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We should all meet up and have a DS9 marathon

Yeah Resurrection was boring as shit. They went back to the over the top campy stories for the next trip to the mirror universe, but went too campy and the whole episode was just "LOL EVERYONE'S A LESBIAN."
Yeah it's not one of their better eps, but I was always a sucker for Kira/Bariel so I still like it.

I'm one of those weenies who liked the Bajoran religion episodes.
I saw Wrongs Darker than Death or night and I actually enjoyed a Kira episode! Although how many Orbs do the Bajorans have?

What is next? The Orb of washing up? The Orb of finding your lost keys?

Anyway - finally I saw IN the Pale Moonlight and...


I always like a good Garak episode, he is much better at pantomime evil than Dukat. The premise was excellent, set up nicely with all the characters very strong. Sisko did begin to annoy me with his melancholy wanderings around a sofa drinking out OF A SQUARE FUNNY SHAPED GLASS COS ITS THE FUTURE YEAH AND EVERYONE DRINKS OUT OF FUNNY SHAPED IMPRACTICAL GLASSES. (A small step away from the women dressed in silver mini dresses and wearing brightly coloured eye shadow)

Anyway, the confrontation at the end with Garak and Sisko was excellent, I really think Andrew Robinson plays him perfectly. I can see why the "Fake" thing made it to TEH INTERNETS as well.
I have a square glass.

I think it either fell out of a wormhole, or came with a small bottle of JD.

Yeh, but this just isn't square, it's got a wierd diagonal thing going on as well.

At least having a glass in his hand stopped him putting his fingers up to his nose and looking stern.
That glass is a little weird, but if you live on a ship/station where every week it gets rocked from side to side, a glass with a wide bottom would spill less often.
But it doesn't rock so much as it can lose gravity. So things wouldn't slide, they would float up. They need travel cups with lids.
In five series and 11 films we only ever saw one ship lose gravity during a fight, and that was a klingon ship.

Just once in the original series after the enterprise got shook to fuck, I would have liked to have seen a scene in sickbay with McCoy putting back all the carefully stacked glassware on the shelf in his office.
I was trying to think of other examples of the gravity being lost in Trek and the only ones I can remember are the sweet spot from Enterprise's pilot and an episode which I'd really rather forget, where Archer was in the shower and there was some "amusing" malfunction.

In every other episode, it doesn't matter if a ship is seconds from collapsing, the gravity always holds.
There was the episode of Voyager where a Species 8472 was loose on one of the decks and a Hirogen was hunting it (Prey was it called?) and the deck it was on had no gravity and there were PADDs floating about and stuff.
They at one point say it's an independent system and thus why it was never affected.

Not that this makes any sense.
Prey was one of the better Voyager episodes!

Pale Moonlight is a classic yes. The scene where Sisko just marches into Garak's shop and punches him is so intense that it makes me shake (not really, that would be ridiciulous.) Though I wouldn't really call Garak "panto evil" he's more COMPLEX than that.

Have you seen The Visitor yet? That's one of the best episodes...maybe THE best.
Yes, I saw visitor - very good science fiction, could have been written by Ursula Le Guin in many ways.

I was being a little flippant about the "panto" comment. I was trying to show that he is just so good to watch, and he plays his ruthlessness in almost a comic manner. Very good acting (and writing) considering he wears so much make up.
I'd suggest reading 'A Stitch In Time', a novel about Garak's life written by Andrew Robinson, but that might be one step too far along the Trek Nerd path...
I think the real reason there wasn't more loss of gravity on the TV shows is that it's too expensive a special effect to pull off on a TV budget. Hence the lame technobabble explanation.