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Why are we going after Iran, again?

Astral said:
I can only agree with that comment!

When Israel turns into a terrorist state then you can say something!

Israel has been and is a terrorist state, fucknuts. And what kind of "friend" have they been? We've given them trillions of dollars, for nothing. We've given them military hardware, for next to nothing. What the fuck do we get for that? We get terrorists attacking us now. We get shit like the attack on the USS Liberty, and the Lavon Affair, and 9/11, which Mossad saw coming and didn't say shit about. We get expected to settle their fucking grudges in the Middle East while they get to sit back and look innocent. Whoooooo, what a great fucking friend Israel has been.

Dude... your a fucking talking out your ass tard! These fuckers have made it VERY VERY FUCKING CLEAR! If your not muslim then you deserve to DIE! Or you can live as a 2nd class citizen at BEST!

They've also made it very fucking clear -- as I posted full-on quotes to earlier -- that the reason they made us a priority is because we keep giving support to Israel and fighting their battles for them. Why else did they only start attacking us after we started doing those things?

And you will not tolerate its expansion and you certainly do not tolerate the country defending itself!

Are you even reading anything I've posted. Yes, they can defend themselves. THEMSELVES. No more of our weapons. No more of our soldiers. No more of our money. Let them DO IT THEMSELVES. Or not do it themselves. At this point, it's time they stand or fall on their own.

Whats your take on the Iraq war and Iran?

Not our problems.

The 9/11's deaths were deserved?

No, they weren't. But they didn't happen just because the ragheads don't like the way we live, either. Read the OBL quotes. The psychotic fucker has no reason to lie about WHY he ordered the attack. Bush DOES have a reason to lie about it, because he knows that supporting Israel is why the fuckers attacked us and he intends to keep right on supporting Israel. So he has to make it look like the shit that he's still doing wasn't what provoked the ragheads, or people would demand that he stop fucking doing it, and he can't.
The Question said:
Israel has been and is a terrorist state, fucknuts. And what kind of "friend" have they been? We've given them trillions of dollars, for nothing. We've given them military hardware, for next to nothing. What the fuck do we get for that? We get terrorists attacking us now. We get shit like the attack on the USS Liberty, and the Lavon Affair, and 9/11, which Mossad saw coming and didn't say shit about. We get expected to settle their fucking grudges in the Middle East while they get to sit back and look innocent. Whoooooo, what a great fucking friend Israel has been.

Hmm... Israel is a terrorist state. yep you are racist to te fucking core. They run around straping bombs and shit blowing up women and kid mercilessly and everything else. Your so full of fucking bullshit your eyes are floating. I can see now why you dont listen to the truth at all. You dont give a shit about the truth... you are a muslim loving anti-semetic racist bastard! Muslims can do no wrong and every time a Jew moves he just killed someone, or inflated prices!

The Question said:
They've also made it very fucking clear -- as I posted full-on quotes to earlier -- that the reason they made us a priority is because we keep giving support to Israel and fighting their battles for them. Why else did they only start attacking us after we started doing those things?

Bulslhit bitch... dont you know there are 2 forms of mussie speeches? One for our consumption the other one for mussie incitment? Dont your fucking get anything? Your liberal "Gods" are deceiving you! They know there is a load of double speak over there but why dont they bring this to your pathetic attention? Because they are affraid you might get the truth!!! CANT FUCKING HAVE IT!

The Question said:
Are you even reading anything I've posted. Yes, they can defend themselves. THEMSELVES. No more of our weapons. No more of our soldiers. No more of our money. Let them DO IT THEMSELVES. Or not do it themselves. At this point, it's time they stand or fall on their own.

Yes we all know you are all for Israel being wiped off the face of the earth. Your a racist son of a bitch, so its only natural for you to want that. I will defend a friend while you run like a coward bitch! Instead of you getting angry that we were attacked and at the death of your fellow citizens you would rather have us all lay down to die! You can fuck off with that cowardly attitude!

The Question said:
Not our problems.

Yea... untill they come for you. Your PROBLEM is that you dont know how to recognize a problem until your get your ASS blown UP! Hell even then you still wont realize it!

The Question said:
No, they weren't. But they didn't happen just because the ragheads don't like the way we live, either. Read the OBL quotes. The psychotic fucker has no reason to lie about WHY he ordered the attack. Bush DOES have a reason to lie about it, because he knows that supporting Israel is why the fuckers attacked us and he intends to keep right on supporting Israel. So he has to make it look like the shit that he's still doing wasn't what provoked the ragheads, or people would demand that he stop fucking doing it, and he can't.

I am tired of fucking dealing with your ignorant refuse truth and history good for nothing racist ass! There is so much fucking history against us with the mussies long before the US and Israel were here they would have come to kill us anyway!

Your just a fucking tard who does nothing but kiss your liberal "Gods" asses! I am done replying to your completely ignorant ass(this thread)! You hate America and Israel so much you love muslims! Go ahead... since you are not born as one you will never be anything more than a 2nd class citizen. Good luck with that bitch!
Messenger said:

If he had enough time and resources he would have... WW3 anyone? Feels a little like hitler all over again... but he just didnt have the power!
The Question said:
Keep insisting otherwise, though, because at this point you don't have any credibility left to lose.

A TK Childâ„¢ talking about credibility is like a muslim scum explaining how jihad is really an "internal struggle" and has nothing to do with muslims blowing up teenagers in pizza parlors.

So tell me, Gurk, why do you insist on talking about every country other than the U.S. or Iran? Is it because you'd have to concede the point if you actually remain on-topic?

I'm a troll, you stupid fucking punk! You actually expect me to stay on topic and NOT redirect and hijack your thread?!

Gee ... I guess you've been "pwn3d", huh?
Messenger said:
LOL! What a Neocon sheep!

This has to be a troll.

See I told you that a liberal would see me as a hard right winger. well am I wrong? I do not sheep for anyone. I learn the facts for myself. I refuse to rely on a party, or some spin dr'd media outlet like you guys do!

The facts are there, but they are not easy to find!
Astral said:
See I told you that a liberal would see me as a hard right winger.
Neocon is just a term for a group of leftists masquerading as conservatives.

I'm a hard right-winger. You're just sheep, swallowing party propaganda.
Astral! wrote:

Your just a fucking tard who does nothing but kiss your liberal "Gods" asses! I am done replying to your completely ignorant ass(this thread)! You hate America and Israel so much you love muslims!

I clicked through the eight pages of this thread, and I still have no idea what it's about. Never has so much been said about so little.

The internet was supposed to herald a Golden Age of free communication and openness in discussing ideas. Instead, imagine we've got entire servers filled with "You're a tard" or "You're a turd" comments. I suppose to top that, one would have to say someone is a "tarded turd!". That'll show 'em.

Messenger said:
Neocon is just a term for a group of leftists masquerading as conservatives.

I'm a hard right-winger. You're just sheep, swallowing party propaganda.

very interesting definition you have there... perchance could you provide your source? Since you cant retain memory of past posts I dont support either party. I believe they are in a race to fuck America over as fast as they can and the first to cause a revolt is the winner!
Astral said:
very interesting definition you have there... perchance could you provide your source?
If you don't support either party, why do you care?

The prefix "neo" can denote that many of the movement's founders, originally liberals, Democrats or from socialist backgrounds, were new to conservatism, but can also refer to the comparatively recent emergence of this "new wave" of conservative thought, which coalesced in the early 1970s from a variety of intellectual roots in the decades following World War II. It also serves to distinguish the ideology from the viewpoints of "old" or traditional American conservatism.

Don't like wikipedia? Not my problem, it's simply convenient.

Since you cant retain memory of past posts I dont support either party.

I believe they are in a race to fuck America over as fast as they can and the first to cause a revolt is the winner!
Ogami said:
Astral! wrote:

Your just a fucking tard who does nothing but kiss your liberal "Gods" asses! I am done replying to your completely ignorant ass(this thread)! You hate America and Israel so much you love muslims!

I clicked through the eight pages of this thread, and I still have no idea what it's about. Never has so much been said about so little.

The internet was supposed to herald a Golden Age of free communication and openness in discussing ideas. Instead, imagine we've got entire servers filled with "You're a tard" or "You're a turd" comments. I suppose to top that, one would have to say someone is a "tarded turd!". That'll show 'em.


You apparently didnt bother reading anything then. I will admit I am guilty of skimming myself sometimes.

The primary points!

TQ and Messenger - State that life In the USA would be grand and the mussies would forget America ever existed if we had never helped or recognized Israel!

I and Gurk - State that regardless of our involvement with Israel, Mussies would come for us anyways because they fight everyone and have jidhads against anything non-muslim for that fact alone!

Which do you think? Support your reasoning if you have one!
Astral said:
TQ and Messenger - State that life In the USA would be grand and the mussies would forget America ever existed if we had never helped or recognized Israel!

I and Gurk - State that regardless of our involvement with Israel, Mussies would come for us anyways because they fight everyone and have jidhads against anything non-muslim for that fact alone!
And provide no evidence for this other than medieval examples. Perhaps they should fear Europe retaking the holy lands, eh?
SSgt_Sniper said:
Fair enough. I can safely say that the Iranians served as big time intermediaries between the rest of the muslim middle east and Afganistan back with the Russians without you arguing that, correct? Because they were one of the major (what's the word, rally points? I guess?) for muja-hadeen (somebody PM me how that's spelled, btw) troops headed into there.

"Mujahedeen" is the plural of "mujer". A "mujer" is a muslim who is engaged in his islamic obligation to go on "razzia" (raid) and fight "in the way of Islam" in "Jihad" for the propagation of the faith.
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
"Mujahedeen" is the plural of "mujer". A "mujer" is a muslim who is engaged in his islamic obligation to go on "razzia" (raid) and fight "in the way of Islam" in "Jihad" for the propagation of the faith.
That just PROVES billions of men, women, and children are ready to kill or convert us!

And blow up the world!