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What is the allure of marijuana?

I gotta go shopping with my sister, i'm gonna need we have to go slip and slide over the mountain with no chains or studded tires........
Like I was saying prote, I caught a buzz and waxed prosaic, or whatever. The query popped into my head like an effervescent balloon and I thought I'd share :)
Kerb Crawler said:
Agreed. BUT, it's hard enough living your own life, much less worrying about what somebody else is doing, or holding somebody up to your criteria of a true and just, disciplined life.

Of course not, but you're comparing sicko, fucked-up apples to half-baked, mellow oranges (that shouldn't operate heavy machinery).

"Heavy Machinery", in this case, would be anyone over 200 lbs. FAT STONERS STAY HOME!!! FAT STONERS STAY HOME!!!
Brown, green, shredded leaves
flowers, buds, stems and seeds
Roll a joint, smoke a blunt,
then sate your munchie needs!
I agree with BlindGroping, to an extent -- I personally don't see the appeal in making yourself temporarily brick-stupid as a form of recreation.

On the other hand, some people do know how to smoke it responsibly, just as some people know how to drink responsibly -- i.e. indulging until mellow, but not taking it to the point of bleary-eyed, slack-jawed catatonia.

Myself, though, personally... I can't stand the shit. Smells like rotting vegetal matter, tastes the way it smells, makes your throat burn like someone just served you a double-shot of flaming napalm (there's a name for a new drink!) and makes it possible for you to sit through an entire episode of the Brady Bunch without changing the channel... no.

And I don't know what y'all have been told, but pot does have long-term effects. Get temporarily stupid deep enough, and often enough, and sooner or later it ain't temporary anymore. Same thing with alcohol. I'm sure everyone here has seen at least one motherfucker out on the street who's permanently drunk. Well, there are motherfuckers out there who are permanently stoned, too. Not to speak on anyone's smoking habits here, just to point out that THC is a foreign substance that has mind-altering effects, and it brings the same problems as any other foreign substance that has mind-altering effects sooner or later.
proteon said:
I have been stoned virtually every day since 1987. I'm not sure if your asking what the allure is Jack because you don't smoke it, you know someone who does and dont' understand or you are just looking for various opinions on the drug.

I'll quickly tell you it's appeal: I did not end up an evil drunk like so many have. I do not dry heave in the morning or tremble, and my skin will never grow yellow. Statistically speaking the likelihood of me killing someone with a vehicle, beating someone to death over a domestic dispute, setting fire to a building, sinking a boat, taking my life in a moment of rage, allienating anyone whoever loved me and dying of liver cancer are phenomenally lower than those of you who have been drunk every day since 1987.

and yet alcohol is legal...go figure..
How would you know pot's long term effects?

You wouldn't, because there's no impartial evidence to support your claim. And I'm especially not interested in you trotting out "evidence" from people you happen to agree with. There won't be an argument over this. Since you don't use it at all, you aren't qualified to offer an opinion as fact.

There are many many many double blind AMA studies showing marijuana's excellent medical applications. Need links? Would be happy to spam a threadful. I was part of a successful 12 year Canadian study which proves that THC in soluble form is an effective treatment for high IntraOcular Pressure. The chemotherapy studies that are now in their 22nd year show statistically that when marijuana is smoked after any kind of chemo, the response rate to the chemo is much higher, in fact the whole cancer survival rate that shows an upward trend can more often than not be traced to marijana consumption after chemo. I certainly don't need your acknowledgement or approval to embrace this as fact.
I don't think marajewana is addictive but then again I don't think my body reacts to anything the way it's supposed to. The few times I've smoked pot it just made me really sleepy. When I used to drink I'd get sick and now I'm allerigic to alcohol. The only things I've been addicted to are food and exercise which wouldn't be a problem if it'd been at the same time
jack said:
How would you know pot's long term effects?

You wouldn't, because there's no impartial evidence to support your claim. And I'm especially not interested in you trotting out "evidence" from people you happen to agree with. There won't be an argument over this. Since you don't use it at all, you aren't qualified to offer an opinion as fact.

There are many many many double blind AMA studies showing marijuana's excellent medical applications. Need links? Would be happy to spam a threadful. I was part of a successful 12 year Canadian study which proves that THC in soluble form is an effective treatment for high IntraOcular Pressure. The chemotherapy studies that are now in their 22nd year show statistically that when marijuana is smoked after any kind of chemo, the response rate to the chemo is much higher, in fact the whole cancer survival rate that shows an upward trend can more often than not be traced to marijana consumption after chemo. I certainly don't need your acknowledgement or approval to embrace this as fact.

I don't think anyone's saying that it doesn't have medicinal benefits. All I was saying is that, like any other mind-altering substance, long-term and/or excessively heavy dosage tends to create debilitating effects. There may not be any studies that show it, I'll grant you that, but you can't tell me that nobody can spot a long-time chronic pothead who hasn't had their daily dose, either. You know what I'm talkin' 'bout. :P
Mandi said:
I gotta go shopping with my sister, i'm gonna need we have to go slip and slide over the mountain with no chains or studded tires........

That's exactly what I'm talking about.
She "needs" it to deal with stress.
Instead of learning How to deal with it sober, you let the drug do it for you.
The Question said:
And I don't know what y'all have been told, but pot does have long-term effects. Get temporarily stupid deep enough, and often enough, and sooner or later it ain't temporary anymore. Same thing with alcohol.

I've been stoned for 18 years solid. 18 x 365 days = 6,570 days of being stoned. Most days I get stoned between 2 and 6 times.

One could argue that I began this kind of lifestyle with your very premise in mind; that sooner or later my stupidity would be permanant.

At this point I have lost all sense of being self criticising so you folks will have to determine whether or not being stoned 10 plus thousand times has made me stupid. I don't feel stupid, but then again (*looks around*) I'm not exactly chilling with Nobel Prize winners.

I disagree TQ. And while I do believe that the long term effects of alcohol are different than those of pot, I haven't been drunk for 18 years straight so I'm not the ideal lab rat. In terms of weed I challenge you to find a more suitable lab rat than myself.

jack said:
How would you know pot's long term effects?

You wouldn't, because there's no impartial evidence to support your claim. And I'm especially not interested in you trotting out "evidence" from people you happen to agree with. There won't be an argument over this. Since you don't use it at all, you aren't qualified to offer an opinion as fact.

There are many many many double blind AMA studies showing marijuana's excellent medical applications. Need links? Would be happy to spam a threadful. I was part of a successful 12 year Canadian study which proves that THC in soluble form is an effective treatment for high IntraOcular Pressure. The chemotherapy studies that are now in their 22nd year show statistically that when marijuana is smoked after any kind of chemo, the response rate to the chemo is much higher, in fact the whole cancer survival rate that shows an upward trend can more often than not be traced to marijana consumption after chemo. I certainly don't need your acknowledgement or approval to embrace this as fact.

Simmer down reactionary.
We don't use it because we are aware of it's effects.
Right there in your own example, you are touting evidence that agrees with your point of view. And your saying that we can't use evidence that agrees with ours?
Put the bong down for three hours before you try and argue.
This is like watching blind folks wrestle. None of you have a fucking leg to stand on other than alleged studies and links.

I am the only empiricist here apparently. Thus I must be ignored at all costs.
proteon said:
This is like watching blind folks wrestle. None of you have a fucking leg to stand on other than alleged studies and links.

I am the only empiricist here apparently. Thus I must be ignored at all costs.

so do you feel that its long term use has had any harmful effects on you? would you class yourself as addicted? could you give it up tomorrow?
Simmer down reactionary.
We don't use it because we are aware of it's effects.
Right there in your own example, you are touting evidence that agrees with your point of view. And your saying that we can't use evidence that agrees with ours?
Put the bong down for three hours before you try and argue.

There is no way to take the moral high ground. To imply that pot smokers are nothing but petty drug addicts is frankly not very convincing. As is the sterotype that we all have long hair and don't wash that often. It's all totally rediculous. Alcohol will forever be a drug 1000% times worse and more destructive. Alcohol kills more people than Heroin and Crack combined each year. Weed has killed 0 people in 10,000+ years of use.

It is a positive drug which makes an enjoyable situation. Some people don't get off on it and that is FINE. Just as it is FINE for people that do.

I have smoked double my bodyweight in fine hashish and bud. Only the best: Temple ball, Kashmir black, Northern Lights, White Widow, Blueberry. The list goes on. Yep, you can abuse the drug because we are capable of abusing everything in life. If you drink too much H20 you can seriously damage yourself. Moderation is the key but who cares, there is NO substantial evidence that it makes people stupid. Thats just more crap that people come up with when they are grasping at straws becuase pot has basically no negative effects whatsoever.

But no moral high ground my friend. Fine, you don't like it but that doesn't mean that people who do are doing something unnaceptable and stupid.

You can't make that call. You're not qualified to say what is good for me or not.

And as for your idea that people try and hide from there stress by smoking instead of facing it sober is frankly annoying. Why does it have to be a problem when people find something they enjoy and it doesn't hurt anyone? I assume you don't drink a beer EVER after a hard days work?