Where's Jack?


New Member
I was wondering that myself. Then I gave up and just chalked up your incessant babble to syphilitic infection of the brain, excessive cocaine use, crack delirium, or any other of the hundreds of possible nasty infections a self confessed crack whore could be suffering from.

Hell, you've stated you started fucking for pennies at a "young" age. For all we know, it could be attributed to blunt force trauma of your "young" undeveloped brain as you were ass rammed against a head board.

Long winded hate rant=absence of sexual activity with other live human

This need of your to post this pseudo intellectual clap trap hatred ...how long has this been the case?
bullied were you as a child?
now it's the internet and an admin position is it.



Vuhlkansu Wihs
Long winded hate rant=absence of sexual activity with other live human

This need of your to post this pseudo intellectual clap trap hatred ...how long has this been the case?
bullied were you as a child?
now it's the internet and an admin position is it.


As I said, sock puppet.


New Member
See, you've found something in common already.

now i wonder if you really understood that piece of genius you just typed.

on one hand we have sarek ,in invisible mode to cover up his non life and only life living in his mom's basement and the internet.

then you have a plethora of useless insults and rants...the worst being the sock puppet .
some insult that was hilarious at the moment...and now,all the hanger on'r hasbeens use it daily here...years of it.accusing and wondering and insulting people with it.

but every now and then i see a gem ..and wonder ..did he mean what he just wrote?
is this piece of brain dead bottom feeding internet forum user aware of the true value of those words in type.

nah he did not get it and he calls himself sarek.


Forever Empress E
Sarek, I think it is falling in love with you.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
now i wonder if you really understood that piece of genius you just typed.

Of course I do. I posted it. You stated that my comment was a "once huge insult on a page many a year ago. now worn out useless piece of nothing"

You were probably useful as a hooker a few decades ago. But now you're a "worn out useless piece of nothing".

Hence, you have something in common with my statement.


New Member
Of course I do. I posted it. You stated that my comment was a "once huge insult on a page many a year ago. now worn out useless piece of nothing"

You were probably useful as a hooker a few decades ago. But now you're a "worn out useless piece of nothing".

Hence, you have something in common with my statement.

so the moron explains himself...




Forever Empress E
I wonder how Jack is doing. I know he can be a real POS sometimes but I do genuinely have concern for his well being. Has anyone heard from him lately?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
there ya go agin.
missing the action and posting inept insults.

like i'm hurt...


I spar in an attempt to gauge the mental acumen of my opponent and then adjust my style accordingly.

In your case, I was forced to adjust to a lower level that I'm accustomed to.


New Member
I spar in an attempt to gauge the mental acumen of my opponent and then adjust my style accordingly.

In your case, I was forced to adjust to a lower level that I'm accustomed to.
LOL...not bad...but still amateurish .

so i'm not just a "Knotcher" with a beautiful face and investments to die for.

i'm an opponent..cool i can live with that. i love you too sarek


i'm too happy to insult you right now .