We started watching "True Blood"


Be patient till the last.
here's the new baby:



Be patient till the last.
stop yer damn trolling, BDM! Obviously if there are MFers who've read and re-read the whole series it's good!

are there even any new Dexter books out? There's a reason!
Besides, the Dexter TV writers have gone way beyond anything in the books. I hope the book writer has taken their TV franchise money and is happily enjoying his tropical paradise somewhere.
NOT writing.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Not trolling, just seeing if it's worth my time. I HATE picking up a book, getting 50 pages in and realizing it's not something I want to finish.


Be patient till the last.
well, for $3.00 ya got nuthin to lose.
if you hate it, donate it to your local library.


Be patient till the last.
p.s. it's written from Sookie's POV so there are more things you'll know than ya do in the TV series.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I think True Blood kinda sucks but then I'm simple like that. I don't know exactly why I think it's so lame but it's kind of like the girl crawling out of the TV in the movie The Ring is so incredibly lame. Crap like that is just stupid and so is all the over acting and vampire excitement in True Blood. And it looks like Anna has been taking acting lessons from Zack Efron, he has the same "deer caught in headlights" look in his movies too.



I want to smell dark matter
I think it's supposed to be "camp" in terms of horror, or something.


Be patient till the last.
ya dont like, dont watch it.
makes no nevermind to the legions of fans who love it, including me.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I watch it because I'm married now and that's what you do, you watch shit you don't like. Fortunately I now like baseball or BDM and I wouldn't spend hardly any time together.

I guess after the "Twilight" series I'm spoiled, those are the BEST VAMPIRES EVEHHHHH!!!!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
^Um, that's what seperate TV's are for....so you don't have to watch what your SO does.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
^^I bought her a flat-screen for her birthday, so she can watch all the Golden Girls and Will & Grace episodes she's already seen 5,000 times, plus all of her True Crime stuff on Discovery ID. I must say that some of the True Crime stuff is quite fascinating.

Watched the 4th episode last night, and it was pretty good. I think the whole thing with the bar owner going to Dawn's house and rolling around in her bed is a red herring. I don't believe he's the killer, he just has heightened senses and wanted to experience Dawn's smell again. I think he's just a horny dude who lusts after all of his barmaids.

Meeting Eric was a bit of a letdown; I thought he'd be much more impressive. But I'll give it time.


I want to smell dark matter
Wait...isn't Twilight critically panned pap for teenagers?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know


I want to smell dark matter


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


I want to smell dark matter

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Watched 5 or 6 episodes this weekend, only the finale to watch for Season 1. It's gotten much better, no doubt. I was surprised by the revelation that Sam is a shapeshifter, and that Renee is really "Drew Marshall". I sort of suspected him as the killer before, but they've done a good job of throwing a bunch of red herrings out there.

Stephen Root was great as the aging, gay vamp. I also like what happens when a vamp is staked. Tiffany, the vamp that Bill made was pretty funny. Anna has been better.

Hands down, the best character is Lafayette. The actor who portrays him is easily the best in the cast, and the character is incredibly layered and complex.

I'll watch the finale tonight, gotta start d/l season 2! How many eps have aired so far?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I think last night was the 5th ep this season. Do you have HBO? Sometimes they'll have a marathon on the weekends.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
No HBO, but I can easily get the episodes. Oh, and I just remembered, the Vamp that Bill made was named Jessica, not Tiffany. Dunno where the hell that came from.

One other note and I said this to LG last night. You know how Sookie was all up and kissing Sam last night, and then Bill burst in and stuff? Something similar happens in Twilight, and women gush over that and think it's all sexy and romantic. But men (at least decent men), think, "Christ, bitch, will you make up your mind??" LOL