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Utahraptor--A Different One

Re: Like Crap You Are


Posted by Utahraptor on 28 June 1999 at 08:25:28:

In Reply to: Re: Sober once again.... posted by The Imp on 26 June 1999 at 19:38:52:

: I am utterly amazed at the ammount of time and the nature of Utahraptor's obsessive/compulsive behavior... I do believe he has posted to almost every post I have made this month. All because I responded negatively to something he thought was witty?

Ahh, poor baby doesn't like the taste of his own medicine. FUCK YOU! IF you cna't take it, don't dish it out. Humble pie isn't your fav, so quit eating it all the time.

: Utah, seek help. Lots of help. You seem to have a slight problem with the fact that you aren't universally adored, or seen as an intellectual.

You too. You seem obsessed with proving everybody inferior with you. And you suck at it too.

It's okay... Really... You can't win them all... When life hands you lemons, make... Well anyway, they have anti-psycotics available for the needy. You seem to be a prime canidate for a "happy pill".

WHo am I? WAH WHA. I no like people doing to em what I do tot hem. I need a thesauurs to trick people into thinking I'm smrt. I spell smart "smrt." I cna't got o a p Sykiatrist cause I no like their Happy Pills. WAH WAH! That's right. Impy Doof.
Re:You're Mom Did An OK Job, Impy Doof.


Posted by Utahraptor on 28 June 1999 at 08:35:52:

In Reply to: I apologize...... posted by The Imp on 26 June 1999 at 09:00:22:

: To everyone on this board: I apologize for baiting Utahraptor. I took an easy out by picking on the witless one. I know my actions lower me to Utrahraptor's levell, and I think that hind-sight serves me best, now that it is to late...

Yup, there's your problem. You witlessly pick on peopel who hold an opposing view point. Oh, perish the thought.

: In a moment of irritation I have subjected everyone to further stupidity, and I'm sorry...

we aer all sued to it. You really haven't a clue, do you? It's all been spelled out for you before, properly even, yet you just can't grok it.

I'm also very drunk right now, I'm sure I'll be more able to respond with the proper response....

Yeah, DUH!

: I don't know why I bother with Utah...

You just can't stand knowing you might just be wrong. And it kills you that I kno more about aliens than you do. The info is readily available for any who wnat it, eyt you can never seem to find it. How did you ever memorize little green men? So popular, so outdated.

The consistant idiocy should serve as a warning sign, one it seems I am uunable to resist...

Well, idiots like you really cna't resist showing your true stupidity. a nd it ain't uunable. leanr to spell. Misspellign is my problem. Go get your own, THEIF!

: I should take Gremlin's advice and just ignore the handicapped...(Yes, Utah he really holds you in contempt).

And I belive you. Honest. Yet you're too handicapped to ignore an opposing view. Just can't take the possibililty that you're wrong, can you? And the sad part is, you truly think flaming will get people to agree with you, when it's clearly been stated that it won't.

: I give up. There is no insulting the stupid.

Sure there is. I still insult you back, and I know you don't grok alpha uno.

THey don't get it.

Yup. And watch those capitlaization errors. I still hold a monopoly on that one too.

I will do my best to ignore him in the future.

And at best you'll do your worst. And you'll never learn to do it right.

Again I apologize to the board members..

Still waiitng for mine. Unless you like being flamed.

:Mommy of the Imbeceilic Impy Doof

Good attempt. But you failed to make it very erudite. Clever on turnign your disappointment's, er, son's faults onto me, but still not good enough. I give you a C+. A B- for effort, but a C+ overall.
Remember, Intellignet, insiteful, and erudite.
Re: What's New


Posted by Utahraptor on 28 June 1999 at 09:05:31:

In Reply to: What's New posted by Gremlin on 26 June 1999 at 21:32:55:

: The problem has nothing to do with who started it; it's what's become of it. What's become of it is that there are suddenly all these new posts from Utahraptor with no point at all. Replies to dead threads, new posts without much thought, replies to his own's beginning to look like the NetForum did when Alan1 was posting fifty things a day about what a geek he was...or whatever he was trying to tell us. So that's not good.

The point is simple. If Imp likes replying to my posts degrading me, I'm gonna do the same to him. And with his post entitled I think, well, he really did set himself up.

: But about the copius amount of posts, there were a couple of questions left open.


About disproving the existence of visiting extraterrestrials, fine: according to Men in Black the aliens never showed up until nineteen sixty-one, though according to Independence Day, they've been here since at least nineteen forty-seven. That's an apocraphy. So it becomes a religion. Two fictional sources are claiming two different things. So, as with the existence of deities, the burden of proof falls on the plaintiff. Or, behind Door Number Two, prove that I haven't got a Vector being driven by an alligator.
About Imp being a nazi...he's not. And when in hell are people going to search out a better example? Every damned time someone looks at someone the wrong way, they're either a nazi or a slaveowner. Because the upper class of Niger sold the lower class to the highest bidder back in the seventeen hundreds. And because Hitler invaded Poland, France, and half of Europe, and, incidentally, picked up a few jews. If people wanna complain about that, they could probably complain a lot more about current circumstances in Rwanda, where more people are slaughtered in a month than there were during the entire second world war. It's called information; get yours today.
The aliens one is simple (barring anything from Ancient Egypt, when Stonehenge was built, other ancient cultures, etc. 1900's only.) There are two races (proven as defined as multiple confirmations of appearances.) The problem is, umans have thiss orta identification problem. Like how all Mexicans look like on famous guy, Or Italians look like an Italian celebrity. ro simply, how animals fot he same species all look alike to humans. All Collies look the same, all spidermonkeys look identical. Humans see aliens the same way. NAy smaller than human sized alien, wiht grey in their skin, big, black, almond shaped eyes, with no air, is the same speices. However, that is wrong. the oens from Roswell dubbed Roswellian by me, are nothing like the Pleiadians, or grays (Pleiadians dubbed by unknown. Grays by humans). Sure they have some similarities. But very few. Boht are smaller than humans, and have identical eyes. Everything else is diff. IF you actually bother to compare, you cna easily tell
they are not the same species. And Pleiadians ahven't been around since the 1980's really. At least noticeably. Also, Men In Black also says the mIB are the good eyes. And as anybody who's eveyr met them, or heard about them, they are not very nice guys. And there's mroe evidence to support theya re from the gov, than alien, as some believe.

: Oh yeah: about alternatives, Utahraptor has his own message board, and an EMail address. Both can be found at if you're really looking for them. Just in case anyone really thought that there was nowhere else on the whole 'net to go with this.

And you can read up on the differences of aliens there. As well as posisble ideas for the black eyes (hint, not their real eyes.)
Re: Pleiadians


Posted by Utahraptor on 01 July 1999 at 07:28:10:

In Reply to: Pleiadians posted by Gremlin on 28 June 1999 at 09:56:58:

: : The aliens one is simple (barring anything from Ancient Egypt, when Stonehenge was built, other ancient cultures, etc. 1900's only.) There are two races (proven as defined as multiple confirmations of appearances.) The problem is, umans have thiss orta identification problem. Like how all Mexicans look like on famous guy, Or Italians look like an Italian celebrity. ro simply, how animals fot he same species all look alike to humans. All Collies look the same, all spidermonkeys look identical. Humans see aliens the same way. NAy smaller than human sized alien, wiht grey in their skin, big, black, almond shaped eyes, with no air, is the same speices. However, that is wrong. the oens from Roswell dubbed Roswellian by me, are nothing like the Pleiadians, or grays (Pleiadians dubbed by unknown. Grays by humans). Sure they have some similarities. But very few. Boht are smaller than humans, and have identical eyes. Everything else is diff. IF you actually bother to compare, you cna easily tell
: : they are not the same species. And Pleiadians ahven't been around since the 1980's really. At least noticeably. Also, Men In Black also says the mIB are the good eyes. And as anybody who's eveyr met them, or heard about them, they are not very nice guys. And there's mroe evidence to support theya re from the gov, than alien, as some believe.

: This may just be a hunch, but, since the Pleiades was named by mankind, the term 'Pleiadians' might also come from such a source.

: --Gremlin

Right. But they ahve been studying us,a nd the name came about after a few years of abductions, so it could be they are aware of what we call their area, and named themsleves because we couldn't prounce it otherwise. Persoanlly, i htink saying your a Pleidian becasue you hailf rom the Pleiadies, more of a star cluster than a solar system ro planet, is stoopid, so I'm betting on humans.
Re: Yup. And there are always more after the frontline is exterminated...


Posted by Utahraptor on 30 June 1999 at 10:46:56:

In Reply to: Yup. And there are always more after the frontline is exterminated... posted by Gremlin on 29 June 1999 at 04:23:29:

: Here's a rebuttal to an invitation for us all to goto a church in London and be saved, by a guy in alt.atheism. It should really be immortalised:

: '(a) I do not attend church regularly because (b) I already found "God." But "God" isn't what you think it is. "God" is a screaming child in Ethiopia who's kidneys have shut down and is about to die from starvation. "God" is a dumpster in Vatican City where urchans (just in every city in the world) feed on refuse, while the wealthiest and most powerful social organization in the world decadently spends its money just a few blocks away on big hats, gold crosses and silver chalices and continuing to exploit the poorest people in the world in "God's" name. "God" is hate, "God" is stupidity, "God" is the scum on the bottom of your shoe. "God" is not pretty and "God" does not care. I found my "God," then I killed it. I, an atheist, know more about "God" than any Christian will ever know.'

: --Gremlin

What's with a and b? Seems more logical as one complete choice.
Re: And so another idiot rears it's vacant head on alt.atheism


Posted by Utahraptor on 30 June 1999 at 10:42:58:

In Reply to: And so another idiot rears it's vacant head on alt.atheism posted by Jurassosaurus on 29 June 1999 at 04:11:17:

: It seems that I'll have to take a trip over to alt.atheism again and see what is being churned up now.

: As for Mr.Wellington, while he is raising more ad hoc assumptions, he did bring up one point.

: It is a part of human nature to believe in a higher being that controls aspects of life. 96% of the modern (human) world believes in a deity(s) and there were plenty in the past as well.

: But, just because one species out of an estimated 30 million happens to believe in a god or gods, doesn't make it true. All it means is that humans tend to use the metaphysical to answer questions about life that they seem not to be able to answer on their own.

: Wellington seems to think that majority rules in these matters and that since atheists are minorities that God must be real (fun with fallacies).

: Ah what fools these humans be.

Technically, we don't knwo if animals belive or not. We do knwo they don't make idols or wirte books about God. BIg diff.
Re: These Peopel Give God Supporters A Bad Name


Posted by Utahraptor on 30 June 1999 at 10:38:45:

In Reply to: This one's too dumb not to post... posted by Gremlin on 28 June 1999 at 17:53:26:

: Graham Wellington wrote in message <[email protected]>...

: I see it's furlough week at the institution again. You people just don't get run over by busses often enough.

: Lemee hold my breath for a few minutes and try to think down to your level on this...

: >Atheists tried to prove to you that there is no God but they did not in
: >any way provide any proofs that their disbelief in GOD is justified or
: >even logical.
Yet no one supporting GId had anythign justified or logicla either. JUstt heis magic book written by a human being (known to lie), and 2000 years out of date. Actually, I've heard many logical reasonings that there is no God. Whetehr this was said by an aathiest ro not "IF there was a God, the world wouldn't be in such bad shape" it is still logical.

: >To this moment they cannot provide an answer on how the universe came to
: >existence.

I liked the one about how universe pop into and out fo existance through anturla alws of science (whichever) and last emre seconds, while the occupants experience billions fo years. Course, that theory provides for how GOd cna be all powerful and all knowing (which He ain't.) Due tot he bubble stuff, anyoen existign otuside the bubble will simultaneously live int eh past present and future. WHich expalisn God's super brain. PLus, if God leave shis bubble,a nd either ahs the power to, ro gaisnt he power to directly efefct our bubble universe, that explains how He works. Plus, I think He's in a space suit fos oemsorts, cause I doubt H cna survive int eh palce where Universes exist.

: >There are no collaborating evidents to Show that the universe is
: >eternal.

Nohting to shwo it ain't. But I belive it will eventually end. Can't prove it, but I can belive stuff not proven. Opinions and all that.

: And what, exactly, has an eternal universe got to do with a lack of gods?

Perhaps God can only be eternal in an eternal universe. No, that defeats the purpose of his inate ramblings. Well, unelss you count Heavena s it's own Universe, then it cna be Eternal, and suppsoedly is.

: >No atheists can prove that acausal events governed by the
: >unpredictability of quantum mechanic caused the universe to appear.

NO believer cna prove how God has the power to make a Universe. I say He was formed fromt he same stuff during the Big Bang. IF the Universe is a body, GOd's the brain. I also liek a paradimensional beign creatign thsi Unvierse, ort aking it voer, myself.

: >Not an iota of observation proves that the universe is in a state of
: >timeloop.I agree that there is no proof. BUt I also don't believe it is, proof or otherwise. Thouhg soemtimes I wonder.

: >ZIP.

Drive. Boards. Adee do dah. Zipadee A. My oh my what a whacked out loser this believer is.

: >So how is it different than the assertion/assumption that GOD created
: >the universe?I don't think it is. Just another theory for existance.

: >9) ATHEISTS CANNOT PROVE THAT GOD did not exists.

: We'll pretend that this sentence makes sense.

Can't. I tired, but he lsot me on exists. Plural?
And here the counting down stops. NO fair. What was David Letterman's Top Ten REAsosn why thsi idiot believes Atheists are wrong?

: >The default belief of humankind is that GOD exists

: Huh? What, it's encoded into the homosapien bios now? Why wasn't I told...

It could be. Though in relaity, are not beliefs or lack thereof base don choice or brianwashing? Do you not choose to not belive in GOd, or the posisblity, or whatever? Do you not choose to just acceot the spoon feeding fo God and what you're to mindlessly belive? I doubt one is preprogramme dfor oen over than the other. Seems you decide, or decide not to decide.

: >.In all society and communities the belief in a DEITY or deities is as
: >old as humankind itself.

: Humankind is three million years old; religion is a few millennia;'re lying again, aren't you...

Soems ay cavemen worshipped a diety. Course, even barring the current beliefs in God, people believe that throwing a virgin into a volcanoe wills top it from erupting (plugs it up.) Yet,s trangely enough, the volcanoe knows the diff between a virgina nd non, and does not like non virgins. So, doe soen really wnat to say huamns always belive in a diety? NOt a good defense, really. These peopel thought the eclipse was the sun being eaten by a monster.

: >Atheism is new and atheism is in the minority.Therefore the burden of
: >proof that God did not exist is on them.

: New *and* improved, actually. Of course, after six months on the market, we had to change the name to CokeII.

OK, so a minority is wrong without proof? That's most illogical. esecially sicne the amjorty neve reven considers what they're told.

: >The analogy of invisible Pink Unicorn is not acceptable.

: Bitch! Dis' *not* the IPU!

I like the idea of all creation being done by a Potato.

: >Because mankind as a whole never accepted Unicorns to exist.

Mankind as a whole has never accepted a life controlling Diety either.

: What has mankind, as a whole, ever accepted to exist? Name one thing, and I'll give you the negatives of your mother.

Mankind as a whole has yet to accept that mankind even exists. Or as whatw e say we are. mayeb we're all apitnigns, or a video game, etc. A TV show has been my personal fav. You viewers rock.

: >Whereas mankind as a whole accepted the existence of GOD/s.
See above for why you are wrong.

: Shouldn't that be ''?
I think .org for roganiztion is more appropriate.

: >UNDER no condition have atheists proof that God did not exist.

Nor do you any that He ever did. IT's all heresay and circumstantial.


At least they do. when will you admitt that you don't now either?

: Any chance you could start proofing your punctuation?

I see his puncuattion. That's proof it exists.

: >Atheists admit they don't know for sure about this and about that.

At least they do. Did you ever have that creepy Deja Vu feeling?

: >If a man admits that he doesn't know completely about certain issue,he
: >can't deny that there is a possibility that his stand on that issue is
: >wrong.

: Apart from the typing skills, that sentence was the first to make any sense.

Agreed, yet he can't admitt to knwoing completely about GOd, so I see hsi double standard is showing.

: >Yet atheist instead of saying " I don't know whether to believe or to
: >disbelieve in GOD " say " I disbelieve in GOD "

I think that menas thye knwo whether to belive or not. They choose not to. Whether they are right si the question. NOt whether they should belive.

: >Therefore their rejection ( since they admit they don't know) of God is
: >based on mere hatred and emotion and is not logical..
Hatred of a God whoa badoned htem, maybe. Which si forme motons too. And therefore, quite logical. Whether this is their feeling or not, I do not say.

: Listen, Spock: the rejection of the absurd has nothing to do with hatred. Hatred is when we blow up churches. And you don't get to use the wod 'therefore' until you have something from which a conclusion can be drawn.

OK, Spock was half human, and had emotions at leats ocne. This guy is more liek Tuvock from Voyager. Full of shit, I mean Fully Vulcan.

: >Atheists argue that PASCAL Wager is a defective theory because you might
: >end up in a hell of a different GOD.
: >Here again atheists failed to see that the argument is based on
: >probability.
: >If you are a theist then you might or might not go to hell.
: >But if you are an atheist there are only two possibilites to you.

Ooh, Umbers again. wlel, I'm not sure God will deny Heaven to someone who just doesn't belive inn Him. There's a lot mroe people breaking a lot mroe Commandments who are worse than atheists.

: Lemee show you a theory here: your godexists, but is so shy that it never shows itself. So, those of us who don't believe in him are smiled upon, and the rest of you twits all go directly to hell for incessantly praying at him. Hell is a preternatural restraining order.

OK, some have said Heaven's on a diff time than we are, so maybe GOd ahs been away for only 1 day His time, 2000+ years ours.

: >Various religions tolerated other religions but never tolerated ATHEISM.

Um, Jews do ahve a religon, that hasn't been tolerate dmuch by anybody, yet many of oru ideas became Christian ones (Presents for the good, spring time celebration, hiding Maztoh. And God, and Jesus, too.) THis guy keeps making a case aginst himself.

And this anti tolertaion is mroe reason for Eternal Hell for you guys, you know.

: >ISLAM for example in QURAN says that as long as somebody believes in GOD
: >and the DAY of Judgement God might forgive him whether he is a Christian
: >or Jews or even Star worshipper.

I think msot religions do. And I;m not sure if atheists say belivers cna't get in if there is one.

: Islam, youslam, weallslam for islam...

: >Hinduism also said that Nivana can be achieved by being righteous and
: >worshipping one of God's many manifestation.

Yeah so? Whos ays they are right? Reincarnationc an eb a crok.

: And Douglas Adams said that Vogon destroyer ships hang in the air in exactly the same manner that bricks don't. So is that canon to reality too? Can we submit it in time to slip it into the 2000 Encyclopaedia Britannica?
OK, I persoanlyl belive that a Vogon ship can't hang in the exact same manner as a brick.

: >BUT all religions offer just one exit to atheists: ETERNAL HELL.
: >THEREFORE atheists can hope for eternal DEATH at best ,( if there is no
: >GOD) and eternal HELL at worst.

Isn't that two exists then? And did God ever actually say thsoe who do nto believe will nevr get into Heaven? and mroe improtantly, ahs an atheist ever said they will never belive under any circumstances?

: Yikes. Logical Thing Number Two. You;re not calling atheism a religion. Good for you; have a star sticker...

For a while, I thought he was.

IS that even possible? can soemhtign occur that is contrary to one's nature. Doesn't hypnotism say you cna't goa gaisnt your nature? He's grapsing at straws now, isn't he?

: >The HUMAN nature is to believe in GOD and higher beings.

UM, no one si higer than GOd. every beliver knows htis. SO, you jsut sent yourslef along the oath to eternal Death or HEll.

: >Atheism can only flourished in a TOTALITARIAN state such as communist
: >China and former USSR.

And in non, many religions pop up. Can't human nature produce one stroy?

: >Atheists are outcasts and perverts in the history of mankind.

Outcasts I cna see. Perverts? How?

: Yeah. Bill Gates, Steve Hawking, Arthur C. Clarke...what a bunch of losers...

I think BIll Gates sucks.

: >5)Don't you atheists wonder why they can influence so many people?

Money for Gates.
: Because people are stupid?And the money. Pay someone enough, and thye'll becoem an atheist. Or however it's done.

: >Because of their sincerity ,honesty and miracles !!!

: GAte sis honets now? Now that's a miracle.

: >Their lasting impression on their followers resulted in generations of
: >ardent believers that are willing to die and overcome opression.
For Microsoft? And that's a good thing?

: >THE Followers of JESUS were not only willing to die for him but also
: >transformed THE ROMAN EMPIRE :-

Yet Jesus died, they did not. Soem followers thye turned ou to be. where the I am Spartacus mentality when you really need it?

: ...into a world of American Gladiators.


: >Surely this proves to you atheists that there are something significant
: >and extraordinary about these spiritual leaders.??

BUt thta doens't prove there's a god. Just that many do belive in Him.

OK, I belive, but I dnbeounce everything this guy wrote in our defense. Anywya, there's mroe reaosn to belive the atheists are right, than belivers. especially theway these guys do it.
Re: Bubble Stuff?


Posted by Utahraptor on 01 July 1999 at 08:28:32:

In Reply to: Bubble Stuff? posted by Gremlin on 30 June 1999 at 11:40:53:

: : Yet no one supporting GId had anythign justified or logicla either. JUstt heis magic book written by a human being (known to lie), and 2000 years out of date. Actually, I've heard many logical reasonings that there is no God. Whetehr this was said by an aathiest ro not "IF there was a God, the world wouldn't be in such bad shape" it is still logical.

: The existence of gods has nothing to do with the state of the world. I'm a god over everything I wrote, and the environments in my books are usually less than paradise.

But the current belief about GOd( by the major religions) is that He is all good. Hence where the expression "If God is so good, why does He allow evil thigns to happen?" comes from. GOd is supposed to directly control the world, and our lives. SO that's why people pray to end this war, make betetr this misery. And the whole basis of the Flood, 10 Commandmnets, the sending of Jesus, punishing the wicked with eternity in Hell, etc. Becasue God is supposed to keep the place in working order. Or, we could all be characters in God's book. And He could eb writing like you do.

: : I liked the one about how universe pop into and out fo existance through anturla alws of science (whichever) and last emre seconds, while the occupants experience billions fo years. Course, that theory provides for how GOd cna be all powerful and all knowing (which He ain't.) Due tot he bubble stuff, anyoen existign otuside the bubble will simultaneously live int eh past present and future. WHich expalisn God's super brain. PLus, if God leave shis bubble,a nd either ahs the power to, ro gaisnt he power to directly efefct our bubble universe, that explains how He works. Plus, I think He's in a space suit fos oemsorts, cause I doubt H cna survive int eh palce where Universes exist.

: What in hell is Bubble Stuff? And why would a deity need a spacesuit?

Bubble stuff is the bubble universes,a nd hwo each exists for a short time, and are constantly being created and destroyed. And a diety who relaly isn't all powerfulw oudl need one. Remember, God is supposedly all powerful to us. BUt whre he comes form, he is nothing. For our Universe, a diety cna control us. He has the power. But outide our universe, His powers are useless. Nwo, God cna jolly well exist outside our universe,a nd nto need any protection. Sicne no oen who could tlak to Him ever dared to ask about Hsi powers and limitations, we can't relaly say for sure. IN relaity, could not any ruling diety, wiht all the powers here, be run of the mill in their own universe? Could not others be even mroe powerful? Might they have dieties ruling over them?
: : Nohting to shwo it ain't. But I belive it will eventually end. Can't prove it, but I can belive stuff not proven. Opinions and all that.

: I try not to believe in opinions. That's how people start to care what other people think.

: : Perhaps God can only be eternal in an eternal universe. No, that defeats the purpose of his inate ramblings. Well, unelss you count Heavena s it's own Universe, then it cna be Eternal, and suppsoedly is.

: Heaven isn't a universe. It's a place decribed in a very boring novel. And it's not eternal: it's only existed since the bible was written.

Unless the bible is right on that part. In which case, it has existed before people, and the book. Plus, accoridng to the Bible, God isn't even planning onstaying in Heaven forever. Earth si to be His final ruling place. And that is most illogical.

: : NO believer cna prove how God has the power to make a Universe. I say He was formed fromt he same stuff during the Big Bang. IF the Universe is a body, GOd's the brain. I also liek a paradimensional beign creatign thsi Unvierse, ort aking it voer, myself.

: That fails to make any sense at all. There's no evidence to suggest that the universe was ever made at all. And none to indicate that gods have ever existed.

But the point is not does this stuff really exist, but how it could. Some poeple insist God always was. He had no beginning. Which makes the least sense of all.

: : It could be. Though in reality, are not beliefs or lack thereof base don choice or brianwashing? Do you not choose to not belive in GOd, or the posisblity, or whatever? Do you not choose to just acceot the spoon feeding fo God and what you're to mindlessly belive? I doubt one is preprogramme dfor oen over than the other. Seems you decide, or decide not to decide.

: Wrong. It's not really a concious decision to lack belief in the absurd. There are lots o things I don't believe in. But I couldn't make a list of them. The concept of gods is one I happened across when a bunch of idiots started telling me about the whole idea, and I asked them what they were talking about, and they didn't have any logical answers. It's not that disbelieving is cool, it's that trying to believe in a god is like trying to believe that the planet is flat.

And there are fools who still believe the Earth is flat. One women supposedly found the edge fot he Earth, and took a picture ofit. She left teh camera with a ntoe saying "It's over. We were right," yet mysteriosuly disappeared. BUt no photos were ever developed, becasue the film was "Accidentally" expose dto sunlight (when someone exposed it on purpose). And this was in the 1950's or 60's.

: : Soems ay cavemen worshipped a diety. Course, even barring the current beliefs in God, people believe that throwing a virgin into a volcanoe wills top it from erupting (plugs it up.) Yet,s trangely enough, the volcanoe knows the diff between a virgina nd non, and does not like non virgins. So, doe soen really wnat to say huamns always belive in a diety? NOt a good defense, really. These peopel thought the eclipse was the sun being eaten by a monster.

: Um...tossing two hundred pounds of wet meat into a volcano isn't likely to 'plug it up'. It would be like dropping a BB into the barrel of a nine millimetre pistol to keep the bullet from coming out.

Right. Hence why base a belief in GOd on the fatc that everybody suppsoeldy did throughout hsitroy, when these very same God belivers think a young women can stop a volcanoe from erupting, and only if she's a virgin (Like it'll know.)
: : OK, so a minority is wrong without proof? That's most illogical. esecially sicne the amjorty neve reven considers what they're told.

: I thought that one was funny as hell. There was a time, not long ago, when the xians were the minority. How quickly they forget. Thinking about it, xians are still the minority...

: : I like the idea of all creation being done by a Potato.

: News to me...

I took that one from the animatronic show Dinosaurs. In it, thta was their God. And to denounce the Potato or the Book fot eh Potato got you burnt at the stake (so, not believing makes you a witch, too.) And of course, when the dinos about to be burned were save dbyt he evry same Potato who ordered non bleievers burnt, that ism fell flat. And new ideas came about. Some even mroe stoopid than that. But it's fun to say a Potato created us.

: : Nor do you any that He ever did. IT's all heresay and circumstantial.

: Why do you keep capitalising 'he'?
That's way we're suppose dto spell He when used to represent God. I think He's so special, He gets a better he. Or he is used as a name, as opposed to a regular he. Rememebr, this was doen by people who tlak to burning bushes. And who thinka young lady wills top an errupting volcanoe, by appeasing the volcanoe god (so, a volcanoe god doesn't want a women with experience. They need purity?)

: : I think that menas thye knwo whether to belive or not. They choose not to. Whether they are right si the question. NOt whether they should belive.

: The question is: 'does it matter whether we believe". What, are theists on commission or something?

For me, as long as you don't force your beliefs on another, or ridicule their beliefs, who cares. Believe what you like, and nobody gets hurt. We're all probably wrong anyway. Besides, what kinda God lets so many religions thta contradict each other pop up. Christians say Jesus was all that. Jews say he was a radical. Both can't be right.

: : OK, some have said Heaven's on a diff time than we are, so maybe GOd ahs been away for only 1 day His time, 2000+ years ours.

: That math is impossible. If the universe is only six thousand years old [yet two hundred billion lightyears across] then it can't be two thousand years. Best case, one day would be two thousand years, and the universe would be fourteen thousand years old.

Well, the importnat thing si are we sure God's on our time? And GOd supposedly said the Earth si 6000 yeras old or so. SO, based on his tiem, the universe can be older. This reminds me of a Family Circus cartoon. Bill Keane is talking to God, and asks how long a billion years is to Him. God says "A second." And Bill asks, "How much is a billion dolalrs to you?" And God says "A Penny." so Bill asks" Can you give me a Penny?" "And God goes "In a second." SO, differenc ein tiem cna be a reason fro the sudden silent treatment God is giving us. IT could be a short while to Him, but millenia to us. Regardless of proper ratios.

: : And this anti tolertaion is mroe reason for Eternal Hell for you guys, you know.

: You might as well threaten to send them to Narnia.

Hey, Naria's cool. It's protecte from Evil (As long as the tree protecting it stands), and animals talk. Plus, in the end, Narnia is destroyed. And everybody good move sinto Aslan's Country. So, amybe threatenign to send him to narnia is good. A nice blank void. (And this si interetsing. The author is a big Christian,a nd Aslan is supposed to be God. Yet Aslan has admitted to the Magician beign the high and mighty. So why is this devoted Christian saying God isn't the highest being?)

: : : >Surely this proves to you atheists that there are something significant
: : : >and extraordinary about these spiritual leaders.??

: : BUt thta doens't prove there's a god. Just that many do belive in Him.

: Yup. Why can't more people figure that out...

Because most people fear thinking for themselves. Perosanlly, I fidn a lot of weird contradicitons in religions. I mean God frees the Jews from slavery, makes thme walk across a burnign desert for 40 years, however, He protects them from the heat, and has food appear ont he groudn for them eahc day. And we're all suppose dto thnak HIm for doing it. I say, 40 years? And food off the ground? The dude makes the whole universe, all life in it, but can't cretae paltes for food. Right. Plus, we're suppsoed to belive that eahc of the aforementioend was more than enough. God basically just ahd to free us, and we'd be eternally thankful. Yet I say, He msot certainyl shoudl do it all, and more. And circumscisions. That's absed off of a real sickness. God does this ncie thigns for Jews,a nd says to repay me, cut off part of your penises. OK, thta's sick. I don't care how much mroe helatheir it si to eb circumscised, there's soemhtign wrong with a god who says, repay me by chopping up your privates. And this is the same being who wanted what's hsi face to prove his faith by killing his son. It wa sjsuta loyalty test. NOW, I defy anyoen tot ell em hwo God can't be sick? Yet, to question Him is wrong. I'lls top questioning when I get 1) answers 2) a straight story from everybody. HEre's nonsense. God kicks Satan out fo Heaven. Satan falls for a long time,a nd crash lands in Hell, supposedly knocke dout for 9 days. Satan is an angel. YEt now he's a big old monsterous dude,w ith bat wings, horns, tial. everyhtign an angel doesn't have. And no halo. And cloven feet. So either this flal did it, or I'm to belive that Staan chose a new form for hsi new living quarters. That doesn't even make any sense. Eithe rhe's an angel, ro soemthign else. I don't buy a morphing angel.

: It's not that atheists are more convincing. It's that the stories being told by theists make no logical sense. All an atheist has to say about it is 'I don't buy it'. We don't try to sell anyone on an alternate religion; we just don't want to hear about theirs.

I just wnat a straight anser. NOne fi this trust Him, don't question Him. I will form my own beliefs bse don more logicla stuff (seeing stuff thta cna be considered divine inetrvention, etc.) BUt I will laugh and scoff at anyone who can't make any sense. Did you know that Jesus is God's Son, God in Huamn form, and existed as God and Jesus (Not including the firts example) at the same time. And there was a debate ages ago about whteher Jesus got his power from GOd, or ahd his own, and whether he was poor or not. Youa sk me, get your story straight before forming a religion. What we ahve are many variations of the main one. And this si why Id ecided to create my own belifes about Life, The Universe,a nd everyhting. Sure I believe in God, but at leats I keep my stuff straight. And don't blindly accept an all knwoing, all powerful God on blind faith. I've seen too much to knwo that God cna't be all knwoing,a nd all powerful.

: Although, if you don't believe in Santa, you'll only get coal this year >:)
Don't get me started. Santa should eb executed. don't sue soemoen for saying they're Santa. Sue em for the environmental disaters he causes, the religous discriminations, defying the laws of scince and nature, and if you agree with me, enslavign the Elves (not proven, so it's my belief. BUt I wouldn't putit past him.) And rememebr Rudolph the Red Nsoed Reindeer's TV specila on hsi life story? Even the ever so great santa didn't like him, because of hsi lightbulbed nose. And theyc all him Saint Nick. Right.

Well, if thiests talk liek thsi, no wonder they cna't convetr atheists. I mean, sheesh.
And what's this Pascal Law? The stoopidier it is, the more people will buy into it? These people make em ashamed to belive in God like they do. Who wnats to admitt they belive in the same being as these idiots do?
Persoanlly, all I ask is an atheists have a believbale reason nto to belive in God. JUst because evrybody does, and I wanna be diff, doesn't count. They do not have to prove God doesn't exist, just whyt hey don't belive He does. I have yet to see any concrete evidence to support either view. we cna neither prove nor disporve God's existence. And if it could be proven, I don't think many atheists would exist.
Re: Pharoah, Not King


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Posted by Utahraptor on 02 July 1999 at 08:53:16:

In Reply to: Crap, not again posted by Sunflash the Mace on 01 July 1999 at 23:04:40:

: Yeah, even though I'm Catholic, prove Adam and Eve existed. Come one, if they really did populate the world and they only had 2 sons, use your imagination to find out how. Of course, this would have probably sent them to hell.

As my 8th grade English teacher said about the sudden appearance of women for marriage: Mail Order.

: Also, which Egyptian king did Moses flee from?
Pharah Ramases. Egyptians were ruled by Pharoah's, not kings.

: When did Joseph become the Vizier in Egypt?
: -Sunflash

In the BC's?
Re: Don't Read If You Skipped Gremlin's Spoilers.


Posted by Utahraptor on 30 June 1999 at 09:35:30:

In Reply to: What's New posted by Gremlin on 30 June 1999 at 04:31:50:

It's amazing how humans name beings after what they are. God is a god, so they call Him God. Brilliant. He's suddenly a lord, and they call Him a Lord. Brillaint. The Devil is a devil,a nd so sic aleld The Devil (Wow, he gets a The, how special of him.) Plus, soem people give a whole buncha other anmes too, which shall eb ignored for this point. Yet these verys ame people are the oens who laugh at Tarzan for clalign hsi son Boy, while anming his monkey (or what ahve you) Cheetah. So God is above Boy as He is allowed to be called what He is as a name.
I'm nto sure if Jesus could be killed in the AD's, sicne they started the Ad's after his death, and hence why everybody thinks it stands for After Death, though soemone found a better idea instead. And the generally accepted tiem frame is 33 eyars of life. So a yera 0 cna't be invented because it covers 33 years of time, so we get the very funky tiemline.
Plus, Lucifer was dropped in favor of Satan, so the angels can't refer to him as such. well, mayeb the secrtely do. IT was undoubtedly God who changed his name, so who knows. But if you want any accuracy, it can't be Lucifer, even though the battle and subsequent scars were from him. The name change would have taken effect, so he would be efered to as Satan.

OH, yeah. It's inetretsing how god spelled backwards is dog, while devil is lived, which si the oen that amkes sense, as The Devil lived in Heaven, once long ago, accoridng to some religions, who believe in one.
Re: Empire strikes back special edition, extra scene added


Posted by Utahraptor on 18 September 1999 at 08:43:47:

In Reply to: Empire strikes back special edition, extra scene added posted by VIGO on 17 September 1999 at 00:00:42:

: I just heard there's going to be an extra scene included in the DVD release
: of EMPIRE STRIKES BACK coming up next year!

: Basically, it expands on the scene where Vader reveals his fatherhood to Luke, and ties up some loose ends created with the release of Episode 1...

: The Empire Strikes Back: Extra-Special Edition
: -----------------------------------------------

: A furious lightsaber duel is underway. DARTH VADER is backing LUKE SKYWALKER towards the end of the gantry.

: A quick move by Vader, chops off Luke's hand! It goes spinning off into the
: ventilation shaft.

: Luke backs away. He looks around, but realizes there's nowhere to go but
: straight down.

: Darth Vader: Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father.

: Luke: He told me enough! He told me you killed him!

: Darth Vader: No... I am your father!

: Luke: No, it's not true! It's impossible.

: Darth Vader: Search your feelings... you know it to be true...

: Luke: NO!

: Darth Vader: Yes, it is true.. and you know what else? You know that brass droid of yours?

: Luke: Threepio?

: Darth Vader: Yes... Threepio... I built him... when I was 7 years old...

: Luke: No...

: Darth Vader: Seven years old! And what have you done? Look at yourself, no hand, no job, and couldn't even levitate your own ship out of the swamp...

: Luke: I destroyed your precious Death Star!

: Darth Vader: When you were 20! When I was 10, I single-handedly destroyed a
: Trade Federation Droid Control ship!

: Luke: Well, it's not my fault...

: Darth Vader: Oh, here we go... "Poor me... my father never gave me what I wanted for my birthday... boo hoo, my daddy's the Dark Lord of the Sith... waahhh wahhh!"

: Luke: Shut up...

: Darth Vader: You're a slacker! By the time I was your age, I had exterminated the Jedi knights!

: Luke: I used to race my T-16 through Beggar's Canyon...

: Darth Vader: Oh, for the love of the Emperor... 10 years old, winner of the Boonta Eve Open... Only human to ever fly a Pod Racer... right here baby!

: Luke looks down the shaft. Takes a step towards it.

: Darth Vader: I was wrong... You're not my kid... I don't know whose you are,
: but you sure ain't mine...

: Luke takes a step off the platform, hesitates, then plunges down the shaft.

: Darth Vader looks after him.

: Darth Vader: Get a haircut!

Yup. da's are allt he same. and I bet Darth Vader had to walk 10 miles through the hot blistering desert just to reach the Pod Races.
Re: It's Called Punctuation. Use It!


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Posted by Utahraptor on 19 September 1999 at 07:49:52:

In Reply to: Re: Empire strikes back special edition, extra scene added posted by Vigo on 18 September 1999 at 18:43:57:

: : Yup. da's are allt he same. and I bet Darth Vader had to walk 10 miles through the hot blistering desert just to reach the Pod Races.

: hey i got a great idea you dont ever reply to my posts and i wont pick on you for your lack of brain activity.


Calling Dr. Bombay! Emergancy Funny Bone Transplantation, Stat!
Yeah. it takes a lot of brain activity to amke Darth Vader a typically unpleased with hsi son kidna parent. Watchout, Hurricane Floyd. Mental Depression Doof is working up one Hell of a brain storm. Look, it's a microscopic drop. Smaller than a quark even. Wow. I bet that hurt an awful lot, Doof. Better nottry to think up any more ideas, great or otherwise until 2999. Or else you'll really hurt yourslef trying. Actually, I'm surprised you were able to post this "great" idea of yours wihtout it dying of loniness first.
Well, if you don't like my repleis to yuor complete and utter crap and drivel, then leave here. You're way too stupid to do the obvious solution, so let's try the simplest solution.
PS, you actually call your response the act of brain activity. How sad. Youc an't coem up with anyhtign ebtetr, no amtetr how ahrd you try. Poor dear. This si your life. Complete lack of creativity.
Re: East Timor


Posted by Utahraptor on 20 September 1999 at 08:52:59:

In Reply to: East Timor posted by Sunflash the Mace on 19 September 1999 at 23:35:38:

: Last night the dwarf who is our prime minister made a pretty boring speech. Apparently were sending 2000 troops to East Timor. Goody, we are leading the International peacekeeping force, sure, we've had plenty of experience since Vietnam...

: For anyone who doesn't know, the first country to ever send troops into East Timor was Australia during WW2. Sure, we were there to protect the Eas Timorese, yes that'll do. Of course Japan was next since they loved to kick the crap ot everybody, one small country beat China to a pulp, that is hell funny.

: Apparently the leader of the force has had plenty of experience. He must be pretty old, all we did in Operation Desert Storm and the Gulf war was stay behind the front lines just in case the US ran out of pawns. The last time Australia even went to battle was Vietnam I think.

: Is it just me or is this whole peace keeping idea going to fall to bits...

: -Sunflash
You guys went to Vietnam too? Gee, I thought only the USA was so full of itself as to think they can win any battle. Well, I'm sure they still do. The leaders have been going roudn the twist for way too long.
If peacekeeping creates more Vietnams, I hope it does fall to pieces.
Re: Make Me, Sunshine


Posted by Utahraptor on 22 September 1999 at 08:30:22:

In Reply to: Oh Shut up.... posted by Hunter on 21 September 1999 at 11:25:20:

: : You guys went to Vietnam too? Gee, I thought only the USA was so full of itself as to think they can win any battle.

: Quick Reference:

As posted by an army brat. Erego, not very true.

: The US is as full of itself, comparatively, as Yutz here.

Ooh, Yutz, What's the matter? Couldn't find your own original insult? Now, that's pitiful.

: The US thinks it can win any battle; for the most part, it's probably right.

Except when they match wits with the Viet Cong.

:Depending upon who we decide to pick on. If we do it right, and pick on the weaker, dumber countries, then, yeah...sure...we've won.

Hence the problem. Not everybody is weak. After fighting the Iraqi's, suddenly Yugoslavia was too tough. They ahd modern technologies. No wonder our guys were captured. It's a different fight when you've got an enemy who cna match you at every turn.

:Sorta like Yutz here.. See, he thinks he can win any flamewar, apparently.

Not really. Some I let others win for me.

:Or thinks that he has won every flamewar, or something.
Here, or else where? Else where, all that I have done, and did not sit back and let others do. of course, there was that oen where I won it with some help (equally), but did not coninvce the fool until Sat 18, 1999. Guess who's msot unhappy seeing wiht hsi own eyes how wrong he was. a nd he ruined everything for eveyrbody else in the desparate attempt to use barely any info to prove himself right.
As for here, the wars end as each new board appears, so there has never been a winner.

:When the truth is that he's got about as much luck winning a flamewar here as the US has a chance to win in Bosnia.
And the original name calling expert knows all about that.

: The sad thing is, the US Army have better tactical manouvres at their disposal, even though they technically still suck. Still, it gives them a snowball's chance in hell.
Which is not much of a chance.

: Yutz here hasn't got shit to use against the people he's decided to pick on now.
1. I have yet to pick on anyone. Defend against, yes. You are the oen picking on others, Sunshine. Look in the mirror. You've forgotten which oen of us you are again.
2. I'm glad I don't ahve shit to use. I don't ahve an obsession with feeling up my own fecale amtter, as someone here apparently does.

: What have the US Army got?
Major ego problems. Superman sure cna't stand against Kyrptonite. And Vietnam sure was ladened with it.

:Aside from tactical manouvres that probably only work relatively well in Wal Mart, there are some relatively nice toys lying about. If you can get past the 9mil, and the M16....and if you can convince them to use them...or even admit that they exist... They've also got the power to like, do shit, and then pretend like it never even happened.
Much like the American people pretend the Vietnam Vets never existed.

: What has Yutz got? I dunno...
Big surprise. You don't know.

: Aside from an ISP in Rochester somehwere (according to the trace), and some of the weirdest religious views for a Jewish person
Hey now. I never said my religious views were base doff of my religion. I actually think about ym views for ymslef. id on't let toehrs spoon feed me moronic lies based off of scientifc possibilities from thousands of years ago.

:(even one from...wherever he's from....)
According to your trace, and ISP in Rochester.

: I'm assuming he's got an archive of every intelligent insult ever written on the board,
When has there ever been an intelligent insult written on the board, besides mine? Case in point, your lack of originality in insults.

:and a very large copy of something akin to a Thesaurus for Dummies....
Sorry, but you neve rlent me yours. I don't bother with thesauruses. I have better thigns to do with ym tiem than look up words to try and convince my imagianry superiority over everybody else.

: Well, I'm sure they still do. The leaders have been going roudn the twist for way too long.

: You'd know. They're right behind you.
How? They came first? And I doubt you even know what going round the twist even means. You jut see it as an insult, and throw it back at me. There's your startling originality again, Sunshine.

: : If peacekeeping creates more Vietnams, I hope it does fall to pieces.
Still feel this way.

: Ah shit. I really don't have time to finish this.... I've got to go play GI Jane the Medic again...
And tell us all about the mighty great US Army, who just can't lose to anyone. Too bad the defending army of a stolen country is too drunk on their sense of power to actually build themselves up to 1/4 their egotistical dreams.

Well, hopefully you cna chekc your Thesaurus For Dummies, and find a better insult than Doof's pathetic attempt at one.
I agree with your e-mail, I do find you annoying. How good of you to notice. Now, go remedy yourself.
Re: What's New


Posted by Utahraptor on 23 September 1999 at 08:42:53:

In Reply to: What's New posted by Gremlin on 23 September 1999 at 00:29:16:

: Though I did get a few things, including the DV of Gremlins which, according to, barely exists.

Ah, nline auctions. 100 of the same product, and 35 are listed as being very rare and hard to find. The joys of The Law Of Supply And Demand. Course, ntohing is funnier than seeing 150 of something sold for anywhere from $9.99-$14.99, while one dumb idiot offers their's for $1 wiht a reserve of $24.99 And keeps relsiitng it every week, convicned someoen will buy the exact smae htign as others sell, for twice the price. You gotta love high hopes. A lot of ants out there. A lot of ants out there.
Okay, here's a link to a pertinant piece of information ...

... and here it is! no dromaeosaur has sucked before
The 'net [NotS]

Here’s one I’ve been putting off for far too long. So I should probably start with the backstory...
Once upon a time, this idiot showed up on the ‘net. That’s not news; a lot of idiots have shown up on the ‘net. But this guy was special. Yutz the Raptor.
Apparently an alien sent to Earth to misspell things at us, Yutz soon found his way to the message board here at
Typically, he waits for a post to be entered to the board before bothering us with his...insights. Then, he replies to the more rational posts with the most brainless, unfounded, misspelled assertions he can. Granted, that presumes that he could be less goofy; though there's been no evidence of that to date.
As a Jew, my mandatory Chrstian site would say that my whole theme has been blown to smitherins by the evil alien forces of the FCC, forcing me to put up this ridiculous, non scifi section. Any non sci fi christian fans should really become Jewish, if you ask me. Any Sci Fi Christians shoudlr eally become Jewish, if you ask me. And nobodyc an compain, cause it's just ym opinion,a s stated. Plsu, I'll sue for forcing there reliigon on me, and the mentla anguish form breaking my site's sci fi theme. Can yo say fame and Ca-Ching? I knew that you could. 1
The example above is one of the ubiquitous instances of Yutz mentioning his nationality. While no one has ever managed to care about his self-proclaimed nationality or religion, he tends to create strawmen who consider him inferior for being jewish.
Just let me know in a nice, friednly, flameless, amture, reasonable,a nd rational post that you're ready to surrender and thus end your preciosu little war. IS it as fun for you as it is for me, you polysyllablic moron? elt me knwo when you fianlly grok the nuance sbehind the bog words you sophisticaedly memorized. For until you agree toc all it off, you'll recieve mroe fo what you think you wnat, but don't relalydesire. we all knwo you wnat a flame war to forever rage on these boards, just not against you. Funny how you neve rknow how your mornic naziscummish ideas will backfire, big time, huh Lahaooosaher? But that's the interestign thing about you. You're a balsted, slag sputing simian simpleton, but at elats we knwo where you stand. As a trouble making moron. How foolish you truel are, you stinking Pred. WHy not just tkae your vrla self out fo here, and go infect anothe rbaord where they like your sophisticated, moronic kind 2
Here we see that anyone who doesn't happen to appreciate his idiotic ramblings automatically becomes an inferior nazi who hates all jews. But it gets even dumber, once we learn that Yutz isn't actually from the planet of Earth...
Who knew you could get legal advise from a sitcom...
What's really funny here is that Yutz seems to have noticed the rules of the board, which include EMailing the webmaster if a flamewar begins. Ironically, Yutz has never EMailed me to mention one, and simply flames everyone on the damned board, creating the real problem.
That, of course, was in response to a very clever post by The Host:
I'm sorry to say what I'm about to say. It's immature, and I despise immaturity. It's insulting, and I try to refrain from insults. It makes me sound like a jerk, and I don't think I am. It makes me sound like a hypocrite, and I hope that I'm not. But it is not unfounded. I think it is something that needs to be said, by me. It's something that's been said by others, because they are angry, or it is simply a part of their debating style or personality to say such things. Not mine. It makes me sound like I'm angry, and I'm not. I'm actually quite sorry to have to say this, but I do.
You’re an idiot.
A bloody fool, a drooling moron, a most unfortunate imbecile. You are an asinine ignoramus. [That means dummy -- sorry, my polysyllabilism just keeps creeping up.]
There. I said it. Now, please, before responding with insults (I suspect you will anyway -- or else ignore this, which would perhaps be worse), allow me to expand. Allow me to justify. Though blind to your own stupidity, it will at least prove to those with open minds and eyes that I do not make a mindless assertion. I make a calculated, logical conclusion. That conclusion, again:
You're a flipping dumbass.
I suspect you perhaps lie about your age. No, strike that. I hope that you lie about your age. Because if you are over twenty, and if you are in university, it is a sad testament to the state of the American nation. Makes me a little more proud to be Canadian -- at least our education system (and resultant average IQ) is considerably better than that of our southern neighbor.
You have absolutely no comprehension of the word logic. Logic, Utahraptor, is a useful device in debate. It has nothing to do with evidence, and thus can apply to any concept, even those unproved or purely philosophical -- even the alien debate.
Logic indicates, simply, that your arguments make sense. It shows that there is a structure behind them, and inner structure, a reason you have come to a conclusion. Without logic, any argument is simply an assertion: something not only unprovable, but completely unsupported by evidence, or even common sense. To say that my computer houses the spirit of A 14,000--year-old wookie named George, for example, would be an assertion. To say that aliens live and visit the earth, also, is an assertion. It is as ludicrous and unbelievable as the existence of my hairy friend George. Perhaps, blinded by your fervent adherence to X-Files paranoia, you are unaware of the parallel between my example and your assertion. You probably don't realize why your entire argument about aliens is completely invalid, simply because you seem to intuit knowledge that is withheld from the rest of us poor saps.
I'm not saying aliens don't exist. I think they do. I'm not even saying they don't visit the earth every so often -- I personally don't believe in the little green men (oh, I mean 'grey;' sorry to stereotype your race) hovering over Las Vegas in giant hubcaps, but, hey, I've got an open mind.
However, you offer no evidence. You put forth no logic. You don't even point out the fact that common sense would dictate that aliens exist out there somewhere. You simply state, simply, that they exist, and assume we will all believe you simply because what you say goes.
But I am being redundant. Imp already challenged you to bring forth evidence; take him up on his offer. If you don't wish to, then at least take me up on my perhaps lighter challenge: at least try to show some logic in your argument. Tell us why you think aliens exist, and please don't say you believe it because of what you saw last night on Fox's 'World's Scariest Anal Probings Caught On Tape 4.'
I have always suspected you of being a simple bandwagoner. You believe in aliens because they're cool; because there are lots of websites about them, because the X-Files is such a rocking show, because that little alien keychain your aunt picked up in Roswell is just so damned cute. Please, I beg you, prove me wrong. Respond with a clear, concise, logical argument about the existence of aliens, and one you have believe yourself, not one you pull from some webpage because I asked you to find one. Pretend I'm a skeptic. Convince me.
When it comes to your idea about saving the financial crisis in the year 2000 by creating paper records: please, concede that argument. A person who is mature will understand when he is wrong, and will graciously step down. Trust us, you are wrong. Very, very wrong. Your idea is, to be blunt, moronic. Actually, Imp didn't even begin to realize just how stoopid it was. I believe he once stated that you should try to understand a post before you reply: that is the case here.
First of all, your solution is ludicrous. Do you know how long it would take to transfer all bank files to hard copy? I'm not going to even begin to guess. Probably several months. During that time, they would have to hire several thousands of new employees. They would have to shut their doors and simply not serve the public -- all tellers, managers, investors, planners, hell, even maintenance people for ATMs would have to work on transferring files to paper. Before doing this, they would have to drain all bank accounts, giving people their money back, demanding that all loans be immediately paid back. In order to do that, as most money is stored electronically nowadays, the American government would have to mint trillions of dollars for the banks to give their customers. You obviously know nothing of economics, and the laws of supply and demand (more on that later), but suffice it to say the American dollar's value would likely drop by at least 85-90%, probably more. You'd have to pay $40 for a Mars bar. Meanwhile, thousands of businesses currently working in the red (probably close to half of America's industries are in such a state) would go bankrupt when they have to return all borrowed funds to the banks. Dependent industries would also shut down, or have to lay off employees, when they find that the supply for, say, plastic has dropped by 70% because of mass bankruptcies. This, coupled with the faltering American dollar, would cause the price of most raw resources to increase tenfold -- at least. That would result in more bankruptcies, and even higher prices. Suddenly it costs $400 for a Mars bar, and nobody in your family has a job. You can't even sell your house because nobody can afford it. The stock market crashes, propagating more industries to shut down. America's unemployment rate climbs to 95%. Foreign trade ceases, as nobody wants to invest in a worthless dollar or near-bankrupt corporations. There is looting everywhere, and violent crime rates rise so high that it is unsafe to leave your house. The power company stops running because it can't afford gas or oil or maintenance on its generators. The phone company closes because it has no staff, and nobody can pay their phone bills anyway. A state of emergency is declared across the nation, and suddenly you find that your rights to freedom of speech and assembly and all of those other precious vices of the constitution have been severely limited.
But who cares, it'll only last a few months; no big crisis there.
Secondly, you didn't even understand Jurassosaur's conclusion. You had no idea what he was talking about. Because, if he's right (personally, I feel that the problem he predicts will not be as great or widespread as it could be, but I tend to agree that it is very, very likely), it doesn't matter whether Y2K exists or not: we're in deep trouble. There undoubtedly will be a recession because of Y2K; how deep a recession (or depression) I am unable to say. But it could be bad. Very bad.
Jurassosaur said that economics is based upon expectation. He's right. Quick lesson in economics, Utah (it's obvious that you either a) did not take high school economics, or a related course at university level or b) you are a total fucking idiot): the stock market is dictated by confidence and predictions. Ever hear of a self-fulfilling prophecy? It is a prediction which comes true, simply because it was predicted. The stock market's full of 'em.
Here's how it works: a corporation issues shares in its companies to investors and the public. This essentially means that people fund the company's endeavors, and in return get a say in how a company is managed. If a company issues, hypothetically, 100 shares (usually the number would be substantially higher) at ten dollars, then each share constitutes 1% of the corporation. For ten dollars you buy a share, and own 1% of the company. In certain issues of great importance, you get a single vote with that share -- one out of a hundred. Those who own the most shares are on the board of directors; they basically make the important decisions as to how the company runs.
Of course, things can be vastly more complicated, but I'm trying to work at your basic level of comprehension here. God, I hope you can understand this Utah. I don't think I can explain it in simpler terms.
Now, a stock's price rapidly changes. Why? Not because of the value of the company, not because of its profitability (though those are significant factors): no, it changes with the number of stocks owned.
Think of it this way. The fewer copies there are of an item, the more that item is worth, correct? If you've got one of 30 million Roger Clements baseball cards, it's pretty worthless. If you own one of only twelve remaining Mickey Mantle rookie cards, it's probably worth a little more.
Same thing goes for the stock market. If, say 94 of a company's 100 stocks are open, then only 6 actually exist and are for sale. There are only 6 in the public domain. This means they are worth a lot of money, because they are hard to come by. It shows that investors have great confidence in said company, because they're buying stock very quickly. The company is doing well. The $10 stock is suddenly worth about $40, which means if you invested $30, you now have $120. You're much richer. It means more people will buy stock, more people will give the company money, allowing it to grow, become richer. The company is in a boom.
People are paranoid, though. (See, you're not alone, Utah.) If people think that, for some reason or another, a stock's value is going to decrease, they sell their shares at the high price -- raking in big bucks, and, they think, just missing a loss of money. Others see this happening, and sell their stock as quickly as possible, so as not to lose money. Then others, then others, then still others do the same. Now suddenly only 13 people own stocks; the other 87 are up for sale. The value of the stock, of course, goes down. Why? Because somebody thought it would. Then, with less money to work with, the company's profits go down. Eventually, it's value seems so low, that it can't go any lower. Don’t forget to buy low, sell high; this looks like a great time to buy. People buy back stock, and the company's stock value again increases.
This happens weekly on the stock market with particular companies. Monthly with entire industries. And you see the same cycle repeat for the entire economy every eight years or so: four years of boom followed by four years of recession.
Why? Again, expectations, predictions. People see that four years of boom have gone by, think a depression will come soon, and sell stocks before it's too late: causing a recession. And so on.
So, what does this have to do with Y2K? It's simple, really: there are a lot of idiots who think all of the computers are gonna crash on 01/01/00. They fear that bank's computers will crash and, because most money nowadays is stored electronically, they'll lose all of their money. People are afraid the stock market will crash -- or at least it's computers -- and, because most money nowadays is stored electronically, they'll lose all of their money. So they withdraw money from accounts, they sell their stocks.
Money works the same way as stocks. The more paper money there is in existence, the less it's worth. Because most money nowadays is stored electronically, when people sell stocks and completely drain their bank accounts, an awful lot of paper money will have to be minted. It's value will greatly decrease. The effects of this I've mentioned before: though they won't be as great as if the banks were to close their doors for several days, you could expect prices to rise quite quickly. You could expect, as a result, several businesses and companies to close down, or to lay people off. Everything's connected in the economy, like a spider web; as one strand or firm is pulled away, others destabilize.
At the same time, the value of stocks will plummet. Still more companies go bankrupt. They can't pay back their loans: so the banks increase interest rates on loans, and suddenly Johnny can't build a house.
Okay, so not everybody is stoopid. Maybe only 5 or 10% of the population with withdraw money and sell stocks. Well, as I said before, investors are greedy. They don't care how their actions affect the entire economy, they just want their money. Investors wise enough to know that Y2K won't actually cause sweeping crashes, those wise enough to realize that their money won't cease to exist on 01/01/00, are also wise enough to realize that thousands of idiots are going to produce a recession due to their own paranoid stoopidity and ignorance. Investors want no part of that. They're gonna withdraw their fund in late December.
Unless something really changes before the end of the year -- say, for example, Europe explodes in a giant fireball -- you can expect a stock market crash to occur later this annum. It ain't gonna be pretty. It will be the great Y2K disaster. And it could, perhaps, be worse than what we've dared ourselves to imagine.
But probably not.
Anyway, Utah, you obviously knew nothing of economics. I hope you do now, or I've just wasted the last 30 minutes. You made bold accusations about aliens without explanation. You've done it before. You'll probably do it again.
So far, though, this has been argument by example. Just to clear something up: this is not an isolated incident. Your stoopidity spans many posts.
You are most certainly a bandwagoner. You're a hypocrite, Utah; you accuse others of misunderstanding (maybe if you typed using all of your brain, both of your eyes, and at least a few of your fingers, that would cease to be a problem) and acting immaturely: I am telling you now to look in a proverbial mirror and read over your own posts. Please try not to be blind of your own immaturity. Be not ignorant of your own ignorance.
You are incredibly immature. I will admit that Imp sometimes flies off the handle, but, then again, so do you. At least he recognizes his temper, unlike yourself. And there's the fact that when the two of you argue, well, he's generally right.
You tend to respond to even his non-threatening posts in a threatening way. I don't think Imp hates you, he seems more coldly amused by your ignorant stoopidity. You, on the other hand, seem to deeply hate him. You can't understand how anybody could be calling you or your arguments stoopid without trying to insult you personally; you cannot comprehend how the word 'idiot' can be more an observation than an attempt to proactively lessen your self-esteem, and other associated buzz-words.
My advice to you: grow up. Try to realize that people have different ways of expressing opinions; methods as varied as the opinions themselves. Try to type slow enough that your posts don't have to be put through an English-Utah translator before being read. Read others' posts before respond, and more importantly think before you make an ass out of yourself. At least that way you can say you've tried.
And, above all else, please understand: if you associate yourself with the intelligent, and claim to be intelligent yourself, expect your ideas and opinions to be tested. Expect others to disagree and, beyond that, to ask for explanation of your own opinions. If you are going to argue, expect somebody to argue back, and don't be offended when they do.
If you associate yourself with the intelligent, and claim to be intelligent yourself, you'd better have evidence of this intelligence. Otherwise, it is a simple assertion: something not only unprovable, but completely unsupported by evidence, or even common sense.
-The Host
[I hope you have the endurance to read all of this, Utahraptor. I hope you have the vocabulary to at least pretend you understand it. And I hope you have the balls to respond to it. Be warned: like Imp, I am prepared to attack blatant stoopidity, so you'd better think before you type. And use a damned spell-check.]
...which impressed me as a News of the Stoopid on its own, which is one of the reasons I wanted to include it in here.
Of course, Host isn't the only one to have told Yutz how dumb he is. There have been other attempts at getting the point across...
How is it they never drowned you as a baby?
1) You said this isn't my board. Very good, you figured that out.
2) You figured out that you can post whatever you please. Great. Same goes for myself.

You are an idiot.

3) You thought it through and came up with the fact that no one forces me to read your posts. Astounding! You are capable of some thought. Alas, the same applies to you concerning my posts.
You don't have to read anything I post.
4) You pointed out that I made some errors in my typing. All well and good, except for the part where I stated I was extremely drunk while I was posting. What reason do you have for your lack of basic typing skills?
5) You called me a Nazi. Escuse me??? I don't believe I've ever plotted world domination, mass genocide, or inferred that persons not of my race are inferior.
I, also, do not edit/delete/change posts because the are contrary to what the regime dictacts is acceptable. I refer to your message board.
6) You demand civility, intelligence, and coherency.... Yet you abide by none of these when you post.
7) You look down upon the populace from your self appointed perch, in your bedroom. You write about the idiocy of others. You question the intelligence of all those you interact with. Yet, all the while you blather on like the fools you hold in contempt.
8) How can you view yourself as a rational, smart, logical person when you respond in a highly irrational, illogical, and ignorant manner to an insult?
9) Which brings us to the whole Mother thing..... Get a life. This is the only response I have to all of that childish behavior.
10) Aliens... Sure thing there Agent Moulder. Do I believe something is out there? Why yes I do. Why then do I make fun of your claims? Because I find you to be a trifle fanatical about this issue, and like most fanatics you have little in the way on concrete proof. Please, spare me the whole "Where did my computer come from then?" That is like Gremlin's Christians saying "Where did life come from if not from God and Christ?"
Try resisting the urge to post to all the threads this time around.
Again, I have given you what you asked for, but can not yourself produce.

~~Don't worry. It's only life. We all get through it.~~
The Imp
About his religious views, no one has the slightest idea what Yutz really thinks. It's possible that he only claims to be a jew because 'jew' is easy to spell. Theologicaly, he's a bit unusual:
I liked the one about how universe pop into and out fo existance through anturla alws of science (whichever) and last emre seconds, while the occupants experience billions fo years. Course, that theory provides for how GOd cna be all powerful and all knowing (which He ain't.) Due tot he bubble stuff, anyoen existign otuside the bubble will simultaneously live int eh past present and future. WHich expalisn God's super brain. PLus, if God leave shis bubble,a nd either ahs the power to, ro gaisnt he power to directly efefct our bubble universe, that explains how He works. Plus, I think He's in a space suit fos oemsorts, cause I doubt H cna survive int eh palce where Universes exist.4
We're not sure which sitcom first proposed the theory of the Bubble Stuff...
Here's a newer one. I went ahead and replied to Yutz, answering his brainless questions. Oddly, though he must have read this, he never replied to it:

[Next Post]
(If You're All So Smart, Why Am I Still Here! AKA Expanding On The Post Gremlin Didn't Want You To See!)
Paranoia again. How refreshing...

If you did have any discernable intelligence, then by April you would have realized what it would take to get me to leave.

Assertion. Intelligence isn't measured by one's ability to figure out how to get an idiot to give up

But nope. None of you ever figured it out. Because I'm still here.

Assertion again. Because you have nothing better to do, no one is intelligent.

Yet still you try to use the same failed methods again and again.

Assumption. You're assuming that the sole purpose of this board is to try to get rid of you.

And why not?

Begging the question.

1) You think they'll work.

Assertion. You're not qualified to ascertain what we think.

So of course they will.

Invalid argument.

2)If they don't work the 100th time, then surely by the 1,000th time they will.


That's simple logic. It has to be. Lisa Simpson knew that theory too.

Here we see that Yutz is still getting his 'facts' from sitcoms.

Course, the diff is, she knew it "might" work, not will. And she's right, because it won't.

The brainlessness of this statement defies correction.

Course, other indications of lakc of cognitive capabiltiies is the simple fact that you can't think.

Alarmingly, this statement is true. However, the fact has been proved false.

You all listen to Gremlin, and blindly follow your false idol's thinking.

False idol? Who accused me of being a deity? For that matter, 'true idol' would be an oxymoron.

You cna't accept any othe rveiwpoints, only because you feel they make your own views wrong, and think, moronically so, that thta make syou stupid.

Assertion. Strawman. Ad nauseum. You really suck at this, don't you...

Nope. That makes you human.

And all this time, we'd assumed that was more of a genetic result.

Your stupidaphobia makes you stupid.

Please define 'stupidaphobia', including sources in Latin.

Hence your inability to psot anyhting inteleligent, isniteful, or erudite (the word Gremlin doens't even know.)

Assertion. Invalid argument. And, regarding 'erudite': it's an adjective decribing that which displays erudition, where erudition is 'a fall from ignorance'. Something I've known since 1973, for those playing along at home.

You complain about ym spelling, once again thinking thta'll chaneg thigns,

The irony of this statement is laughable.

and yet none fo you who complain ahs ever been abale to sue punctuation right (see Gremlin's mad libs for examples,

Here we understand precisely how dumb Yutz really is. Read Johnny Got His Gun [Dalton Trumbo] to determine whose punctuation is missing.

or Doof's pathetic reply to my punctuation reply.

More irony: ERROR--MISSING ')' AFTER '('

Course, hsi lakc of brain activity is evident in both his actually beliveing that Star Wars Missing Scenes was real, and in hiscontunual misuse of the name, yutz (and that got poor Sunshine to misuse it too.)

Who thought the missing scene was real? The only confusion I saw regarding that was that you'd thought Vigo had written it.

But he's right on one thing. I don't use any brain activity with you'al lhere.

Tempting though this may be to believe, it's actually incorrect. Yutz uses his brain, though not very wisely.

Why should I?

Because, otherwise, it makes you look like an idiot.

None of you ever do (Except the Dan's Board crossovers.)

Here we see Yutz setting up to disappear from this board, but remain at Dan's. He's just bright enough to avoid alienating those whom he might meet again...

So why should I bother using intelligence wiht people who lack the cranial capacity to grok alpha uno of what I say?

Here's an amazingly dumb question. But if you really want an answer...

Crainial capacity has nothing to do with intelligence; everyone's cranial capacity is approximately equal
grok is undefined; alpha is Greek; uno is Spanish; you are an idiot
To directly answer the question: no idea. We've tried using intelligence with you, though it only results in your I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I retorts.
If you use your negatove infinity IQ's all the time, why expect anyoen to show you up?

Again: negative IQs are mathematicaly impossible; negative infinity IQs doubly so.

Foolish really. And to think, you guys actualyl bought that the board mysteriously crashed after all thsi tiem. Right. Well ti did. Right afetr Gremlindelted the whole thign so you wouldn't see the truth I posted.

More paranoia. If you really want to know, it was my fault that the board crashed--I posted something with too much coding, and it confused the script. If I'd intentionally removed your idiotic post, I'd have done it much sooner [like, before replying to it] and without destroying the board.

Becasue he would lsoe hsi precious follower then.

If I really have any followers, which I doubt, then, yeah, they're probably dumb enough to stop following just because you post these brainless things.

bUt ey, those who live byt he flame, delte thier boar dby the flame.

Um...that may be the dumbest slant I've ever read.

Gremmy, you really shoudla updated the rules. Open Topic died yeras ago. It's Onyl What I, Gremlin The Great Diety Think.

What a kooky idea. just might work. I'll call it News of the Stoopid. Idiot: an interactive medium like a message board prohibits oligarchal control.

and it's not no flaming otehrs. It's Flame Otehrs Who Dare To Disagree With Me.

No, it's very solidly No Flaming Others. And you're the only one who couldn't grasp it. You seem to assume that this board is set up to protect you from flames. It's not. If you were to have followed the rules, and EMailed me when the board in its entirety started flaming you, it might have helped. But you didn't EMail me; you just flamed back, claiming amnesty because you think you're above the rules. Meanwhile, the rest of the board EMailed, ICQd, or caught me IRL to complain about you. You did it wrong; not them.

Shame you couldn't even ahndle ti yourself.

Assertion. Anyone would know better. I was giving you far too many second chances, because it's evident that you're not in control of your actions.

You send your stooge sout to do ti for you, and poorly too.

Wrong. Initially, I discouraged it; eventually I allowed for it.

Doof sits there making stupid comments,

I'll assume this is Imp. His comments have never impressed me as stupid. Satirical, maybe, but not stupid.

sIMPleton tries valeintly to set a flame trap that's so obvious,a dn lies about his lies. Firts he says one thing (really a lie), then lies about ever saying it. Host Teh Hoser can't even stand missing out on one, and overdoes eveyrhtign to compensate.

This again. Host wasn't lying. Host was extending his opinion that you're an idiot. The rest of us tend to agree.

and yes Hoser, no Americna cares about canadians or others.

Assertion. Some Americans probably do. Especially the ones using the electricity imported from Canada. And since when are you American? You keep going on about being Israeli. Or, you're an American of jewish religion who doesn't know dick about judaism.

if we ahve a school shooting, the enxt shootign we care abotu si by u. Even if it's 1 year alter, and you guys had 365 shootings, we'd still say one eyar afetr such and such a shooting.

What in hell are you going on about now? You know: paragraphs are part of punctuation...

Why? because Americnas are slef centered egotists.

Okay, I'll agree with that.

Hence the failure ofsunshine to udnertsand it.

But the logic was not to last...

The US ARmy ain't magically protecte dby God for being one nation under Him (A stolen oen, mind you),

You're so dumb it hurts.

The American army isn't a nation; it's a corporation
Neither god nor him should be capitalised; god is a vocation, him is a pronoun
This sentence suggests that either the nation or the army was stolen from this god of yours, which goes against your idiotic faith.
nor cna the US Army ebat all inavders. Nam showed us thta one.

Viet Nam never invaded America, idiot.

And try to eb roigianl enxt tiem Sunshine. We all knwo we always catch you ina fucking good mood. when ain't ya?

It's called sarcasm. We have that here on Earth. What planet are you from, anyway?

All you cna do is xerox stuf fbakc at me. other people's thigns.

Assertion. No proof required.

One up from grmmy. I say sIMPleton uses a thesaurus, you say I do (and so doe sSunshine no less, being oh so original again.)

Based on the evidence.

Yous ay what others ahev said, thens ay Im the oen Xeroxing your stuff. right.

Again we have groundless assertions from the idiot.

Hey dumb dumb, Naziscums are't always balsting eveyr Jew they can. hence why you cna be "nice" to Dan (Like you ever talk much, jsut intentionally forget hsi B-Day), and still eb against other Jews.

You are truly retarded, aren't you. So the assertion here is that you can be a nazi if you dislike one American who claims to be jewish. Who knew...

And rememebr, I said sIMPleton was. Not you. He and only he cna defend himself. BY you're doing it, you prove me mroe right.

Huh? I defend logic. Not people. And defending against your idiotic assertions is overkill.

And BTW, it's stupid, not stoopid.

More irony. And ad nauseum. And you're an idiot.

Tire not tyre,

You'll want to look that up. It's tyre. You Americans are incapable of English. You speak, and spell, American. Leave English to the professionals.

a nd trust em, Amigas arne't God's gift to computers,

Again with this god of yours. You're really very silly.

or they'd be big. Only a grade A Moron woudl think otherwise.

Like people in the UK, Germany, and most of Europe, where computers have always been more advanced than here in the colonies.

But what do you know?

Don't make me write all that.

You created the Good Guys/Bad Guys List.

And then abandoned it when people like you misunderstood it.

You amde Alan1 post more and mroe negatively, creating an even bigger monster.

If you knew what you were talking about, you'd see how funny that really is.

Then when you failed to stop him wiht your moronic GB/BG List, it abckfired. he jsut sue dit to becoem mroe insidious.

Look up insidious. Insidiousness suggests intelligence. Alan1 was underqualified.

So you've been trying to recreate that battle ehr,e so yuo cna properly save the day with your precious no more Papa Smurf says posts.

Is that an assertion or a strawman? The hell with it: you're an idiot.

That's right gang. gremmy ehre ahs been tyring to ruin your fun her ewith flame wars. Why else does it ahppene evry motnh?

Why else indeed...

Why else doe shsi friends casue one eveyr free chance they get?

When? Where? Look at the boards, idiot. Youre the one causing these things.

Hence his posts to Sunshine. And thta;s why he delted the baord. So you allw ouldn't learn his dirty little secret.

Again with the unfounded paranoia. And what secrets were deleted? The old boards still exist, dummy.

So much for your Diety, Grelinites.

Ah yes, the grelinites. Overthrown by the babylonians. Fuck you're dumb.

So, now you must delet the baord again, befor peopel see this, and don't fidn tistrange that you delte onyl soem posts.

Why? Much more entertaining to expose your idiocy. Though I suppose I could just ban your ISP...

Afetr all, you knew I'd psot again if you jsut delted mine.

I didn't delete your post. That was the American government, working with the alien influence who built your computer. Go back to your home planet, idiot.

Liek is aid, if you're so smart, why didn't you reply witht he oen simple thign that woudl ahev avoided allt he trouble?

Humour us. What one thing would have avoided your mindlessness.

becasue you're an idiot trying to recreate the Greta Alan1 Falemwars.

Yeah. We all have such fond memories of finding a dozen new posts every day, all misspelling the same damned thing.

Good lcuk. You need soemoen equally as dumba s you to do so, sot hey paly your reindeer agmes.

Games? Like this 'one thing' that would get you to leave on your own? That sort of game?

Try sIMPleton. or Mephisacorena. he even psots under diff names,

She. Not he. Try to know what you're talking about. Yes, you got beat up by a girl...

then gets uoset when Jurassosaur says he's the smae guy. Sur,e he did get hsi friends to join him, once his little secret was out, but by then it was too late.

This is one of the reasons I'm not publishing anything you'd write. Your stories are misspelled, boring, and antilogical.

You wnat to avoid the flames (wink wink),

Nudge, nudge...

then jsut let Doof, Sunshine, Mephestos, wyvern, sIMPleton, and Hoser post.

So far, I've let everyone post. So far.

Thenyou cna flame eahc other till yuor heart's content.

Thanks for your permission, idiot.

Because your password protection is so easy to break. and so amny LK1ers will do so, ocne youflame them and abn them for nto psoting abotu your gretaness, but actually ahving the gawl to post any topic they want, whcih justso happens to disagree with your views.

Funny you should bring that up. I just fixed the guestbook over at so that couldn't happen. At the request of the investors. Personally, I don't really care. Something I learned from Dan, actually, who told me he didn't worry much about banning people, because the people on his board generally scared flamers away. But fear is a sign of intelligence.

Lieks tupid instea dof stoopid. I atleats knwo the right spelling, I justcna't put them right.

No fair. Nothing I can say to that makes you look any dumber.

Youc a't even spell.

Again, you've made yourself look as dumb as possible.

And mac, typing can neve rbe the msot simplest basic function oft hinking. Typing came afetr writing, DUH!

So once Yutz learns to write, we can expect him to move on to typing...

All the Gremlinite's precious genius prowesses have rendered you unable to discern patetrns. Or you'd ahve been rid of me in April, when I woulda left of my own free will foc oruse.

This again. Never too late...

But don't worry, not too many peopel will psot ehre, ocne word gets aorund how unless you follwo Gremmy's thinking, you'll eb flamed and banned.

Banned from where?

Banne d becasue Gremmy an't beta you.

Why would I want to beat Mac? I see him all the time. We get on just fine.

So he has to cheta and ban and delete the whole board to pretend it neve rhappened.

This whole post relies on your assumption that the board crashed because your post failed to impress me, doesn't it...

Soon nobody will b ehre. Becaus eunliek Gremlin, nobody likes flames.

I doubt that. If flames could scare people away, you'd have gotten rid of them all a long time ago.

a nd evry few will join him in his unintelligent crusade (TROZ!)

So 'troz' is what you use to signify that your assertions fail to make the least bit of sense?

And why shoudlt hey? Gremmy won't accept anyhting he doens't understand as having any menaing.

Not really, no.

They're alal emnaignless. Just ike him. His computers break, the site becoems unaccessible, he's force dto endure differing veiw poitns,a ll ebcasue of Karama. he ahs abd Karama, and so he egts what eh deserves.

Karma. Not karama. And empirical data suggests that there's no such thing as either of them. And when did you become budhist? An American budhist is not jewish.

Oops, more reaosns to delete thsi baord.


Maybe if you bothered to blow the smoke away from yuor eyes, you'd see people coem ehre to alugh at your stupid "An Idiot morons ersi way into the restaurant I'm in, make sme feels tupid,s o I string a bunch fo polysybbalic word sI elanred from and togetehr and make them leave, then go elanr new ones."

You might try Less opportunity for typos in the URL.

Yeah, that worked so wlel no me. Ally uo did was prove how brainless youreally are. IQ=negative infinity plus one.

We've been over this. You're an idiot.

SO predictable with your, DUH, what's your IQ Utahrapotr? I was waiting for that sicne you first replied. I'd tell yuo, but you cna't handle anyhting bove 0, let alone triple digits.

Read: Yutz has never actually been tested.

The mroe polysyllabic words you sue,t he dumber you are, ebcuase theya re emaningless.'re getting way too dumb to reply to.

Inetlligenc eis neve rvabotu a good vocabularly. Allt hat si is memorizing, which mentlaly challenged peopelc na do.

Wrong. Intelligence is measured by the ability to learn. For example, learning and using words correctly. And downsizing the output by using the least number of words. Which includes using words like 'penultimate' over terms like 'second to last'.

The SAT's requrie maths kills too (faied with Ictillion, rememebr, no of couse not.)

Actually, no. I never took an SAT. I went to college at fifteen.

Time tod elet the baord again. s oemoen migth read htis.

Don't worry. No one will bother restructuring your letters into real words.

So you cna tell ally uor imagianry e-mailers thta the stupid posts I rpely to you gusy will end when you stop posting themt o me.

Okay: the stupid posts Yutz rpely to you gusy will end when you stop posting themt o him.

And if you relaly wanna knwo how bad smoking si, take a puff and blow it on a napkin.

Yeah. We went over that in PreMed.

Oops. Too manys teps. Now you cna't do it, it's too complciated.

Like typing.

Well, don't worry Gremmy, I have jsut what you need.

A spellcheck?

I need an idot to confirmt hat egtting clasic Playstation agmes for $19.95 is a good deal.

If i run across one, I'll send him to you.

be a dear and tell me.

Again? Okay: 'You're an idiot.'



And Sunshine, if you really want peopel tos top telling you how to live your life, tellt hem nto too. don't whine about ti ehre,a nd threaten peopel you'll enev rmeet. Threatent he rela people. That's what works.

Apparently Yutz isn't real.

and yes Gremmy, people ahve bothere dot prove aliens exist.

Wrong. They've asserted. There has been no proof.

heck,t he aliens ahev bothered to prove they exst.

You don't count as an alien. You're an emotionally retarded idiot.

Virtually everybody belives in aliens, especially macro aliens.

Macro aliens believe in aliens?

Veyr few think Erath is the only inhabitable palnet. SOme don't think aliens have ever been ehre, but still, they believe int hem, somehwere.

Right. There's zero proof that they've been here, and empirical data suggests that they haven't. Logic suggests that they haven't. Factoring that you're merely an emotionally retarded American budhist, and not an alien judist, our best hope for proving alien intervention has been dashed.

Now, try againa nd use probability to prove conclusively they don't exist. Tell su all abotu how most lifeis mcrolife, and the chance sof macro life gainign spacefaringt echnology, elt aloen come here (or even team up), si so high. Yup, high, but possible. Probable is diff form possible. It's possible to wint eh GRand prize of the Lotto every tiem you paly, but not probable (barring ebign banned form it by the peeps in charge.)

You're learning. Alien visitors are possible, but not probable, and not proven.

Big difference. And yet strangely enough, allt hat high probability came to apss. Gee, amybe only an idiot thinks Earth represents all palnets wiht mostly microlife, and high probabilityequals no posisbility.

No. Probability does not equal possibility.

Didn't you apy attenton to Douglass Admas? I ebt you don't even knwo how 42 could eb the Answer afetr all.

Better yet, I've discussed it with Douglas. Forty-two is meaningless. Want his EMail address?

But hey, amybe I am wrong. mayeb there's a betetr answer for why peopels ee aliens and spaceships allt he tiem.

Paranoid schizophrenia, misunderstanding of reality, and other characteristics of Yutz the Raptor.

So tell us, oh greta and genius Gremlin, jsut what si the rela deal?

Again, I don't have tme to write all that down.

why are peopel convicned they were abducted?

Usually because they want to believe in something better than they have. I'd explain the psychology, but you wouldn't get it.

Not including the answers alreayd given. Peopel naturlaly becoem apralyze dins leep. Alien abductions are surpressed memorie sof sexual abuse as a child. Afetrall, nto eveyrone was abused or paralyze dnaturally. And what's with allt he implants? Why starnge little metal of unknown oriign?

What strange little metal of unknown origin? What in hell are you on about now?

I'm nto asking yuo to prove aliens don't exist,

Since the burden of proof is on the accusor, and all.

I'm asking yuo to prove why peple who ahev sucessfully proven aliens do exist are wrong.

I've never seen anyone who proved that aliens exist.

So amnyc an't eb wrong.

That's what they said when the first guy proposed that the Earth wasn't flat.

They don't coem ehre.

I'd noticed.

And yes, Sunshine, i did wina few flaem wars ehre.

That's a lie.

I won agaisnt SIMPLeton by ignroing hsi posts, despite his trying to trick em (and poorly) into replying.

You bailed out on his invitation to prove that you weren't an idiot.

PSSSTt... Then why si he replying. Too abd I didn't, or ti woudl ahev worke,d jealous little maroon.

Mindless assertions again.

But liek is aid, you diitos here (andnot from Dan's Board, who ahev psoted so well at hsis ite), don't knwo jack about beans.

Advanced marketing: Yutz will soon be appearing exclusively at Dan's board.

No one cna even reply to thsi message with just the 4 simple words that woudl ahve casue dme to elave long ago, and vsit even les stating in July.

And I emna a simpel *NT* message wiht thsoe 4 little words.

You are an idiot --nt-- posted by Gremlin

And Sunshien, i won agaisnt eveyrbody in total by leaving here of my own free will.

It took him this long to develop free will?

Not ebcasue of anyoen else. Which siw hy I'm outta here Oct 1.

...when the password goes into effect.

So you all ahev time to think of the 4 simple word shtta woudl ahev save dyourselves so much heartache.

Or, we could fail to care.

and Hoser, good try witht he sensitvity part on anothe rboard, but you easily forget, I let the sensitivity bit poass until it is personal. whcih only proves me right, as peopel ehre have shown.

Whenever the hell that might have happened...

And yes, I really dont use my brain ehre becsue you gusy don't.

So there; neener.

On eveyr other baord, I am with intelligent, insiteful, erudite (look it up, Gremmy) people,w ho actually prais eme for my insites and though proving psots.

You're lying again. You can't type at Dan's board, either. And you can't type at Jurassosaur's board. And everything you attempt to prove eventually relies on a oneliner from a sitcom.

Not that they fear thinking liek peopel ehre do. So what does htta say?

That you really want reality to cater to your disease.

That this si the palce wher ethe dregs fo society go (as wella s Dan's Board peopel,w ho are ont he lsit for inteeligence, a stheir posts there prove.)

Is this a bad time to mention that I'm from Dan's Board?

This is the lowest fot he low, the sewer of the Net. The aplce were malcontents and ne'erdowells go to moron about their lives, convicne of their won superiority,

Scattering about in their short, pointless lives. Men in Black, 1997

follwoing the great Boob Gremlin's religion.

I have no religion; I'm an athiest. Idiot.

Perhaps if you allr ealize that, you'll eb ebtetroff. I emna, you coem ehre dialy, with no lvies, but then get upset when I take a few days off to live my life,a nd cna't coem here.

Actually, we kinda like it when you take a few days off.

weird. Well, let's see anybody sue their bg superior brains to nswer ym question. it's soe asy. I'm not asking yuo whya rvaen is like a writing desk.

Poe wrote on both?

or if an egg sits on a roof, which side will it flal off of?

The topside?

or if a rabbit, a duck,a nd a pig go on a picnic, which hadn did theye at their soup with?

Stop anthropomorphising.

Oh no, only a simpel little quetsion? What 4 words woudl ahve bene all it took tog e tme to elave? Heck, I'll even take synamons forthem.


r even two of the 4 words. And to help you understand the repleis this will egt, allwo em tot ranslate Gremmy and co.: Duh, Wha, Duh WHA WHA DUH Huh Wha DUH huh WHA DUH DUH.

Those were synonyms?

Yup, good old Duhhuhwha's natural language. See a few o fyou on Dan's baord or othe rpalces.

Ooh. A threat.

And good lcuk strainignt hat slive rof a dead brain cell pondering my riddle. Just keep thinking baout it, it's relaly ratehr obvious. it'll coem to you. In a few billion years. MAybe.I'm outta here (Oct1).

Or sooner...

Have a ncie day.

You're probably the single least intelligent loser I've ever encountered on the 'net. Kinda makes ya proud, huh?


So: Yutz is an idiot. We know that. Which leaves one of two questions. A) why wait until now to mention him in a News of the Stoopid or B) why mention him at all.
Simple. As long as Yutz is under the false assumption that he's the only visitor to with a brain [including me, evidently] he'll continue to post his idiotic responses to rational posts. And that's weird, since he's got his own message board at his website. That no one ever posts to his board comes as no surprise; we don't really want to interact with him at either. We're sure as hell not going to go over to his board, where he actually has a marginal degree of control--if very little intelligence.
See, there's a very good reason that the internet is considered a breeding ground of misinformation. Idiots--like Yutz here--will post whatever sounds good [phonetically, anyway] to them on message boards, guestbooks, newsgroups, and anywhere else a large number of people will run across the mindless drek of the mentally ill and, in most cases, discount it as undeveloped ramblings from the shallow end of the gene pool. Or, in select cases, from one of the smaller moons of a given planet in a neighbouring starsystem. Or something. If there's a method to Yutz's mindlessness, it hasn't been described yet.
With a few exceptions.
One thing we know abut Yutz is that he'd rather not live in our world. And that's fine; we'd rather he didn't live here too. But he expects our world to cater to his--wherever that is. Hit the message boards; read though his replies; try to figure him out. This is a guy who found out I had a novel coming out, and instantly assumed that I'd want to pitch his undisclosed ideas to the publisher, so he could be published too. I'm plagued by nightmares of Ridley Walker II: The Misspelled Story without a Point. This is not someone I'd ever admit to knowing at a professional level.
But anyway: that's the sad, unfortunate story of Yutz the Raptor: lonely, persecuted alien sent to Earth to beleaguer those who can read and write, argue with those who understand reality, and boldly suck like no dromaeosaur has sucked before.
Of course, that's just my opinion; and even Seinfeld wouldn't try to sue me over that.

Re: Learn To Spell And Use Proper Grammar, Doof


Posted by Utahraptor on 28 December 1999 at 07:31:54:

In Reply to: speaking of atrffic rant posted by Vigo on 14 December 1999 at 17:10:31:

A trafic rant. Not too hard. But still a poorly spelled Subject.

: knowing full well this is going to piss off the Guy in plaid pantones...

: well it seems that the Numbnutz in truck A was tailgating the guy in truck B. Truck B was int he

In the, not Int he.

:slow lane doing the speed limit. so

Capitol S for so.

:Numbnutz finally passes truck B, then to teach him some sort of lesson. he

Comma, not period. And with your period, a capitol H (Heck, I can just see you proudly showing off your period. Happily singing how you got your period, just like Cartman. Silly Doof, periods are for females, not missing links like you. Oooo oooo. Monkey want a Nanna?

:whips his truck infront

Two words. In front. Use that big key called the Space Bar

: of truck B and slams on the breaks.... this causes a huge accident where both trucksand

Two words. Trucks and. Use that big key called the (you ever get that creepy deja vu feeling?)

: four other cars collide.... heres the Irony

Apostrophe, Doof. Apostrophe. It's here's. There's no such word as heres. And no capitol I for irony.

: the only fatality is the Wife of numbnutz..... to bad huh?

Yup, but the other fatality is your killing of the English language, Doof. Monkey men. Go fig. Oooo oooo. Monkey want a Nanna?

Here's an idea. You stop posting, and nobody will see the serious lack of brain stem activity you showcase all the time. And don't worry. They'll be lots more of my posts/replies for you to read and enjoy. I know how much you desire them. Too bad you can't appreciate fantasy. How horrid Halloween must have been for ya. And not seeing movies/TV. Well, pretending they're real is half the fun. I bet you cry about all the little kids pretending to be Pokemon Masters all the time. You know, one must ponder your girlish screams if mr and Jurassosaurus had taken up Wooden Heads' offer and posted our Utahraptor and Jurassosaur adventures here. You're own puppet, revolting against your hatred of fantasy. And drawing that picture too. Oh the inhumanity for you. What a sad childhood you must have lead. BTW have you figured out that you meant to call me Putz. Not Yutz. Wrong word, monkey man. You should have stuck wiht Jar Jar, Doof. See, the whole point of your childish thrid grade name calling is to
upset somebody. You calle dme Jar jar, and I got upset and called you Doof. Then you moronicllay stop calling me Jar Jar, and start in with Yutz (you meant Putz, we know, we know.) Which gets no rise out of me at all. And you still call me that? Boy, talk about a serious lack of brain stem activity. Not to mention, you forgot to call me Jar Jar in the Body of your reply first. You establish it in the Body first, then the Subject. When you use the Subject first, no one knows you're calling me Jar Jar. You're just talking to your lurker friend Jar Jar. Boy, you suck at picking on people. Ah me. Missing links. Oooo oooo. Monkey want a Nanna?
Re: Don't You Know


Posted by Utahraptor on 28 December 1999 at 07:10:47:

In Reply to: Carlin. How can you not find some humor there? posted by The Imp on 15 December 1999 at 04:35:55:

: Check out Carlin's Page. The intro is probably one of the funnier things on the 'Net.


: (Hope I did this link thingy right.... Yeah, I'm still a HTML infant)

And a mental infant; an emotional infant; and intellectual infant; and a . . .

At least you got your psychoticness down pat. Don't know why you want to posess such a self destructive behavior, but self inflicting is your fort. As is listening to one comment on a similiar theme and repeating it as if it's the only answer possible. "Paranoid consperiacy theory." Right. As if. Now, what's paranoid about the gov reverse engineering Riticulan technology? Paranoid means you think everyone is out to get you. Where does reverse engineering indicate the gov is out to get you, Simpleton? Where does it say the Reticulans are out to get ya? Perhaps if you actually listened to the whole conversation, you would know how to use that sentence right. But, as you already said, you are a intellectual infant. So we can't expect miracles that big. BTW have you figured out what ignrirng means yet? And have you figured out how to subtly set a flame trap? You disappoint me so much Simpleton. You lie too much too. You claim to pos a rational response and fail to do so. You claim to want to debate, yet you offer only one retort (used wrongly), and don't even want to hear the other side out. So, we've got to add debate to the list of words you don't know. And the constant obession wiht starting flame wars when things finally settle down. A good idea by way of your friends, sure. But you suck at it. Intellectual infants. Go fig.


Posted by Utahraptor on 28 December 1999 at 08:25:58:

Wow. You guys got even more boring than when I left. That's right Gremmy, I left. Hecne the whole point of my Sept. 26 post enittled "Be Seeing Ya's". I said you guys had gotten too boring for me. Same as when I said the 25 I'd be leaving the 30, becasue you were exceptionally boring the past 3 months. Guess you're masters Simpleton and Doof got you all turned around, eh puppet boy? And you claim you'd be happier as an idiot. You are one already, and you're clearly not. And why would I be proud that a brainless buffoon like you used erudite? Becasue Wooden Head had a momentary lapse of intelligence. Yeah right. You lsot it by paying the $100. Laws states the car behind is at fault. You were innocent. Ah well, can't expect you to know that. You can't even figure out my religion yet. I'm an American Buddahist now? Since when? And why wasn't I informed? Nice job with the passworded message board. You know, theone you claim was the real reason I left. The one you psoted about aftrr I
announed my Sept. 30 depart date. And of course I wanted you to preserve my final post. Not twist it around wiht nothing but you're an idiot replies. Real original. Of course, all you succeeded in doing was proving your true stupidity. As you admitted, you have to make mr look dumb. Only smart people are made to look stupid. Idiots such as yourself don't need the help. But the ncie part is the links that show how much you truly like me. It's only Simpleton and Doof's mastery of their moronic little puppet that has changed. And when did you ever defend me? Sheesh.
Well, by now, old Wooden Head is replying back with somr variation of "You're an Idiot." So everybody duck and cover. OK, all clear. Wow. So this is what a nuclear annihlation looks like.
Well, mr smarty pants, you still cna't figure out what would have gotten rid of me in April. Like I said, it's so simple. And cna summed up in 4 little words. 2 even. It's not a saying. So You Are an Idiot can't be it. Doof said that plenty of times, and I'm still here. Can't be we don't want you becasue Doof also said that. And here I am. I htink it was Flashton who replied witht he right idea. Here's a hint. The firts word is Be.
OK, now I've confuse dyou, and now si the tiem for another Idiot reply. OUCH! You hurt me. Call 911. No wait, I need the real number. Call 912. I'm dying. Woodne Head called me an idiot.
And of course, mr genius rpeleis wiht a massive flame to me Oct1, after he knew I was gone. And admitted knowing it too. In the flame.. I know. YOu have not yet begun to flame. Neither have I. All my posts have been in the same sprirt as that one was. Guess somebody don't know what the deifnition of flame is. And feckless. When was I ever careless? Perhaps you think I'm completely wihtout fleck. See? You are an idiot. You memorize big words, and nottheir meanings. Well, lacking the cognitive capabilities to do so makes sense. Afterall, you insist alll computers have been Y2K compliant for decades. S o why all the updating? If you majored in computers (where's your degree pic, Wooden Head?) you would knwo thta's impossible. With 3 date sources, most fo which are in 2 digit format, it's scientificlaly impossible to be that way. Heck, one dude refuse dto cough up 17,000 dollars for the 4 digit deal, and so now had ot pay 3 Million. Rounded numbers for your convience, of course. Maybe your unpopualr Amiga is ready, but Win 95 and below sure ain't. Or is Micorsost conspiraing against us again?
And incidentally, everyone is born with a religion. You default to your momma's. You must choose to accept it or choose another or to eb an athiest. So unless your mom was an athiest, you chose not to belive in the absurd, as yous o moroncially put it, when I was defending your kind. Ever hear do the Devil's Advocate? Not the movie, boob. And you wonder why I quote Edgar form MIB at you.
And what moron posts about how I must be fititng into oen category, then says I don't. A whole post of thta. And everybody said you were to harsh. And I am too stupid to elarn? I quit responidng to flamers. Yet Simpleton kept trying to start new flames up. Like hid great debate. Or the NOTS you had to retitle called Like no dromeasaur has sucked before. Sunshine's title, no less. Realc reative, Wooden Head. Course, you lakc so much of it, you ahve to be self publsihed. Still, the printers keep your rnatapalooza's off the market, thank God. Figure out why the capitol G yet, Einstein? Course, you still think I expected you to help me. How? Besides being self publsihed, even if you did what real writers do (like you're literate), they would ignroe you. You're a nohting of a nobody. COme tlak abotu refusing to offer help when you're a somebody. Not that you would even know what help to refuse. All the books you, ahem, read are done by authors on their own. You never heard of letter of recomendation. Duh.
So, how many thigns are meanignless to you? Most of them. Sicne you don't understand much. TROZ is the most meaningful one fo all. Even more than NARF.
Course, you're problem is sexual frustration. If you ever got any nookie, you'd be bragging about it all the time. Like every guy does. Those wihtout any scoring, say things like none of your business. People who gets ex say Sheila and I, er, whoeevr your lady friend is, did it twice. And I gave her two big Orgasms. No wodner you allowed Simpletona nd Doof to gain control fo you.
BTW I'v epointe dout Simpleton's flame startings. Check out Doof's moronic belief int hat Empire Strikes Back scene for soem fo his. And Hosers was back with Simpleton's great alien debate crap. Now, please show me when i started one. Link it too, and copy the speciifc flame against soemoen for no reason, otehr than persecution of your superiors, liek you mornicateers did with me.
Thatw as the fun part. Getting you to go all over the baords lookign for examples to shwo how much you liekd me. Like when I gave you the Hutchbusters idea. or Don't call us, we'll call you. And you're friends sure coldc are elss about your dead loved ones. No RIP messages like I did. Heck, everyhtign was fine till Simpletona nd Doof showed up ehre. Then trouble started. Which you allowed. Hecne the lack of banning me. You couldn't do it. And hence my return. All thanks to you, Wooden Head.
the next fun thign was getting you to wirte outt he apst 2000 years. Next, I'll get you to write out the entire English dicitionary, so I cna see how to spell right. Youc an mp3 it, and sing it. Careful on the F's. They're trickey.
Oh, and Sunshine, gld tos e eyou'r eleaving the army. Who wnats a medicla proefesisonal who is constantly belived to be suicidal treating them?
The msot fun, of course, was pssing eveyrbody off with the use of erudite. So much hatred for such a little word. hard to belive the mornicateers didn't know about it. That's when Wooden Head was forced to turn agaisnt em,a s idciated tot he contrary on all the baords. At leats I got to piss them off agin. BY now they're shaking wiht fear and anger, about to have a corninary. Good. And Wooden Head's Oct post gave me so mcuh to fear. He called me an idiot. WAH! Nxt, I'm going to ebc alled a jerk.