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Welcome Wordforge posters

I still don't believe the Consequences are Unintended. ...
There is the story of Joe Stalin, on his deathbed, challenging his successors to retain a wild bird in their hands without crushing it. No one is able to because the bird either escapes or is killed. So Stalin takes a bird and plucks off all its feathers. "See?" he says, "Not only is it unable to fly, it is grateful for the warmth."

Get everyone disarmed and dependent on the police, riding mass transit because gas is unaffordable, living in subsidized apartments, and unable to find jobs that will support their families and they are grateful for Government, taking care of them.
Leftism or rightism, the ultimate goal is power. Control of the people "for their own good." Since the memory of man runneth not to the contrary.
There is the story of Joe Stalin, on his deathbed, challenging his successors to retain a wild bird in their hands without crushing it. No one is able to because the bird either escapes or is killed. So Stalin takes a bird and plucks off all its feathers. "See?" he says, "Not only is it unable to fly, it is grateful for the warmth."

Get everyone disarmed and dependent on the police, riding mass transit because gas is unaffordable, living in subsidized apartments, and unable to find jobs that will support their families and they are grateful for Government, taking care of them.
On that note one of my renters is on section 8. She is a nice enough Vietnamese woman with three kids from three different dads, she only pays $720 for a 4 bedroom\2 bath townhouse with a two car garage and the government picks up the rest. I used to think this is a good deal as I knew the government would always pay. Except over time you notice a few things, like rent increases are capped which means over time the rent becomes below market rate given the house is in coastal California. The other problem is section 8 requires that water be included with rent so she doesn't actually pay any of the water bills. Did I mention San Diego has the most expensive water rates in the entire US?

Worse, as she has no skin in the game, she and her kids seem to keep the shower on 24\7, or something. I have never seen another tenant who had $400 per month water bills and it is pissing me off.
That is, I'm trying to think of the technical term, here... oh, yes. Fucking Insane. I mean her dick move of running up the bill that high. Maybe it's that I grew up dirt fucking poor and have remained that way since, but you don't leave a faucet open (unless the outdoor temperature is at or below freezing, to prevent your pipes freezing up), you don't leave lights on when you're not in the room they're lighting; fuck me, I don't even leave interior doors open, since this house isn't properly insulated to modern standards.
Renters (apologies to the responsible renters--I was one, once) don't think like you and I. It's something someone told me. And I was like "yeah,yeah, whatever." It took me about 2 years to start to understand it and I still really can't wrap my head around it. It's why I had to outsource my property management. The things I think make sense don't work with the typical renter.
Renters (apologies to the responsible renters--I was one, once) don't think like you and I. It's something someone told me. And I was like "yeah,yeah, whatever." It took me about 2 years to start to understand it and I still really can't wrap my head around it. It's why I had to outsource my property management. The things I think make sense don't work with the typical renter.
I know what you mean. I don't know whether it's a generational thing, a subculture thing, or what it is, but most of the people I've known have been renters, and they act like renters. By which I mean that they take an attitude toward the place they live that's roughly equivalent to, "Fuck it, it isn't mine, so what do I care how it holds up?"
"the right side of history". Just another expression of lefties' weakness for engaging in "magical thinking."

History doesn't take sides. It isn't a living thing with its own moral compass. And it sure as shit doesn't favor one side or the other while it's still ongoing.
I've been called a lefty more times than I care to hear.

Funny thing is, while I may be liberal minded I align with all sides depending on the "issues" at hand. I guess if I needed a label it would be a centrist independent fiscal conservative.

Say that 3 times fast. :D
Yeah, people can't handle nuance anymore. At least the loud ones. They're probably a little too deep into the whole "You're either with us or against us" schtick than they'd care to admit.

That too is kind of ironic.
Also, commies are some of the most thick-headed people you'll ever meet. We're talkin' Pachycephalosaurus thick-headed here. Whenever you point out that, while yes, unregulated capitalism does royally screw people over, communism would screw you over just as hard, if not harder - and cite historical examples of communism doing just that - they say "Oh, that's not TRUE communism", and ramble on about how it's "an ideal that's 100 per cent achievable!", while sticking their fingers in their ears, and going "Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh!".
^^^ That's the "once the right people are in charge" delusion. Never entertaining the reality that there are no "right people."
I've been called a lefty more times than I care to hear.

Funny thing is, while I may be liberal minded I align with all sides depending on the "issues" at hand. I guess if I needed a label it would be a centrist independent fiscal conservative.

Say that 3 times fast. :D
I've been called too libertarian, too liberal, Nazi, Trump supporter and many other things. People have forgotten that you can be in the middle, you have to be ether one side or the other.
One of the lefties over at WF did that to me in 2016 because I voted 3rd party. He claimed I gave the election to Trump as if a si gle electoral vote from California went to Trump.