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Then it must be a fake Gear. The real Gear would never make such a mistake. It is a shitty sock. It's puppet master should punish it severely. Where is that Bastard fellow when he could be of service?

SB? Haven't heard from him in ages.
Thanks for quoting him, I would never know he's saying the same thing over and over otherwise.
Now I'm almost sad. I almost started to like Gear.

Oh well. No time to think on it now. Yard to mow. Shopping to do. Friends to have dinner with. Movies at the theater to watch. So many projects and deadlines.
I got a new job with a regular schedule and days off. This is one of them. Going stand up paddling in a bit, as soon as my wife gets done with her appointments, then dinner (broiled salmon stuffed with brie and green chile salsa) and then probably Stitchers or Sense8 on Netflix , because I have morning shift tomorrow and will be to bed early tonight.

Hope you have fun.
What is stand up paddling?

I liked the Frankie & Grace series, Orange is the New Black, Bloodlines, and a few others. Haven't seen Stitchers or Sense8 yet. I'm liking Wayward Pines too. Currently binge watching the old Dark Shadows soap on Amazon.

Taking a dinner break at Subway then going home to mow and do housework. Have company tomorrow evening.
I had one of those yesterday. Yum. Only junk food I eat anymore.

Stand up paddling (or SUP) is a new emerging sport. You use a big modified surfboard which you stand up on and then you use a paddle to tool around whatever body of water you're at. Looks like this:


in regards to the paddle, my wife likes the sport so much that she connected here in the village with a couple of folks that have made a modified paddle. Looks like this:


She's good friends with them and we got a tour of his factory and bought a couple. They work really well.

Great fun.
We're watching the Frankie and Grace episode "The sex" after dinner :D She's already seen it twice but I was working evening shift so it's for tonight. Sense8 is the best thing since Game of Thrones, in my opinion. Fabulous television.
LOL Imagine some poor fucker dragging ol' Jack and what's-her-name around the factory explaining how they make paddles for the 'new and emerging' sport of SUP.
I'm waiting for the last season of Game of Thrones to be available on Amazon. It is a binge worthy series.
My main form of fun and exercise these days is riding my cruiser.

I'd love a house with a pool but I'd like a saltwater pool. It costs about $7k to convert a chlorine pool into a saltwater pool. I'd like it heated and enclosed too so I can use it year round.

That's probably good core work keeping steady standing on a board floating in water.

My friend got his kayaks and has been kayaking around the lakes in Oklahoma with a group. We'll be kayaking the Texas lakes later this summer.
I had a lot of trouble with it at first, fell in a couple times. Now it's fun and easy, and yes excellent core work. Beats going to the gym every day anytime.
I prefer swimming, dancing, yoga, hiking, and bike riding to going to the gym.

We're having problems with alligators locally right now due to all the rain in May swelling the rivers and lakes. I'm staying out of natural waters around here for a little while - til the Gators go home!
Why do you hate it so that Jack and I can communicate like civil humans?

P.S. If you want a good deal on dental work, I can refer you to a fabulous dentist in India.
Why would it bother me that your main uses you two characters to play grabass with him or herself?
Wait... You think Jack and I are socks for someone else?

Please, tell me who you think is my "master.'

This is great. You have my undivided attention.

I'm going to sit right here and wait for your answer.