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Where is the Random Thread of Randomness stuff that doesn't belong in other threads thread?

My garbage can has gone AWOL. Not the huge fucker I keep out on my front porch, but the kitchen one. Thursday nights, I empty all the indoor cans into the outdoor one, then carry that one out to the curb for Friday morning trash pickup.

Could have fucking sworn I brought the kitchen can back in after emptying it. Well, either somebody walked into my place and took... an empty garbage can... or (more likely) I forgot to bring it back inside, and the wind grabbed it off my porch and took it on a fucking adventure.

A bear carried our garbage can up into a tree once. Was missing for days. Then it finally fell down. So wierd.
I am not at all happy today.
A smoke detector battery was dying last night and I was woken up 3 times during the night by a loud beep, beep, BEEP!!! But then it stopped so I wasn’t sure which smoke detector I needed to kill at the time. I think I finally found it late this morning.
Just now I went to retrieve a ball for my dog from a rose bush. She clearly has the brains in the family because I came out of that with a shredded, bleeding earlobe.
Fuck today. Wahhhh….
Russians attacking near the border with Poland is not great, only takes one bomb to miss and Russia is directly attacking a NATO country, then things are going to escalate very quickly.
Russians attacking near the border with Poland is not great, only takes one bomb to miss and Russia is directly attacking a NATO country, then things are going to escalate very quickly.
Part of me wishes that would happen.
It would be easy enough for us to detonate something in Poland and then blame it on Russia. Not that WE’D ever engage in a false flag operation. ;)
But what I really want is a coup against Putin inside Russia. That’s the very best thing that could happen but I don’t know if there’s a chance in hell it will.
I just unleashed a fart so rancid it could have strongarmed the demons right out of the Amityville house. Jesus. Stank could wrench a nose. I know they say everybody likes their own brand, and that's usually true, but I think I just made myself physically ill with that one.
Simlie: Not coming to Ukraine's aid is like if you were the biggest senior on the high school football team and you saw a freshman you know getting pounded by the second biggest kid on the football team, he asks for help, and you keep walking because the bully says he'll burn down the apartment building you both live in if you get involved.
Simlie: Not coming to Ukraine's aid is like if you were the biggest senior on the high school football team and you saw a freshman you know getting pounded by the second biggest kid on the football team, he asks for help, and you keep walking because the bully says he'll burn down the apartment building you both live in if you get involved.
Provided the EU and NATO are on board and thoroughly invested I agree.
I’m somewhat concerned that we’re going to get involved in some greater capacity down the not-very-long road anyway so perhaps better to do it while Ukraine still has a fighting military (although the longer this goes on the more depleted and scattered the Russian military might be so those two things might off set each other).
Beyond the stinger and javelin systems we’ve been supplying some Pentagon talking head this morning alluded to more advanced systems we might funnel (or be funneling) to the Ukrainians (as opposed to those MIGs Poland offered). I don’t know much at all about weaponry but Patriot missile defense systems (or similar) sound like the next step up. Maybe more help is forthcoming.
My dad was an executive in defense systems. Actually my older brothers knew the “Falcon and the Snowman”….they attended the same high school (my dad was uncomfortable about even that acquaintance as it related to his own security clearances).
He didn’t talk about his work (and I didn’t really care in my youth) but probably 30 years ago he told me how “back in the day”(so maybe another 20 years prior…all told 50+ years ago), we had the ability to see and read a postage stamp on an envelope from space pretty much anywhere in the world. That caught my attention and made me realize…I had/have no clue.
Russia asks China for support in Ukraine:

“We are communicating directly, privately to Beijing that there will absolutely be consequences for large-scale sanctions evasion efforts or support to Russia to backfill them,” Mr. Sullivan said on CNN on Sunday.

“We will not allow that to go forward and allow there to be a lifeline to Russia from these economic sanctions from any country, anywhere in the world,” he said.

Supposedly Russia is asking China for “military” help in Ukraine today. Wonder how Beijing will respond.
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Except this bully can burn the whole world down.
So if he took Ukraine without us putting “boots on the ground” (or air) because we were concerned about a nuclear confrontation, does that mean any time he threatens a nuclear response we’re going to roll over? If he decides he wants some other eastern European country, would we give it to him or fight then?
I guess the whole premise is Ukraine isn’t a NATO member ergo we aren’t going to engage but we absolutely will (no matter what) if Russia lands a bomb 15 miles to the west in Poland.
Seems like a flimsy policy when you think about it to me.
If he decides he wants some other eastern European country, would we give it to him or fight then?
"Give it to him"? Eastern europe doesn't belong to us. It's not our business. Well, our "representatives" might decide it is, as another avenue for money laundering... there's no legitimacy to that, though.
OK. Here's an interesting bit of trivia: You know who the #3 world nuclear power was in the early 1990s?

The Ukraine. They had a shit ton of the Soviet nukes.

Then in 1996 we talked them into giving them up to the Russians on the promise that the US and the UK had their backs if Russia ever invaded. :marathon:
Russia asks China for support in Ukraine:

“We are communicating directly, privately to Beijing that there will absolutely be consequences for large-scale sanctions evasion efforts or support to Russia to backfill them,” Mr. Sullivan said on CNN on Sunday.

“We will not allow that to go forward and allow there to be a lifeline to Russia from these economic sanctions from any country, anywhere in the world,” he said.

Supposedly Russia is asking China for “military” help in Ukraine today. Wonder how Beijing will respond.
China will laugh at them and offer to give them $5 Canadian if Russia will let them piss in their ass and then drink the piss after China catches it in a beer stein when it comes out. The Chinese are ruthless and smart. They don't need Russia anywhere near what Russia needs them. And they can actually get some brownie points on the world stage if they leave Russia twisting in the wind. Then they can cash them in when they decide they want Taiwan.
Realizing that, in the end, if Hitler would've had nukes--at Cold War levels--he absolutely would've destroyed the world when he lost. Our only hope would've been if his generals disobeyed him (like they did about razing Paris).