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Welcome Wordforge posters

I hated trump, but aside from his destructive impulses he actually pulled a lot of levers in the right direction until he misjudged covid so badly.

He actually judged covid extremely well. You keep things open and protect the most vulnerable (meaning over 80 year old and immunity compromised) it was dens who deliberately crashed the economy hoping it would help in the 2020 election and did the typical cowardly politician "I will an anti-scientific maximum position just so no one can blame".

This is why California still has twice the unemployment rate of the national average and Jon growth has been so poor here (especially when you cou t quality well paying jobs).

Anyone else remember dems lying andbpretending Florida was the worst of the worst for reopening yet turned out to be exactly middle of the pack despite having by far the oldest popation? Meanwhile all the most locked down states proved to be the worst of the worst? NY was activity killing elderly people as were several other blue states.
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Sounds like Anc.

He was the piece of shit who claimed anyone who didn't vote for Hillary in 2016 just hated women. I pointed out that I had voted 3rd party for a female candidates and then he shut up. I quoted that post multiple times to shame him, I believe Volpone did as well, then suddenly, magically the post I kept quoting and linking to disappeared. He still lies and pretends he didn't do what we all know he obviously did.

He is a dishonest lying piece of crap and always will be. He is such a dishonest liar.
He's over there claiming that, based on some Twitter of 2019 data, NYC, San Francisco, and Seattle are the 3 safest cities in the USA.

A watershed moment for me, when I realized I had to leave Portland, was the number of cities and states that looked promising but, for years, had been pooh-poohed as "backwards, ignorant, and redneck." Then the lightbulb went on that the people/organizations making these claims were not people I respected or trusted and I moved to Kentucky. It's not perfect, but it's pretty darned nice. And I've built far more wealth here than I ever could've in Oregon. Heck, Oregon destroyed huge amounts of wealth for me in the time I was there. (Although I recouped some of it when I sold my house and left, but yeah, the only way to make money in Portland, OR--the whole West Coast maybe--is to get out.)
He was the piece of shit who claimed anyone who didn't vote for Hillary in 2016 just hated women. I pointed out that I had voted 3rd party for a female candidates and then he shut up. I quoted that post multiple times to shame him, I believe Volpone did as well, then suddenly, magically the post I kept quoting and linking to disappeared. He still lies and pretends he didn't do what we all know he obviously did.

He is a dishonest lying piece of crap and always will be. He is such a dishonest liar.

This is such a bizarre delusion. Anc himself did not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. He stated on multiple occasions that he voted for Gary Johnson. You can't find the quote because it never existed.
This is very interesting. Because a few years back I remembered him having said something that I was all set to rub his nose in but then I couldn't find it so I thought maybe I'd just misremembered. Down the Memory Hole! Big Brother is your friend!
I'm really not sure why anyone bothers. For the most part they're mental midgets who can't see beyond their own bubble and lordy forbid if anyone challenges that. And even in areas where they think they're experts they just flat out get the facts wrong on a consistent basis.

I think this is an accurate depiction of what rolls through my head when I read anything there.

NY was activity killing elderly people as were several other blue states.
Trump had a medical ship stationed off the coast, IIRC. Cuomo didn't want to use it because he didn't want Trump getting any credit for what was, in fact, a damned smart move. Isolate the most urgent coof cases away from the population at large as at least a small effort toward containment.

Nope. Cuomo had the coof cases put in nursing homes -- where the single most vulnerable segment of the population was. Dumb, petty cunt may as well have set off actual bombs in those facilities. Thousands of preventable deaths on his hands, all because Orange Man Bad. Then he and his administration brazenly lied about what they did.

He should have ended up in prison for that shit. But... nope. Thrown out of office for being a sex pest. Jesus fucking wept.