Posted by Utahraptor on 29 April 1999 at 09

In Reply to: Hmm. posted by Hunter on 28 April 1999 at 23

: : Welcome to my world. 6.6 billion people + who just get stoopidier and stoopidier.
: Your world? Since when did it fall under your ownership. I certainly hope you don't plan on charging rent, because I sure as fuck am not paying.
About 4.4 million years ago, unless thta figure's changed since I last heard.
: If you do, you'd better bring this hellhole up to code before you even think of doing so....
That's scheduled for around May 5th, 2000 AD, as Nostradamaus predicts.
: : No. perhaps when people start attacking you for a simple idea with oen tiny little fault, you'll see the real fun.
: Yeah, uh huh. Like you're the only one this has ever happened to. I've been attacked for simpler, more faultless ideas. You know, like the one where we call the Duty Drill when we think we're not going to be getting a cab. Yeah, okay, sure, we're gonna eventually get a damn cab, but we might be late, so lets fucking call so we don't get into trouble.
Never said I was. But let's say I go. fine. Things cool down for a bout 2 months lets say. Then soemoen new coems along, or anothe rposts soemthing disagreeable. IT begins again. But get rid of the peopel who instinclty reply wiht flames (Host/Imp) and thigns settle down for much longer. Plus a nice warnign si given to try and delay thigns further.
: : That's a yuppers!
: What? Where....?
Behind you. LOOK OUT!
: Not really. Thinking is the only thing I don't need luck for. That might be why I'm never really caught smiling spontaneously -- I think too much. Good luck would probably be cessation of thought. And breathing...
If you stop breathing, it cna't be classified as good luck.
: You're lucky I'm in a good mood....
So the previous post was a bad mood post?
: : : Yeah. I might not be the smartest person that visits this board.
: : Understatement othe year!
: Okay. My mood is going back to normal. I believe I've just been called an idiot...
OK, the above clearly states you are not smart. MAybe not quite an idiot, but probably so (Unelss Stoopid, Dumb, etc is abvoe.) By saying yo believe, there's still a quetsion in yuor mind. That makes you even dumber then. You emant to say, "I've jsut been called an Idiot."
: Where's my trenchcoat....and the PVC pipe.....
Aren't you wearing your trenchcoat? Think fo the statement you'd make wearing it while psoting properly.
: Then again, at least I'm not using some weird chat-acronym for some variant of hysterical laughter. I wonder who the antagonist is here..
Good point, but it's convient. The antagonsit would eb the acronym creater, but for mroe easy hating, Host/IMp. Wihtout them, I'd have never used it.
: : or to just cease to exist altogether.
: : That's scientifically imposisble. I'll always exist soemhwere, in some form. The one upside to life (however limited it happens to be.)
: Given the proper ammount of explosives, and it's virtually possible. At least, there won't be enough of you in large enough pieces to really physically exist, let alone type another message.
Ah, but I'd still exist. Plus there's Ghost Power. Solidification, possesing. Typing is roght there for me. Telekinetic power stoo amybe even (or is that Ghost Power? Hmmm. I ponder.)
: Of course, explosives and firearms are so overused these days. I really prefer biologicals and, like, H agents, and stuff. Combinations. Interesting symptoms.
Mutations. Fun fun silly willy. NARF!
: : : I dunno. I'm probably wrong.
: : Yup. Why egt rid of the victiomz? Try reading all posts involved first. Anybody. Search thsi baor don Imp's name. S ee hwo he repleis to my idea, with one little flaw. See the language used. Find me one thign in ym post warrant of such retalliation. Jelaousy. I had the idea he never could. So he got made and found oen little error. tehre it is. The whole source. Like Is aid ebfore, I'm into intelligent, decent, mature discussions/debates. Nobody ehre seems able to do it, and those who do, either prove me wrong, ro never have much to debate me with. And nwo,w e cna't evend ebate, cause peopel here can't ahve their views challenged. They believe God created huamns betetr than anybody/thing else. Post to the contrary, adn you're flammed and balmed for being no them.
: : The simpliets solutuion toa void all thsi is, delete thsi board. Evena s a specific oriente dtopic baord, peopel will not tolerate an opposing view. This month's baord, and our bibicla debate monthed board proves it. Either this baord ceases to exist entirely, or eevrything will remain as is (so justs tp comign ehre. Nobody's making you.)
: Ah, see, Gremlin -- he told me to go away. They don't want me here.
Actaully, it was the Universal You. As in Vigo said I should go ebcasue Vigo didn't liek my posts. So, if Vigo don't liek em, Vigo cna jsut leave. Nobody's forcing Vigo to stay, aprticipate, read. Next, Vigo'll complaint hat somebody wnats him to spell dog.
: So -- Okay. Fine. You've just pretty much told me to leave the board. That's wonderful.
More like, I reminded you of the option. Never said you must. Or anybody must.
: But then there's this, referring back to the first paragraph about Imp's replies, and the language he used, and whatnot. Let me use that incredibly old, overused phrase "Two wrongs don't make a right".
IT does when it proves a point. That reply led to a amssive flame war. People arent enjoying this. SO, maybe a little lesson cna be leanred. HA HA! JUt amde the ultimate funny. The majority people ehre cna't learn.
: Granted, things are more interesting there for a while if there's a good arguement going on, but,
Ther ehas yet to eb a good argument going on People ehre get too defensive if you disagree with them.
well, if you really think he's so bad, then why behave like you percieve him to be behaving.
I'm not. I'm acting as if he's misbehaving, and treatign him as such.
: Okay. This is why you don't go online with a headache....shit. That made no sense.
: Wait. Yes it does. Nevermind.
Alrighty then.
: : : ~Hunter
: : Who jsut losta ll resect as an intelligent amtur, decent being. Incideantally, I'm sure you're trenchcoat wearing makes you a big a problem as in Colorado.
: Oh, I dunno. Your opinion doesn't matter much to me. You see, that's the thing -- I don't care much about what other people think anymore. Unless they're deeply disturbed by me, or unless I happen to hold a lot of respect for them, I just don't give a damn. So your opinions on my intelligence don't really mean a fuck to me.
: For that matter, I never claimed to be a mature, decent person. I never strived for that to begin with. In fact, the more indecent I am, the more some people seem to enjoy hanging out with me.
: Not that I consider doing utterly indecent things, or, for that matter, being immature to the level of, oh, say, the TeleTubbies, to be an enjoyable thing. I think I'm above that.
: : (Now I'm sure soem idiot who misses the point entirely will point out it makes no sense to reply tos oemoen who won't be ehre to read it, but then again, I'm use dto peopel ehre not making much sense in their idiotology.
: Ah, but I am here. That's the trick -- no one here, save Gremlin, and maybe anyone who's heard our conversations, knows when exactly I'm leaving, or for how long I will be away....
: ~Hunter
Too late. YOu just held a proper, decent, mature, freidnly, intelligent, etc conversation.