We started watching "True Blood"


I want to smell dark matter
Jessica is fit.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I guess she's in later episodes, then.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Yeah, she gets really cute in season 2, she's just annoying at first.


Be patient till the last.
and I'm glad they changed the direction that was going. This side story with Hoyt is sweet.
btw, didnt have time (bloody RL!) to even download the torrent, so I am now behind TWO eps!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
BTW, why was the vamp who was stealing from Fangtasia called "Longshadow", and like every other vamp is called by a proper name like "Bill" or "Eric", or "Tootie"?


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe he was pretentious.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
He looked like a dick.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
A Native American dick!


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I admit True Blood has gotten better but better than the "Twilight" saga it is NOT. Just because HBO produced some freaky vampire shit doesn't automatically make it better than Twilight. Read it then talk shit oh Buffy/Trek fans 'cause all of that shit is real fuckin' mature. BTW, some of us remember when HBO had Brain Games as their original programming and so some of us don't let HBO dictate what is good and what is not. :bigass:

Oh and yes, BDM did get me a lovely HDTV for the bedroom but if I didn't suck it up and watch what he wants to watch I'd spend about 15 minutes a day with him. Plus whenever he relents and watches what I want to he just ends up falling asleep on the couch and snoring like a freight train.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Watched the season finale last night, it was pretty good. I knew they had to wrap up the whole serial killer thing with enough time to lay out the season-ending cliffhangers, but it still felt a bit rushed. Pretty cool F/X when Bill came out in the sun. I liked the heat wave effect.

Michelle Forbes' character seems well interesting. I've D/L the first 5 eps of season two, so we'll start watching this weekend.

All in all a pretty good season, I give it a B.


I want to smell dark matter
Wait...you're seriously saying Twilight is better written than Buffy and Star Trek? Okay...

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Not me, that was my better half. I think Twilight is lame.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Watched the first episode of Season 2, and I was very surprised that it picked up immediately where Season 2 left off. Pretty cool and unexpected! A good episode, some of the lighter moments with Jessica were nice, and the juxtaposition of Eric getting highlights and then killing the redneck dude was cool.

I started reading Dead Until Dark, and it seems, so far, that the first episode of True Blood pretty much follows the book scene for scene. The only thing in the episode that wasn't in the book was the opening scene where the two douches go into the gas station, and the guy behind the counter pretends to be a vamp. Good book so far, though I'm only like 25 pages in.