What's the difference between Chuckie and a Pizza?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What does the rabbi do with the foreskin after the circumcision?

He gives it to Wilson for chewing gum.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What do Wilson and ambulances have in common?

They both take it in the back and go WHOOP WHOOP!


Well-Known Member
What happens when Chuckie's ex gets an abortion?

CrimeStoppers sends her a check for $500.


Well-Known Member
What does Chuckie give his bastard kids to play with instead of Play-Doh?

Fresh dog shit.



Well-Known Member
Chuckie invented a Chap-Stick just for people like him.

It comes in a spray can!



Well-Known Member
What do you get when you cross CeeJay with a gorilla?

A dumber gorilla.


Well-Known Member
What happens if you shoot CeeJay riding a bike?

You get your bike back!


Well-Known Member
CeeJay is visiting china when he sees a couple go up to a fountain and throw in a coin.

It echos "ching chang ching".

He asks them why they did this and they said, "the echo shows your heritage!"

So CeeJay threw in a coin and the sound came back... "chim pan zee".


Well-Known Member
When God made CeeJay he said "Fuck! I burnt another one!"


Well-Known Member
What's long and hard on CeeJay?

First Grade!


Well-Known Member
If I had a dollar for every joke I ever told about CeeJay he'd try and rob me.


Well-Known Member
What do the KKK and Nike have in common?

They both make CeeJay run faster!


Well-Known Member
Given the title of this thread (CeeJay is a black jew, in case you weren't aware) where would he go?

To the back of the oven of course.


Well-Known Member
CeeJay manages to pick up a guy at a nightclub and takes him home.

The guy says "Show me it's true what they say about black men"

So CeeJay stabs him and takes his wallet.


Well-Known Member
Why did the white guy go to CeeJay's yard sale?

To get his stuff back!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What do you call a bunch of white guys sitting on a bench?




Well-Known Member
I failed my biology test today.

One of the questions was, "what is commonly found in cells"?

I guess "CeeJay Wilson" was the wrong answer.


Well-Known Member
Why doesn't CeeJay pay rent?

Jail is free :bigass:


Well-Known Member
What's the difference between CeeJay and a park bench?

A park bench can support a family.

Don't forget to tip your waiter...I'm here til Thursday.


Well-Known Member
A white guy goes into a bar and sees CeeJay bartending.

He says, "Yo cupcakeer, get me a beer"

CeeJay says, "That's very rude. How would you like it if I talked to you like that?"

The white guy says "Let's switch places and see".

So they switch places.

CeeJay says, "Yo cracka, get me a beer"

The white guy says, "We don't serve cupcakeers here".