem fo mien as well."
: The problem with these statements is bashing your own beliefs while bashing someone elses doesn't get you any sympathy. No one cares if you are bashing yourself. They do care when you bash them. Host I believe pointed this out, so I am being redundant... Maybe it will sink in.
: "actaully, if Wyvernie and hsi multipersonalities could eb mature posters, none fo thsi woudl ahve happened. Even if Host si right, there's still no excuse for Wyvernie's language/tones. Or is it now right to rpely to illogic in an insulting fahsion?"
: FYI, again wyvern only posted twice. He used someone else's computer. The illogical statements you made were very little of what wyvern was responding to. You were insulting, no matter what you intended, so wyvern insulted you back...
: "Actazully, superiority ahs nothign to dow ith name claling."
: Good for you, you figured it out.
: "LIke thsi oen idiot who couldn't compete,s o eh said that name calling only proves you have no more proof for your statements."
: Man I tell you, you've stumped me here.... Only because there is no one here that I have to compete with... (Read this one real careful, before you make an ass of yourself again.)
: "I think (Genesha has) 6 (arms). I'll ahve to watch the Simpsons again when they show Apu's statue of him."
: Could this be the root cause of the problem? Your information source?
: "Anywya, remember wheny uo aske dif you have replied like Wyvernie did? Yup, you do."
: I don't remember asking you this....... Maybe the aliens are putting thoughts in your head. Oh yeah, what is this absolute proof you have that aliens exist? Am I suppose to believe you just because you said it is so? As Scratch once said, *ring, ring* "Hello, Pot, this is Kettle. You're black."
: Utahraptor, you no doubt have some ideas that are good, some beliefs that are based on your experience, and some ability to explain what you think. Next time I would suggest using them. If you want answers, stick with not insulting someone by calling them an idiot or bashing their beliefs with unsubstantiated claims. If you want people to take you seriously, don't sink to further insults. Rephrase your question or idea, and wait for a positive response. Lose your superior than thou attitude (you haven't given any evidence of your superiority), or expect people to harass you. Finally, the spelling.... You were coherent in that first post, keep it that way when you continue to look for answers. Last point, if I were to infer something from your posts on this whole thing, you were merely looking for a hostile response so you would have something to do.
: Before anyone chooses to respond I would suggest they reread the whole thing. Why? Because if I made a mistake you are more likely to find it, and if you made a mistake you are more likely to find it..........
: The End, I'm finished, I have nothing more to say about it. Don't pose any questions to this post, and expect an answer.
: The Imp