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When is it OK to hit a bitch?

I was on a jury one time, domestic violence and while deliberating I said, "Sometimes a woman deserves to get hit." You would have thought I said, "Let's hang the nigger, burn a cross on his lawn and bomb an abortion clinic."

If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times, WOMEN ARE BITCHES and there are plenty of women plenty strong enough and/or big enough to do damage to anyone they hit. If you're smacking an anorexic waif because she bought you the wrong beer, you're a dick. However, if your kick boxing, athlete girlfriend thought it would be appropriate to kick you in the nuts during an argument, that bitch deserves to be beat down.

Make sure she leaves a mark boys or you'll go down and she'll get off scott free.
I think all the men in this thread who say that it is never, ever, ever, ever, ever acceptable to hit a woman haven't really been tempted with it.

There have been situations where I almost did hit some. Now what did they do to deserve that? No, they didn't hit me. All I'll say is that they stopped acting like women. And if I could do some stuff over, I would have stopped acting like a man, and given 5 across the eyes.
I've hit women before. They all deserved it and none of them were ever my girlfriend. Except one. The bitch drew blood, so I slapped the piss out of her.
That and if you see some crazy ass bitch beating her kid, you step in and she starts swinging at you, what? You're going to let her beat the crap out of you? Bullshit, you're going to smack that bitch around.
I don't think anyone is arguing or even debating with the 'defense' question. If someone hits you [male or female] then "it's on."

But claims that a woman needed to be smacked because she wouldn't shut up, is another matter entirely. Can women get out of control with their mouths? Sure they can. But so can men, and there is no recourse for women to 'make them shut up', now is there?

Women keep it up because they feel they can hide behind the "Men don't hit women" thing. That's foolish at best and likely dangerous given statistics on domestic abuse.

But... Men instinctively hide use the "I'm bigger and stronger than you and I don't have to shut up because no one can make me" thing. A lot of the things men say to women would never be said to another man. Why? Because another man would deck him.

I'm just saying this works both ways.
Messenger said:
I think all the men in this thread who say that it is never, ever, ever, ever, ever acceptable to hit a woman haven't really been tempted with it.

I can think of circumstances where it would be criminal NOT to hit a woman. Like to prevent her from doing physical harm to herself or others. It might not be possible to restrain some cranked up psycho who's got a chokehold on her 5 year old.

There have been situations where I almost did hit some. Now what did they do to deserve that? No, they didn't hit me. All I'll say is that they stopped acting like women. And if I could do some stuff over, I would have stopped acting like a man, and given 5 across the eyes.

What do you mean by "acting like women". Following a step or two behind, head down, living in the kitchen, no spirit doormat type? How are woman supposed to act? Maybe a better choice of words would be decent human being, because if you mean a hot temper drunken shrieking harpy... well that can be either gender.

If you want a woman who's loving, kind, even tempered, supportive AND a good cook then you (the generic you, not YOU you) need to look beyond "WOW, great boobs!~!!"

missmanners said:
What do you mean by "acting like women". Following a step or two behind, head down, living in the kitchen, no spirit doormat type?
Oh, you women. I meant those that simply take your money, gloat about it to girlfriends, try to manipulate you, screw around behind your back, and not feel a bit of guilt because it's all in the name of enjoying oneself.

And I think this 'women hit first' stuff is trivial. If a women hit me, I'd try to restrain her. But hit her? Over that? I'm sure we seen the angry women who pounds at a guys chest like she's throwing a temper tantrum.

But the ones I mentioned, I should have smacked. One even told me to my face whilst feigning guilt that she cheated on me.
Thug Angel said:
Serious question. Thug got in a argument with someone about this today who said you should NEVER hit a woman. Thug thinks that is bullshit. Women do plenty of shit to give you reason to hit them. Not speaking from just personal experience but common sense. Thuggie has seen women punch boyfriends in the face and they smack them down and they go to jail for it. The police in this country are fucked up. Thug was put on probation back in the day not for hitting some bitch, but for putting her in a choke hold during an argument to keep her off him. She started it but Thug gets written up. Not to mention that bitch in the mall who was a complete stranger who got in Thug's face. To Thug, these "laws" are bullshit. So when is it OK to lay out a bitch? Or you think thats never the case?

It's OK to hit them on friday's
Damn... and over in the middle east, they just kill 'em.

Thug would probably like it over there. Women know their place... or they'll die if they don't.
I've never hit anyone, man or woman, once in this consciousness. Using your fists to settle anything is more than ignorant.
Caitriona said:
This is a standard answer. I'd agree, for the most part that women need to think about what they are doing and saying. We're ALL ultimately responsible for our actions. It's simple cause and effect in the end. It's stupid for a woman to cause a violent response from a man because she thinks she is safe in the "Men don't hit women" thing.

However I once had an interesting thing happen, and it made me think about this in a new way. My sister had returned home to live with mom [with her 3 kids -- don't ask]. Her husband was and is an irresponsible man who loved to create drama. No wife of his was going to take his children away from him, except he was doing cocaine and putting his children and wife in jeopardy.. You know the type.

Anyway he arrived at the front door demanding to be let in. I happened to be there. My sister went outside to talk to him and one thing led to another and he hit her. I saw it. She ran inside, I was closing the door and he put his foot in the door to keep me from doing it.

He told me to let him in. I said no. I told him that I would call the police if he entered the house. He began to call me names, threaten me etc. We were eyeball to eyeball *literally*.

I told him that he was yelling at the wrong sister. I wasn't in love with him and wouldn't feel one bit of guilt at putting his ass in jail. My sister might think twice about reporting him for hitting her, but that was her emotional hang up--not mine.

He began yelling and screaming at me to the point where I began to get angry too. And I reached the point where I began to yell back.. He reached a point where he said..

"If you were a man, I'd hit you."

I replied:

"If I were a man you wouldn't be talking to me the way you are. You'd know you were asking to have your ass kicked."

I stopped almost instantly because I realized it was true.

Men, you also have a responsibility in how the war between the sexes can escalate. You talk to women [sometimes] in ways that you'd never talk to another man. Why? Because you can. There is very little we can do to make you stop and so some men cross the line.

The whole incident ended when I told him to tread very carefully. That I would take the hit to stop him from entering just to put his ass in jail. We stared at each other for a long pregnant pause, and he backed down and sat in his car for about an hour--then left. But he did not enter my mother's home.

I've never forgotten that incident. Women can talk and talk and carry on because we feel safe behind the societal code of "never hit a woman", but Gentlemen you say things to women, if said to a man, would get you killed.

Think about it!

[yeah yeah, a long post in essentially a trolling thread, but there were a few good responses in this thread despite the Thug-like trolling]

Hence, the ideal response on the man's part is to leave. Under certain circumstances, though, where the woman in question poses a clear and present danger to third parties (read: kids) in the house, then the ideal response just isn't viable. And in most cases, the cops won't take preventative measures -- she'd actually have to harm either herself or someone else before the authorities would condescend to take action. There are just some situations where you don't want to escalate a bad situation, but you can't let her escalate it in the direction she's aiming for, either.
jack said:
I've never hit anyone, man or woman, once in this consciousness. Using your fists to settle anything is more than ignorant.

Sometimes it is necessary Jack.

A battle of honor. Settling something like men, without the use of guns or knives or any other kinds of weapons.

A great man once said:

"when a man strays from the right path, a kind man needs the courage to raise his fists to correct him."