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What film did you recently see ? Do not forget to rate it

Black Swan ~~ Engrossing and kind WTF all the way through, but I hear people raving about Mila Kunis's role. She was good, but not OMFG she has got to be nominated for best supporting actress!! Natalie was brilliant, and Vincent Cassel should get recognition for his part as well.

8.5/10 ~~ Only because I kinda had an inkling of what was going on

I intend to watch it, but only to see Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman make out.
Just watched a documentary "Who is Harry Nilsson and why is everybody Talkin About Him?" Excellent kinda tragic story about one of the greatest voices in music back in the seventies. Lot of stuff I didn't know, that really helped to explain how the guy could be that good and not be huge. Would have liked to have more of a soundtrack though. They barely played snippets of his songs...

7/10 for regular folks, 9/10 for Nilsson fans. Lotta Beatles and John Lennon stuff if you need it.
Alibi - 0/10

If you see a film staring Steve Coogan, you tend to assume its a comedy, this isnt, its a friller that doesnt frill, and a waste of tallent for everyone that stared in it.
Saw the remake of True Grit last night (before I went to Home Depot). I love Westerns in general and enjoyed this one. Jeff Bridges disappeared into the character, although his best moments were some of his expressions and mannerisms rather than his dialog. Hailee Steinfield did an excellent job, although she was also helped by having all of the best lines in the move. Quite a few Masonic references too, which I found intriguing.

I'll give it a 9/10, loosing only one point for pacing (which could have been tightened up). I'll buy this one on DVD when it comes out as I'm sure I'll watch it again more than once.
Meet the Spartans 0/10

A supposedly comedy homage to 300, and quite possibly the least funny film I have seen in some time. Surely while they were making it they must have known how terrible it was?
Legend of the Guardians: the Owls of Ga'Hool

Beautiful 4 a kids film; all the animals were awesome 8/10

Aeon Flux 4/5 surprising good, I always liked the original MTV shorts, but hated with a passion the longer cartoon version, so didnt have high hopes for this, but sometimes films can surprise you.

If you like a film where a sexy woman kills a lot of people, with a bit of sci fi thrown in, this is for you.

Would have been 5/5 if she got naked, she doesn't, so I have saved you waiting for that if that's what you were looking for in this.
"Sense and Sensibility", the 1995 version with Emma Thomson, Kate Winslett, Hugh Jackson, and Alan Rickman.

Well done and surprisingly tense (as I had not read the novel). All actors did a very nice job, the story is very "slow" by modern standards but the screen writer (Emma Thomson, actually) put in enough comedy to keep the movie from bogging down. A solid 8 of 10.

I just re-watched a quirky little end-of-the-world drama called Last Night with that asian actress from Grey's Anatomy. It's a movie I saw years ago and forgot, but I always liked it. Premise is simple: in six hours the world will end via sunflare or something, and everyone knows it. No last minute saves by Bruce Willis, no crack team of scientists or rogue but supersmart heroes. Just the End of all things. The story is about how half a dozen loosely related characters choose to spend their last six hours of existence.

I recommend this movie highly. It's a taut little drama with lots of nuance and subtext and really excellent acting by all the players. It's a Canadian film I think and as such is set in Toronto. I watched it all the way through for the second time and it still holds up. No explosions, zombie or car chases, just a group of humans coming to terms with imminent death. I give it 9 of 10.
Bullshot Crummond

A spoof of "Bulldog" Drummond, this is jam packed full of tawdry double entendres and moments. I cannot explain it further, any explanation is woefully inadequate and would wreck the story.

Here's the trailer. I give it a hearty 9/10.

"3 Women" with Shelley Duvall and Sissy Spacek.

I stuck with it because I had to know wtf it was about. And I still don't.

"Despicable Me".

I actually had some hopes for this CG 'toon. Maybe some good jokes, the "minions" had potential.

It's not a bad movie. It's just, well...sort of there. Jokes are predictable. All of the best moments were spoiled in the trailer. My son liked it. I sat through it (which is more than I do with some of the films for him).

4/10. Glad I didn't spend the cash at the theater.
curiousa2z said:
excellent but heart-breaking film
I thought so too, right until the end. I don't want to give it away for anyone who wants to see it (please do, you won't regret it) but that very last montage, especially with the two leads, was extremely satisfying to me. Redemption for both of them is what I took from it. Even the sex guy and office worker was a fulfilling way to end their respective stories. It's funny how movies change over time, and something I might have loved as a younger man might or might not hold up. But if possible I loved this movie even more the second time. It takes its place in my wheelhouse of top all -time "thinking films". Really solid.
Harold and Kumar escape from guantalimo bay 4/5 Funny film with lots of nudity, I like the way it with then against, then back with again stereotypes.
Season of the Witch

I should've loved this movie. Same good stuff applies - no distractions in the theater, saw it on free movie money and at a senior discount price of $3.25. Plus, I am predisposed to love the costumes, the time period, powerful gold and jewel encrusted religious books, rituals, adventure, knights and crusaders.

And, it started off really, really good. Five-10 minutes into the film and I'm wondering why the critics were just not liking this movie at all because I'm liking it just fine.

Then, about 15-20 minutes into the movie I'm getting a clue as to why the critics are just not liking this movie at all.

Still, didn't hate it as much as the critics. There were some good scenes. But this is what blew it for me regarding this movie - the same idiot crap as in the last remake of Robin Hood - scene jumping, and in this one for little to no reason. The main characters breaking from character in an attempt to get cheap laughs or lighten the mood or something also didn't work for me. The time is dark - war, death, plague, poverty, famine. Stupid locker room jokes just don't cut it. And, the villain could have been great if it didn't devolve into implausibility. If the damned thing can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, why in the world would it trick you into taking it someplace it wanted to go?

If this came from a book, then the book may have read very well. The movie under different direction with a different screenwriter would probably have been great. Hope they remake this in a few years after those of us who have seen it have mostly forgotten this version.
The Social Network

A cool flick, but it didn't overpower me. You do kinda feel bad for Zuckerberg because JT's character is playing him the whole time just to get what he wants, and yeah, Zuckerberg does come off as a massive dickhead. But I wasn't blown away by the film.
