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When is it OK to hit a bitch?

Thug Angel

New member
Serious question. Thug got in a argument with someone about this today who said you should NEVER hit a woman. Thug thinks that is bullshit. Women do plenty of shit to give you reason to hit them. Not speaking from just personal experience but common sense. Thuggie has seen women punch boyfriends in the face and they smack them down and they go to jail for it. The police in this country are fucked up. Thug was put on probation back in the day not for hitting some bitch, but for putting her in a choke hold during an argument to keep her off him. She started it but Thug gets written up. Not to mention that bitch in the mall who was a complete stranger who got in Thug's face. To Thug, these "laws" are bullshit. So when is it OK to lay out a bitch? Or you think thats never the case?
There's a saying: you live by the sword, then you die by the sword.

So, you advocate hitting women, then that means that you support forcing weaker people to do what you want and to punish them at will.

So, then you should be fine with it when the same philosophy is applied to you. It's what you think is right.

So, then you should admire the police for coming down hard on you.

One must live by Sartre's moto: live as you would have the world live.
Hey what the fuck does that mean. Just answer the question bitch. all that Hermes and Odyessey shit makes no sense to Thug Luv
You should never hit women, No matter what the circumstance. Restraining them is fine, but the second you hit a women, you deserve to get beat down by the cops.
Dark Link said:
You should never hit women, No matter what the circumstance. Restraining them is fine, but the second you hit a women, you deserve to get beat down by the cops.
So what if a bitch burns down your house, like that little whore from the group TLC did to that football player. Your $800K house? Put her in timeout? Bullshit
Dark Link said:
You should never hit women, No matter what the circumstance. Restraining them is fine, but the second you hit a women, you deserve to get beat down by the cops.
What if the woman cleaned out your bank account while you were away and you walked in caught her fucking your FRIENDS?

Give Thuggie a break. There's always a reason to hit somebody. Women are no different. And you clearly dont know any project bitches. They'll cut you for looking at another girl
Then she'll stand trial for Arson. A house and the items inside can be replaced, that's what they make insurance for.

Even if a women pulls a weapon, you disarm and restrain. You never hit her or shit will get even worse for you.
I enjoyed your response.

My point is: do unto others as you would have done to you.

Then I add that you should not be angry when others treat you as you have treated others, because that's what you think is good.

If you admire treating people violently, then you should admire those that treat you violently. Perhaps you were their role-model.
Thug Angel said:
Give Thuggie a break.

M Zenith said:
I enjoyed your response.

My point is: do unto others as you would have done to you.

Then I add that you should not be angry when others treat you as you have treated others, because that's what you think is good.

If you admire treating people violently, then you should admire those that treat you violently. Perhaps you were their role-model.
WTF? You're incoherrent. Make no sense. Drugs are bad mmmmmmmkay
Dark Link said:
Then she'll stand trial for Arson. A house and the items inside can be replaced, that's what they make insurance for.

Even if a women pulls a weapon, you disarm and restrain. You never hit her or shit will get even worse for you.

Yeah thats it. You approach an emotional situation like that with logic. Guess you've never been in a confrontational situation. If you find the bitch standing over your mother lying on the floor w/a bullet in her heard and some bitch has the gun, you advocate calmness in such situations. You can replace a house, but you can't replace many things in it like family mementos and the violation of your property. She'll stand trial, claim she was psychologically abused and it was all your fault and with a jury full of pussies like you you'd let her walk
Thug Angel said:
Yeah thats it. You approach an emotional situation like that with logic. Guess you've never been in a confrontational situation. If you find the bitch standing over your mother lying on the floor w/a bullet in her heard and some bitch has the gun, you advocate calmness in such situations. You can replace a house, but you can't replace many things in it like family mementos and the violation of your property. She'll stand trial, claim she was psychologically abused and it was all your fault and with a jury full of pussies like you you'd let her walk

Suicide makes that all go away.
True story. One of Thuggie's boys, who had no criminal record, was fucking this Puerto Rican bitch who had three kids for three different men. No job. On welfare. He actually went to college and had a good job. Making about 75K a year. He gets this bitch pregnant. Tries to help her w/the baby and lets her use his car. One day they both were in it and had an argument over something stupid. He drops her off home. they fight in the car. She hit him. He didn't hit her back. But he tosses her sit out of the car. One of the items, a CD case, hits her arm. She claims he hit her, which technically he did, and ended up in jail over 48 hrs b/c it's the law, for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and BATTERY.
Thug tried to convince this cat to let us handle her for that shit but he didnt want any more trouble. But these "laws" are bogus. If women want to be like men, have our jobs and be totally equal, then if they strike us, they can get struck back. Open hand slap or closed fist
When it comes to women, I treat them like women by being a gentleman. No hitting-EVER! That said, I have one clause to that, which is to be used in very rare special occaisions. If some chick is acting like such a bitch that she is worse than a scum bag of a man, than she's got it coming. ;) And by hitting, I mean just a slap. Not firing gunshots, or breaking bones kind of crap. Like I said, no one should ever strike a woman. She'd have to be one nasty bitch to break that rule.

The wife beaters, and girlfriend abusers shoult be shot though.
Thug Angel said:
Yeah thats it. You approach an emotional situation like that with logic. Guess you've never been in a confrontational situation. If you find the bitch standing over your mother lying on the floor w/a bullet in her heard and some bitch has the gun, you advocate calmness in such situations. You can replace a house, but you can't replace many things in it like family mementos and the violation of your property. She'll stand trial, claim she was psychologically abused and it was all your fault and with a jury full of pussies like you you'd let her walk

Once again you assume before you try to understand. I grew up in a bad area fuckstick. The Big three were always a problem. Small story:

Out one night just done with seeing a movie, some dumb fuck from the Latin Knights, long before they upgraded to the Latin Kings, pulled a knife on me and a group of friends. I remained calm and gave him what he wanted, up until the point where he stabbed one of my friends. I procceded to Brake his arm, remove the knife from his hand and bury it into his leg. I still have the scars, one on my right arm and the onther on my hand, from where he cut me trying to get away.

And she has to prove to a psychologist that she was psychologically abused, you moron.
My ex wife was a crazy cunt, one X-mas eve she wanted to pound on me. I called the cops and they hauled that nutty bitch to jail, then she did 2 weeks in the rubber room at the nut hut.

Nothing better than the cunt wife in jail for X-mas. :) Life is fair.