Troll Kingdom

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Welcome Wordforge posters

I don't think they prune inactive accounts anymore, or so I was told. They also let threads go for 5000 posts or some bullshit now too. All in all aside from when a show is currently running the place seems pretty inactive aside from the maybe 50 regulars that are gonna die there. Isn't there some dude that had like 400,000 posts?
I don't think they prune inactive accounts anymore, or so I was told. They also let threads go for 5000 posts or some bullshit now too. All in all aside from when a show is currently running the place seems pretty inactive aside from the maybe 50 regulars that are gonna die there. Isn't there some dude that had like 400,000 posts?
Probably Henoch.
Does anyone here still post at TrekBBS?
Yeah, I reregistered my banned account a few months ago. I guess after 15 years the name freed up again. I've got about 20 posts. I even started a thread saying I was a banned member and a few mods posted in it. They don't care anymore. Nobody is hunting down former TK members. That being said... it's pretty slow over there. The Ark thread I'm posting in gets like 1 reply a week.

Those were the peak Voyager-bashing days.
Lisa was a cunt.
Yeah, I reregistered my banned account a few months ago. I guess after 15 years the name freed up again. I've got about 20 posts. I even started a thread saying I was a banned member and a few mods posted in it. They don't care anymore. Nobody is hunting down former TK members. That being said... it's pretty slow over there. The Ark thread I'm posting in gets like 1 reply a week.
If I may ask, why did you not take MissManners up on her perpetual dinner invitations directed toward you? Were you afraid you'd wind up BEING dinner?
If I may ask, why did you not take MissManners up on her perpetual dinner invitations directed toward you? Were you afraid you'd wind up BEING dinner?
Treating this question seriously for the moment, there's several reasons I've never tried to go to any kind of TrekBBS "meetup."

1. I always thought it would be extremely awkward to meet anyone here in real life. It's why I never tried to meet DEA despite him even working in a grocery store where I've shopped. I mean, what would we even talk about? Plotting the overthrow of TrekBBS at Starbucks? Just endless conversations of "hey, did you see what Daystrom wrote" followed by awkward silence?

2. I'm just not driving more than 30 mins to meet anyone I met online. I'm pretty sure MM lived in like the midwest, I think. I also think she might have been like 15 to 20 years older than me. And I knew really nothing about her personally. I knew more about Sardy's life than I did hers. At one point, I might have actually met Sardy for lunch or something if he had been local, only because it probably would have been interesting talking about his alien newsletter or whatever he had going on and the movies he was trying to make.

3. At that point in my life I really wasn't interested in going out and meeting new people in real life. My life had several major changes and I was suffering from depression even though I didn't realize it at the time. I had quit my job to go back to college and I had just finished that during TK's prime. That's also when the tech industry decided to fall down and die, which made getting a job extremely difficult, which sent me into further depression. I had spent my entire teenage and young adult years constantly moving, constantly being out in the world, and by the time TK took off I found myself sitting at home for these huge stretches of time, which only made my depression worse. I didn't want to go out to some place where I was going to start having to answer questions about my real life. I was using TK to escape my real life, not add to it.

There are a few people that I might have been talked into meeting, maybe, if there was no inconvenience factor involved. I might have been talked into meeting Sardy, just to talk about different projects. I don't know, I might have gone to meet RobL if he had been local, only because I think he might have been a 400 pound shut-in in need of a friend. If I had the chance to meet Christian I might have taken that just out of sheer curiosity. And honestly, if Lisa had said, "you can stay at my place and I'll show you around London" then that would be a hard offer to refuse.
About 15 years ago Dual was traveling around and there was a mini TK meetup up here. Me, Dual, Gonad (anyone know what happened to her?) and even Volpone drove up.

Never met Missmanners but she did send me a care package when I was in Iraq which was rad.
About 15 years ago Dual was traveling around and there was a mini TK meetup up here. Me, Dual, Gonad (anyone know what happened to her?) and even Volpone drove up.

Never met Missmanners but she did send me a care package when I was in Iraq which was rad.
I still have Gonad in my basement, tied to a makeshift plywood pillory.
I don't know why I bother looking over at that place. Iny defense I only seem to do that when this thread gets bumped. Still, probably a bad habit. I noticed John/Amaris was busy lying and falsely claiming Matt Walsh supposedly called "for trans people to be wiped out". It is amazing how that shit head always lies. He never even bothers to go back to the original source to see if any outrageous claim is actually true.

As long as it confirms his biases then he runs with it. He is just dishonest like that. Saying a dishonest ideology should be eliminated from public institutions is not a call for genocide. It is a call to end a violent, dishonest, and barbaric political ideology based upon lies. Oh, and, no, it should never be taught in public schools because it is factually untrue.
I don't know why I bother looking over at that place. Iny defense I only seem to do that when this thread gets bumped. Still, probably a bad habit. I noticed John/Amaris was busy lying and falsely claiming Matt Walsh supposedly called "for trans people to be wiped out". It is amazing how that shit head always lies. He never even bothers to go back to the original source to see if any outrageous claim is actually true.

As long as it confirms his biases then he runs with it. He is just dishonest like that. Saying a dishonest ideology should be eliminated from public institutions is not a call for genocide. It is a call to end a violent, dishonest, and barbaric political ideology based upon lies. Oh, and, no, it should never be taught in public schools because it is factually untrue.
It's every bit as fact-free and fucking goofy as Young Earth Creationism.
I don't know why I bother looking over at that place. Iny defense I only seem to do that when this thread gets bumped. Still, probably a bad habit. I noticed John/Amaris was busy lying and falsely claiming Matt Walsh supposedly called "for trans people to be wiped out". It is amazing how that shit head always lies. He never even bothers to go back to the original source to see if any outrageous claim is actually true.

As long as it confirms his biases then he runs with it. He is just dishonest like that. Saying a dishonest ideology should be eliminated from public institutions is not a call for genocide. It is a call to end a violent, dishonest, and barbaric political ideology based upon lies. Oh, and, no, it should never be taught in public schools because it is factually untrue.
Ya know, I'm just convinced there's nothing real about that person at all. They've spent decades now sympathy trolling various boards, constantly switching their viewpoint or philosophy to whatever is popular at any given time, and no one seems to have noticed. And you can't really call them out on it, because that would make you a Very Bad Person™ or something.

It's all 100% bullshit, imho.
I gave up on him when he tried to say me quoting or paraphrasing another person was the same as me saying something myself. I was like, no, dumb shit, I am reporting what someone else said. Like I said he has no honesty at all and he will happily lie, quote mine, and post out of context even when he knows what he is saying is untrue. Oh, and absolutely everyone who disagrees with his retarded fat commie ass is always "a Nazi". The retardation level is extreme.
I gave up on him when he tried to say me quoting or paraphrasing another person was the same as me saying something myself. I was like, no, dumb shit, I am reporting what someone else said. Like I said he has no honesty at all and he will happily lie, quote mine, and post out of context even when he knows what he is saying is untrue. Oh, and absolutely everyone who disagrees with his retarded fat commie ass is always "a Nazi". The retardation level is extreme.
Well I don't take it or anything else too seriously, but it is kind of fun to kick back and munch on some Cheetos and have a laugh while watching the drama ensue.
He is a seeker. He sought God as a chubby goatee-sporting minister. Eventually he found rainbow unicorns, furry fucking, witchcraft and communism.

An interesting journey. They say the journey is more important than the destination.

Sometimes, we just need to accept we know jack and are little more than upright apes with too much grey matter for our own good.

But he is the sort that - once adopting a philosophy - goes to the extreme and is implacable and dogmatic in their viewpoint.

My brother is like that. One day it's all paleo and Crossfit for life, next -VEGANISM IS THE ONLY WAY and tsk-tsking every bit of plastic in your home.

I like to stay flexible in my viewpoints. I don't know what the fuck any of this is or what we're doing.

A fairly loose take. I dunno. I just see him pop up occasionally and never paid too much attention to him.