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Utahraptor--A Different One

Posted by Utahraptor on 15 June 1999 at 10:06:26:

In Reply to: Re: Computer Users Deserve Viruses posted by Sunflash the Mace on 14 June 1999 at 09:59:07:

: You have to be stoopid to open something in e-mail called
: -Sunflash

Don't msot people usually name the file what it is? So you knwo what you're getting. kinda means nothing. Soudn smore liek a program,a nd you must always virus check those. And sicne it's documents, how many can posisbly be sent, ro how big is it, to ahve to be zipped up? See , very clear and easy tog rok signs thta soemthing is a foot. But noooo. People have to ebso damn click happy and check everything out.


Posted by Utahraptor on 25 June 1999 at 08:25:39:

In Reply to: I think...... posted by The Imp on 24 June 1999 at 02:31:16:

: : Actually, I scanned them into the Sony. I might be okay with uploading one of them. Leslie's fine with it; Amanda was fine with it, but she was also drunk. So I'm not sure if she meant it. Katy, of course, isn't fine with it, so there's only one viable shot out of all of them.

: This is where that "What they don't know, can't hurt them..." saying comes into play... Besides I can always tell her that I looked at everyone in the picture but her...
: : --Gremlin

And I'll tell her otherise. Still, I loved your joke on your supposed ability to simulate thinking. Now tell su the oen about job ecurity across the land for one and all.
Posted by Utahraptorus on 25 June 1999 at 08:40:37:

In Reply to: I'll have to get that... posted by The Imp on 23 June 1999 at 04:31:38:

: I'll have to get that number from you this weekend Gremlin...

Ut oh. Somebody looks confused. Remidns em of that tiem soemon asked you to spell dog, and you couldn't. HA HA!

: Also, I heard there was some sort of trouble with Leslie last weekend. Something about her living arrangements... Is there something going on there or not?

Don't try and think about it. IT just doens't suit you, and you'll only hurt your head.

: Be ready to fire up that digacam when I come over. I want to see some of these illicite pictures of the party I missed...

well, your dad told Gremlin not too. He got sick of you masturbating over them of him naked.
Posted by Utahraptor on 24 June 1999 at 09:03:52:

On tonite's David Latterman, Dave talks about his preshow Q&A session he does, and this one women from Iowah is tlaking to him, and when he asks where she si from, she screams out Iowa. Plus these two guys wnat to know who would win in a fight between a monkey and a cow or something. I'm guessing they're from Des Moines.


Posted by Utahraptor on 25 June 1999 at 08:21:45:

In Reply to: Re: Idiot posted by The Imp on 25 June 1999 at 02:24:10:

: : On tonite's David Latterman, Dave talks about his preshow Q&A session he does, and this one women from Iowah is tlaking to him, and when he asks where she si from, she screams out Iowa. Plus these two guys wnat to know who would win in a fight between a monkey and a cow or something. I'm guessing they're from Des Moines.

: Maybe their were little green men from Mars and they were trying to blend in with the sub-species... Of course that would mean that aliens were real, which of course has never been proven. Or it could just be that no place is free of its share of idiots (obviously, the town your from isn't free of idiots, just checking out this board is proof of that )...

Um, you do relaize that martians (if there ever were any), went extinct millions of years ago.
And yes, we can tell from this board how stoopid you are. After all, you have to use a thesaurus to find big words to use to convince us you're smart, which proves you're not. You're sophisticated, which we all know means a person who memorizes a small, limited numbe rof facts, and spouts them over and over again to try and seem intelligent.
Oops, no big words in thsi messge to me. Guess soem idiot misplaced his thesaurus. Oh my GOd, peopel will nwo relaize you ahve an IQ of negative infinity (that means you'r very dumb.)
PS, tell your Mommy to come up with a betetr insult agaisnt me. Her last one about my town was so poor. I almsot fell down laughing at it's patheticiness. Tell ehr to ry and make a reply that is intelligent, insightful, and erudite.


Posted by Utahraptor on 25 June 1999 at 08:44:57:

Posted by Utahraptor D. Idiotbasher on 26 June 1999 at 05:27:18:

In Reply to: YOU WANTED A WAR, IDIOTICAL IMP! posted by Utahraptor on 25 June 1999 at 08:44:57:

Ah, poor babay IMPy Doof can't fight his own battles. Ag Ag Goo Goo Baby Impy Doof. And Vigo Moron, who's is spelled with an "'", and ends with a "?". DUH!
I'm Sorry Imp


Posted by Utahraptor on 26 June 1999 at 05:29:25:

But just ebcasue ou asked David Letterman who;d win in a fight between Cow and Chicken,a nd were shown to eb your true, moronic self, is no reason to get mad at me. You did thsi to yuorslef, now you live with your mental condition.
OK Impy Doof


Posted by Utahraptor Supreme on 26 June 1999 at 05:37:07:

You say aliens don't exist? prove it to me. Prove thorugh real, believable examples that everybody who's been abdcutd or seen a UFO is msitaken. And I eman real, und enyable evidence as to what all the unidentified flying objects really are, and how so many pople cna msitake soemhtign for an alien abduction. Remember, any lame attempts with writing things off as paranoid conspeiracy theories, delusions, repressed child abuse,and a sleeping condition rendering you paralyzed and so forht will result in 5 flames back at you. You have been forewarned. If you can't show real, provable evidence to support your weak claims, you shal reveal your true, lying nature. And remember, you must prove what really happened at Roswell in 1947. The Weather Baloon coverup hads already been debunked byt eh very conspeirators themsleves. And that Soviet Spy ballon is also unexcepted. And remember, bodies were found. Please explain what they really are, and why they don't look human. Kepeing in mind, nobody believes
they're parachuting crash test dummies. If you choose to ingor eme, you'll show us all your real true slef, and your true convictions. YOU cllaim everybody is wrong, so now YOU, Mornoic Impy Doof, must prove how.
ATTN: Moronic Imp


Posted by Utahraptor on 26 June 1999 at 05:40:11:

one Two Three a cluck, Four a cluck, you're a dumb Fuck. Five Six seven cluck, 8 a cluck, you're a dumb fuck. Nine Ten eleven cluck, Twelve a cluck, you're a dumb fuck. You're a dumb fuck around the clock.
And I Didn't So Anythign To Him Folks.


Posted by Utahraptor on 26 June 1999 at 05:42:49:

So if you wnat to see Impy Doof's war end, talk to Imp about it.
Posted by Utahraptor on 28 June 1999 at 08:19:03:

In Reply to: That's not entirely accurate... posted by Gremlin on 27 June 1999 at 14:29:11:

: You might wanna reread this.

: --Gremlin

I didn't say it was him. Is imply said they could be from des Moines. Or did I miss the post where only you can degrade Des Moinians?
Posted by Utahraptor on 01 July 1999 at 07:22:36:

In Reply to: Re: So posted by Gremlin on 28 June 1999 at 10:04:12:

: : I didn't say it was him. Is imply said they could be from des Moines. Or did I miss the post where only you can degrade Des Moinians?

: And he never said it was you--only that people in your town are also evidently less than intelligent.

He did say that they were in my town, then he said the posts on this board proved it. Since, no one has confessed to being anywhere near me outside the same state, and with the "Little green men" comment, meant as a mock, as well as the sunject being idiot, not idiots, the implication was clear as to who he really meant. Then, add to it he's admitting of baiting me in his apology to the board. Now, if he hed meant idiots are everywhere, he'd never have been able to make that comment, as there was no baiting implied in saying idiots are everywhere..

: And then, you went back and replied to every damned post he'd ever entered onto the board.

To show him how much fun getting a response like he gave me is.

: Most likely, you'd have gone back and replied to his posts from previous months if I hadn't deleted the PERL behind them.

Nah, counter productive. If we could post on previous boards, this palce would be a rela mess, from everybody commenting left and right on everyhting, be it flame, comment joke, or question.
You're Such A Coward Impy Doof


Posted by Utahraptor on 26 June 1999 at 05:47:39:

I can't believe how much you fear me. Am I that great a threat to you and your misbegotten beliefs? And look how you attack me. with flames. stinking flames that are poorly done. Boy, you are shivering from fear of me, big time. Ut oh. Impy Doof just wet himslef form fear. I musta given him such an awful frieght.
Re: Congratulations, You Finally Learned to Spell Raptor Right.


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Posted by Utahraptor on 28 June 1999 at 09:19:14:

In Reply to: Re: Tell me about it. posted by Vigo on 26 June 1999 at 09:00:38:

: :
: you know it would be nice to email these things back and forht but jar jar the raptor doesnt leave his email addy. besides i grow tired of him.

It would be nice, Viggie Snot (not that anybody ever aks for it). But alas, it seems people are too terrified to post their true thoughts where everybody can read them. Something about admission of guilt in them. BUt then again, I relaly ahve no problem with expressing myself where everybodyc na see it. I do not cower at other's judgment of me.
And if you tire of me, why do you still reply to me? Huh Viggie expei ala dorkus? Perhaps you jsutc an't get enough fo them? Well, scientia est potentia. MWAHAHAHAHAHA
A Moron And A NaziScum


Posted by Utahraptor on 26 June 1999 at 05:53:05:

Impy Doof, big mistake waiting until after I admitted to being a Jew to attack me all the time wihtout provacation. Now everyone knows what a NaziScum you really are.
I do so hope you find your thesaurus soon. I look fwd to seeing what nww word you memorize in yet another failed attempt to try and convince people you're smart.
Imp Imp Imp


Posted by Utahraptor on 26 June 1999 at 05:54:44:

Moron Moron Moron Moron Moron
Now Don't Forget Impy Doof


Posted by Utah J. Raptor on 26 June 1999 at 06:00:20:

1. To lie to Gremlin again about how you haven't posted in days, and I just flamed you for no reason (depsite your declaration of war here: )
2. To stop looking ta naked pic sof your dad, just so your little pee pee can go uppie.
3. To tell yuor mommy to come up with an intelligent, insightful, and erudite reply or at leats a halfway decent one, becasue I can not believe the mindless drivel you try and pass off as sapient thoughts.
4. To also tell your mommy not to take too long in her defending you, because I'm waiting.

Impy Doof's Declaration Of War
Whenever You Wnat To Call It Off, Impy Doof


Posted by Prime Guardian Sci Fi on 26 June 1999 at 06:05:48:

Just let me know in a nice, friednly, flameless, amture, reasonable,a nd rational post that you're ready to surrender and thus end your preciosu little war. IS it as fun for you as it is for me, you polysyllablic moron? elt me knwo when you fianlly grok the nuance sbehind the bog words you sophisticaedly memorized. For until you agree toc all it off, you'll recieve mroe fo what you think you wnat, but don't relalydesire. we all knwo you wnat a flame war to forever rage on these boards, just not against you. Funny how you neve rknow how your mornic naziscummish ideas will backfire, big time, huh Lahaooosaher? But that's the interestign thing about you. You're a balsted, slag sputing simian simpleton, but at elats we knwo where you stand. As a trouble making moron. How foolish you truel are, you stinking Pred. WHy not just tkae your vrla self out fo here, and go infect anothe rbaord where they like your sophisticated, moronic kind
Prime Guardian Sci Fi
To Mend And Defend.
Re: Sorry, But


Posted by Utahraptor on 28 June 1999 at 08:17:36:

In Reply to: I really will stop voicing my opinion of you, when you stop posting what you think is humorous. ~~nt~~ posted by The Imp on 26 June 1999 at 19:16:09:

This board is not Imp's Ideas For Conversation. I can post my humorous stuff all I want to. If you don't like it, don't read it. And if someone truly is holding a gun to your head, then please give me his name, addy, etc, as I'm interested in who would force you at gun point to read my posts.